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21. RRFC Network funded to assist state education agencies in the systemic improvement of education programs, practices Massachusetts, new Hampshire, new jersey, new York, Rhode http://www.dssc.org/frc/rrfc.htm | |
22. Regional Technology In Education Consortia (RTECs) help states, local educational agencies, teachers, school Regional Technology in education Consortium (MAR of Columbia, Maryland, new jersey, and Pennsylvania http://www.dssc.org/frc/TAGuide/rtec.htm | |
23. The ASEE EngineeringK-12 Center - Resources Research Program agencies. of Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, new jersey, and Pennsylvania improvement efforts in schools and other education programs http://www.engineeringk12.org/resources/agency.cfm | |
24. Lower Hudson Conference - Elmsford, NY Conference of Historical agencies Museums in Manhattan, western Connecticut and northern new jersey. programming and cultural education opportunities among http://www.lowerhudsonconference.org/ | |
25. SchoolGrants Links - Federal Agencies is an independent executive branch agency of the States Served Delaware, Maryland, new jersey, Pennsylvania, and Washington Specialty Area Urban education. http://www.schoolgrants.org/Links/fed_agencies.htm | |
26. $567.3 Million Could Be Directed To New Jersey If Funds To Invest In America Wer of hospitals and social service agencies who provide American Parity Act) could pay for in new jersey Unmet education Needs Provide full college tuition for http://www.njpp.org/pr_matchiraq.html | |
27. Consumer World: Consumer Agencies Consumers League of new jersey; ConsumerNet (collective of of Consumer Agency Administrators (NACAA); National Center for Financial education; National Charities http://www.consumerworld.org/pages/agencies.htm | |
28. Welcome To The Jewish Federation Of Central New Jersey hub for the Jewish community of Central new jersey. are looking for religious and education institutions; camp programs for the elderly; agencies for Jewish http://www.jfedcnj.org/ | |
29. New Jersey Professional Development Center For Early Care And Education  A Po Teachers in early care and education programs may A listing of agencies and institutions providing online through the new jersey Professional Development http://www.njpdc.org/position.htm | |
30. New Jersey new jersey agencies and organizations. geographersódedicated to improving and promoting geography education. new jersey Geographic Alliance http//www.eirc.org http://www.teachearth.com/states/New_Jersey.htm | |
31. New Jersey Inclusive Child Care Project Resource Guide 1999 Policy Paper new jersey Department of education, Office of Special education Programs. new jersey Government agencies with Inclusion Resources. http://www.spannj.org/njiccp_resourceguide/ | |
32. Links To Visit new jersey Association of Mental Health agencies (NJAMHA). Mothers Center of Central new jersey. Palace Home Page ASPEN (Asperger Syndrome education Network, Inc http://www.spannj.org/links_to_visit.htm |
33. New Jersey Coalition For Battered Women congregations and domestic violence agencies by garnering sex trafficking of children through education. umbrella organization serving new jersey s nonprofits http://www.njcbw.org/resources.htm | |
34. The 2000 New Jersey Citizens Guide To Government departments are Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, education, Energy, Health concern and monitor federal agencies and programs new jersey MEMBERS OF CONGRESS, 2000. http://www.lwvnj.org/guide/usgov.html | |
35. An Overview Of The Individuals With Disabilities Education Act Amendments Of 199 Requires state and local educational agencies to ensure new jersey Developmental Disabilities Council Individuals with Disabilities education Act Amendments of http://ericec.org/digests/e576.html | |
36. Welcome To New Jersey Monthly Online Magazine new jersey Association of Mental Health agencies  2329 Route 201894-3067  www.njshca.org new jersey Society for Public Health education  PO Box http://www.njmonthly.com/mrg/listings2.html | |
37. SHEEO Agencies West State Street PO Box 542 Trenton, new jersey 086250542 new Mexico Commission on Higher education (C) Letitia 1068 Cerrillos Road Santa Fe, new Mexico 87501 http://www.sheeo.org/agencies.asp | |
38. New Jersey Community Water Watch quality and to clean and revitalize waterways in urban areas of new jersey. and community groups, institutions of higher education and government agencies. http://www.njpirgstudents.org/njcww/ | |
39. New Jersey Internet Subject Guide - Newark Public Library landuse planning specifications, reports, and links to affiliated agencies. to you by the Environmental education Fund, the Fund for new jersey, and the http://www.npl.org/Pages/InternetResources/SubjectGuides/newjersey.html | |
40. Links Back to Top. State agencies. new jersey Department of education; new Mexico State Department of education; new York State education Department; http://www2.edc.org/MakingHealthAcademic/links.asp | |
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