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61. A Charter For The College Of New Jersey When the new jersey Presbyterian churches separated from the Synod of Philadelphia, Dickenson took advantage of the situation to apply for a charter for a http://www.gospelcom.net/chi/DAILYF/2003/10/daily-10-22-2003.shtml | |
62. Seventh-day Adventist Churches: New Jersey , United States List of all churches we know about in new jersey , United States Back to United States Map Textonly list of counties. Adventist http://www.sdanet.org/locator/state.cgi?country=us&state=nj |
63. Historic Churches And Graveyards In Northwest New Jersey Touring the Lackawanna Cutoff. When Trains Had Names Railroad Artifacts in new jersey Skylands. Historic churches and Graveyards in Warren County. http://www.njskylands.com/hschurchwc.htm | |
64. Northwest New Jersey Skylands Calendar Of Events June 26, July 10, August 14 Historic churches explores six historic churches $10, limited group size. Shakespeare Theatre of new jersey, 973/4085600. http://www.njskylands.com/svCOEvents.html | |
65. Churches.net churches.net new jersey. new jersey. http://churches.net/pages/New_Jersey/ | |
66. Churches.net 26) churches in Nebraska Nevada (1) churches in Nevada new Hampshire (3) churches in new Hampshire new jersey (11) new churches in new jersey new Mexico (1 http://churches.net/churches/ |
67. Christian Churches In New Jersey churches in new jersey. We ll add your city with its own Web address, the Easy Translator and all the other great features to your listing in our directory. http://www.lightlinks2000.com/church/Newjrsy/NewJrsy.htm | |
68. Churches In New Jersey GAYSCAPE.COM The Gay and Lesbian Internet, churches in new jersey. churches in new jersey. Redeemer Lutheran Church an RIC congregation http://www.gayscape.com/religiouschurchesnj.html | |
69. Historic Churches, New Jersey (History) Online Highways new jersey History Historic churches. Visit Online Highways interactive American History project. A team of http://www.ohwy.com/nj/h/histchur.htm | |
70. BooksPlus-New Jersey Counties by Cushing and Sheppard Mayann South jersey Church Records, 1750 Cape May County - new ! The Records of the Swedish Lutheran churches at Raccoon http://www.mindspring.com/~wcrews/NewJersey.html | |
71. Old And Historic Churches Of New Jersey Volume 2 Old and Historic churches of new jersey Volume 2 By Ellis L. Derry. This inspirational book allows us to travel back in time to the http://www.plexuspublishing.com/Churches.shtml | |
72. Press Release:Old And Historic Churches Of New Jersey, Volume 1 remarkable achievement, and Plexus is delighted to offer both volumes to the many readers who are interested in the history of new jersey and its churches.Â. http://www.plexuspublishing.com/press_releases/churches1.shtml | |
73. Spring Lake, New Jersey NJ: Churches St. Andrew s United Methodist Church Fourth and West Lake Drive Spring Lake, NJ 07762, 4495147. St. Catharine Roman Catholic Church http://www.springlake.org/churches/ | |
74. ChristianBest Resources - Churches & Cell Groups: USA - New Jersey new jersey Children s Bread Deliverance Church Sea Isle the communities of Central jersey including Christian with the American Baptist churches of America; http://christianbest.com/xiancus-nj.html | |
75. PCA Historical Center: PCA Congregations In New Jersey PCA Congregations in new jersey, Fairfield Presbyterian Church, Fairton, NJ. Established 1680. Est. Calvary Presbyterian Church, Allenwood, NJ, new jersey, 1952. http://www.pcanet.org/history/churches/newjersey.html | |
76. Calvary Chapel Fellowship Churches - NEW JERSEY NAVIGATION OPTIONS CALVARY HOMEPAGE FELLOWSHIP churches new jersey. Fellowship churches. Bellmawr, Calvary Chapel South jersey, Harry Pressley. http://www.calvarychapel.com/affiliates/nj.htm | |
77. PACKETONLINE News Classifieds Entertainment Business - Princeton And Central New Mr. newman commutes from western new jersey to teach is nicknamed Friends Old and new, because it Mr. newman personally selected historic churches for the http://www.zwire.com/site/myzwire.cfm?BRD=1091&dept_id=343157&newsid=11361109&PA |
78. New Jersey Bible Baptist Fellowship - Baptist Churches In NJ (by City/Town) Listing of Baptist churches in new jersey by City/Town. Absecon Mainland Baptist Church - Dean Bult - 512 S. Pitney Rd. - (609 http://www.caldwellnj.com/njbbf/churches.htm | |
79. Baptist Church Web Sites North East Solid Rock Baptist Church. Atco. new jersey. First Filipino Baptist Church. Bayonne. new jersey. Forked River Baptist Church, Lanoka Harbor, new jersey. http://bn66.com/churches/baptist_ne.html | |
80. Cyndi's List - U.S. - New Jersey - Localities RootsWeb Message Board; USGenWeb; USGenWeb Archives; Virtual newark, new jersey Cemeteries, churches, newspapers, street names, throughout the history of newark. http://www.cyndislist.com/nj-local.htm | |
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