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21. SETDA's NLI Toolkit 2003 - Executive Summary Maddox, Alabama Department of education Steven Sanchez, new mexico Department ofeducation. CCSSO) Scott Montgomery, Chief of staff Florida education http://www.setda.org/Toolkit2003/execsum/es6.htm | |
22. Gay Unions In New Mexico / But State Forces County Clerk To Stop Our staff has concluded This is far from over. We re still very happy with whathappened today. . new mexico Gov. Two Science Curriculum dev. UC Berkeley. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2004/02/21/NM.TMP |
23. Gallup-Mckinley County School Schools - District Elementary, Middle, And High Sc Total Number, Students per staff Member, State Average. which are generally availableon state Department of education Web sites. new mexico Achievement Tests. http://www.greatschools.net/cgi-bin/nm/district_profile/36/ | |
24. T3 Community News UOP staff completed migration to the new Technology and Teacher education InternationalConference. Albuquerque, new mexico Albuquerque Convention Center. http://t3.preservice.org/communicationslab/newsletters/T3News_0103.html | |
25. The Department Of Workforce Education 150 faculty, administrative/professional staff, and civil Carolina, Florida, Washington,California, and new mexico. cutting edge workforce education that will http://www.wed.siu.edu/Public/development/home.htm | |
26. ERIC/OSEP Directory Of Projects: Center For Development And Disability (CDD) Pro Project Director Osbourn, Pat. Organization University of new mexico. FamilyInvolvement. staff Development. Partnerships in education. Parent education. http://www.cec.sped.org/osep/database/detailView.html?masterID=253 |
27. Valdosta Technical College - Faculty & Staff - Directory staff Credentials. Adult Literacy Director BS.Ed., Special education, Valdosta State MoodyAFB Coordinator BS, University Studies, University of new mexico. http://www.valdostatech.org/facstf/staff.asp | |
28. EspÃrito Santo - Peace Corps Brazil of new mexico, Albuquerque Nov 63, Cachoeiro de Itapemirim School Lunch Nov 63 65, Cave Creek Colatina Araxa, MG Special education July 1974-76 staff. http://www.expcvsbrazil.com/states/es/es.htm | |
29. National Educational Technology Standards Project Director of the National staff Development Council. eeducation Institute - AnnotatedBibliograph Portfolios Teacher s Overview new mexico State University s http://cnets.iste.org/state/st_resources.html | |
30. New Events - November 2003 in crisis and disaster preparedness education by training the faculty, administrationand staff of the of Pharmacy, University of new mexico, Albuquerque, new http://www.ucsf.edu/clpharm/news_nov_2003.htm | |
31. Education Associations, Planning, And Funding National staff Development Council. Funds for Learning is an educational technologyconsulting firm by L. Jeffryes at the University of new mexico http//www http://www.ct4me.net/Associations.htm | |
32. College Faculty And Staff and Anthropology, Fordham University, new York; BA Anthropology, University of Americas,mexico, Sociocultural 2, MS Agricultural education (Rural Sociology http://www.upd.edu.ph/~cswcd/faculty_staff-headings.htm | |
33. Sponsors Healthcare, along with education, is a primary pillar of strong economic growth,and we are proud Economic Development Southern new mexico. With a staff of more http://www.mveda.com/html/body_sponsors.html | |
34. Index Of Boards And Commissions WESTERN INTERSTATE COMMISSION FOR HIGHER education; WESTERN new mexico UNIVERSITY BOARD OF and Maintained by Information Systems staff new mexico http://web.state.nm.us/GOV\BOARD.htm | |
35. Teacher Education | Faculty And Staff Directory Farmington, new mexico Mathematics Instructor. Prior new York, NY. Angel R. Stobaugh,Visiting Instructor Elementary education/Program Coordinator Elementary http://www.mscd.edu/~ted/contact/faculty_staff.shtml | |
36. UIC, Dept. Of Psychiatry Faculty/staff Web Pages. IL State Academy of Science Chair, Science, Mathematicsand Technology education Division, 19941996; member of new mexico Dept. http://www.psych.uic.edu/faculty/smalheiser.htm |
37. Programs And Tools U. of new mexico, School of Med., Albuquerque Kolody B, Faucette N. Long term effectsof a physical education curriculum and staff development program http://depts.washington.edu/obesity/page6.html | |
38. Untitled 2. Maintain staff support to the Council and expand students have the opportunityto meet health education competencies set by the new mexico Department of http://www.co.santa-fe.nm.us/departments/finance/04BUD/V0403.htm | |
39. ENMU-R Developmental Studies Staff Eastern new mexico UniversityRoswell Logo, Department of developmentalStudies staff. Division of developmental Studies. Don Burleson, dev. http://www.roswell.enmu.edu/departments/division_of_developmental_studies/staff. | |
40. REL-Partners staff in Arkansas, Louisiana, new mexico, Oklahoma, and policy analyses that producenew and useful Institute for Responsive education, Northeastern University http://www.sedl.org/rel/partners.html | |
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