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1. Shared Vision : University Of New Mexico 912 Network Admin./staff dev. Penny Pence University of new mexico ppence@unm.edu(505) 277-6959 Language Arts, Sandra Musanti Technology and education Center http://tec.unm.edu/projects/sharedvisions/sharevis/integration.htm | |
2. New Mexico Healthcare Jobs At Presbyterian Medical Services new mexico healthcare job opportunities for physicians and others in the medical field at Presbyterian Medical Services, a nonprofit corporation providing medical, dental, and human service college credits in ECE, Child dev. or Family council on Medical education and Hospital of the of new mexico with ability to obtain admitting privileges and active staff membership http://www.pms-healthierstate.org/employment.html |
3. Information On Physicians In New Mexico on the medical staff at which hospitals in new mexico. While these look up his medical education and training, hospital affiliations acg.gi.org/acgdev/patientinfo/ct_ phylocator.html http://www.physician.nstemp.info/MD_NM.htm | |
4. New Mexico Section News completed at a cost of $12 million. As the newest crime lab in the country, and largest in new. mexico, it contains the latest laboratory equipment and methodologies for forensic analysis of. criminal evidence. of. the technical staff. It also houses Fair Ted Korbin. Professional dev. Prog. - Ed Johnson Cintinuing education 5 Student Section Items 5 From the Editor ASME new mexico Section http://www.asme.org/sections/new_mexico/may02.pdf |
5. County Reporting 1251 Rural Leadership, E. Gomez. 1252 Northern new mexico Outreach Program, E. Gomez. 4015Global education, L. Shultz. 5032 Professional Improvement (staff dev.), http://www.cahe.nmsu.edu/employee/reporting/welcome.html | |
6. JCCC::Staff Prog. Dir. Prof. education. B.A., Univ of Texas/Arlington Helen Burnstad. Dir. staff Org. dev. B.A., Colorado State College M.S., University of new mexico. Ph.D., Univ http://www.jccc.net/home/catalog/fall-2003/staff | |
7. Who Uses Our Defusing Hostile Customers Workbook? Client List staff dev., SK Justice. staff/Mgmt. Sup. Teacher CertificationAlberta education.Tech. Trust Accounts, Red Deer Remand Centre. U. of new mexico, Human Resources. http://www.work911.com/clientsb.htm | |
8. BIO-TBL Information from both faculty and Al dev, 14%. Information from coaching staff,1%. Bank Street College of education. Bard College. new mexico State U (1). http://www.earlham.edu/~assess/html/majorsdept/natsciences/bio/bio-tbl.html | |
9. Art Graduates dev. 5%. Information from coaching staff, 2%. Computer (programming, systems analysis),2, 2%. education (professor, el ed, day care), 16, 22%. University of new mexico. http://www.earlham.edu/~assess/html/majorsdept/finearts/art/art-tbl.html | |
10. Extended Degree Program: Faculty & Staff VOELZ Coordinator of Distance education Technology phone HUM dev 342 Cross-CulturalHuman development. of Wisconsin-Madison; MS, new mexico State University; Ph http://www.uwgb.edu/gbextdeg/About_Us/Faculty_Staff/Faculty_Staff.html | |
12. New Mexico State University At Alamogordo Registration information, student information, programs, learning labs, library, adult basic education, events, faculty and staff. http://alamo.nmsu.edu/ | |
13. Information About Barry Sweeny, Consultant, Presenter, Trainer, Author, Grant Wr published articles on induction, mentoring, staff development, assessment Universityof new mexico, training in Induction Program at 2 education Service Centers http://www.teachermentors.com/RSOD Site/AboutBarry.html | |
14. Sipds Health, Student Nutrition, new mexico education 2000 and programs on the use of staff and financial resource to application of standardsbased education and related staff training http://sde.state.nm.us/div/sipds | |
15. Policies :: New Mexico Corrections Department 031500, Central Office staff Identification, 10/10/03. Disclaimer Webmaster. ©2004 new mexico Corrections Department Industries Drug Court education FaithBased http://corrections.state.nm.us/policies/policytrain.html | |
16. How HIV Drugs Get Approved | The New Mexico Aids Info Net The phases of research on new medications before they are approved by the FDA, and ways to use unapproved drugs. Privacy Policy. Project staff. Contact Us Internet web page http//www.fda.gov/cder/handbook/dev_rev. htm a project of the new mexico AIDS education and Training Center at http://www.aidsinfonet.org/articles.php?articleID=105 |
17. Education World ® : Curriculum: Conflict Resolution Education: Four Approaches for teachers and other staff,; regular classroom Peace education Foundation 1900 BiscayneBoulevard Miami, FL new mexico Center for Dispute Resolution 620 Roma http://www.education-world.com/a_curr/curr171.shtml | |
18. New Mexico Healthcare Jobs At Presbyterian Medical Services of the Bureau of Professional education of the medicine by the State of new Mexicowith ability to obtain admitting privileges and active staff membership at http://www.pms-inc.org/employment.html |
19. Workforce Investment Act - EASTERN AREA Membership - New Mexico Department Of La education Program Director, Mescalero Apache Tribe PO Box Assessment Coordinator,Eastern new mexico UniversityPortales Automation, Grants, RFPs, staff Training. http://www.wia.state.nm.us/WIA_Eastern_M.html | |
20. San Francisco Intermed. Visual Basic Dev. Inside Sales Reps, Internet, IT Managers, Legal staff, Marketing, Multimedia Youreducation, technical skills and certificationsnear the top of the new mexico http://www.techvibes.com/job/view.asp?jobid=4041&city=5 |
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