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New Mexico Education Parent Resources: more detail | ||||
21. Parent Resources Life beyond high school ACT parent resources education planning, careers new mexico education Assistance Foundation and new mexico Student Loan Guarantee http://manzano.aps.edu/parents/resources.shtml | |
22. New Assessment: Early Childhood Resources - Visiting Expert mexico s Statewide parent Organization (PRO parents Reaching Out Project - DOE, University of new mexico, 1983-1986 NM State Department of education, 1988-1990 http://www.newassessment.org/Public/visitingexperts/visitor.cfm?id=1&view=2 |
23. New Mexico - Jon's Homeschool Resources new mexico. from Ruthann Biel, Growing Without Schooling, and Home education Press. Christian Association of parent Educators. PO Box 25046 Albuquerque, NM 87125 http://www.midnightbeach.com/hs/NewMexico.html | |
25. Internet Theology Resources: Religious Education And Pastoral Ministry years at Calvary Baptist Church, Las Cruces, new mexico. discussion list for religious education administrators. The parent organization of Anna Marie s, the http://www.csbsju.edu/library/internet/theorled.html | |
26. Teacher Education Addressing Minority-Language Speakers http//www.byu.edu/~bilingua/ Bilingual parenting information, resource page ucalgary.ca/~dkbrown/index.html Internet resources related to new mexico on the Net http://www.uni.edu/teams/links/parent/ | |
27. New Mexico PTA - Educational Resources For New Mexico Parent Teacher Association Welcome to the new mexico educational resource page. an array of issues facing new mexico schools From school fundraising to regional parent Teacher Association http://www.ptacentral.org/new_mexico.htm | |
28. Healthier Schools Of New Mexico A collaborative project of the new mexico State Department of education and Department of Health. Site describes a nationally recognized model for coordinated school health programs and links to a range of online health education resources for schools, teachers, parents and children. http://www.healthierschools.org/ | |
29. Education Resource Organizations Directory (EROD) Consortium Equity Assistance Center parent Resource Center Regional Top Promote highquality education in the new mexico Arts Loie Fecteau, Executive Director http://bcol02.ed.gov/Programs/EROD/org_list_by_territory.cfm?territory_cd=nm |
30. NEA-New Mexico Home National education Association new mexico. About NEA-NM * Events A listing of ESP resources. School Employee Rights National education Association new mexico. Copyright (c) 2004 http://www.nea-nm.org/ | |
31. HPC@UNM The Center for High Performance Computing at UNM Research. education. Computing resources. new Account Application the University of new mexico. The Center is provides production computing resources to faculty, researchers, students http://www.arc.unm.edu/ | |
32. Family Help In New Mexico life skills training, sexuality and contraceptive education, and peer education training. new mexico Youth Challenge Academy. Teen parent Residence Las Cruces. http://www.focusas.com/NewMexico.html | |
33. New Mexico Homeschooling - A To Z Home's Cool Homeschooling Regional Resources group is cooperative, relying on parents to volunteer Sharing Homes And resources for education SHARE is a Aquinas Catholic Church in Rio Rancho, new mexico. http://homeschooling.gomilpitas.com/regional/NewMexico.htm | |
34. Parent Resource And Information Centers On The Special Education Network parent Resource Centers (PRC) and parent Information Centers (PIC) are typically sponsored by the State Dept of Ed or Local School Boards. new mexico. http://www.specialednet.com/prc.htm | |
35. Migrant Education Even Start (MEES) - Adult Education Resources This new mexico Coalition for Literacy site explores new mexicoÂs history and the genealogy of common Info for adult and career education. news from mexico. http://www.cde.state.co.us/mees/adult.htm | |
36. Links To Other State Resources - Living In New Mexico custodial and noncustodial parents by ensuring Commission for; Developmental Disabilities Planning Council, new mexico; Special education Unit Hosted by the http://www.edd.state.nm.us/links-livingnm.html | |
37. American Indian/Indigenous Education Resources had the highest percentage of Indian teachers of any high school in new mexico. In addition, he found that the students parents valued education. http://jan.ucc.nau.edu/~jar/AIER.html | |
38. New Mexico Arts - Education Resources and classroom teachers, students, parents, community organizations Links and our Arts education Lesson Plans Learning Coordinator, Santa Fe, new mexico, for her http://www.nmarts.org/ed/ed_resources.html | |
39. State/Local Resources Index Page - New Mexico and referral service, monthly chapter meetings, educational programs, parent and adult Developmental Disabilities Council new mexico DD Council; P A Inc http://www.childrenwithdisabilities.ncjrs.org/newmexico.html |
40. New Mexico Women Magazine Woman's Resources Helps develop selfesteem in parents and children Independent nonprofit organization offering support and education for people Planned Parenthood of new mexico. http://www.nmwoman.com/resources.html | |
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