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         New Age Religion:     more books (100)
  1. New Age Religion and Western Culture: Esotericism in the Mirror of Secular Thought (S U N Y Series in Western Esoteric Traditions) by Wouter J. Hanegraaff, 1998-02
  2. New Age and Neopagan Religions in America (Columbia Contemporary American Religion Series) by Sarah M. Pike, 2006-09-11
  3. Belief Beyond Boundaries: Wicca, Celtic Spirituality and the New Age (Religion Today-Tradition, Modernity & Change) (Religion Today-Tradition, Modernity ... Today-Tradition, Modernity & Change)
  4. The New Age Movement: Religion, Culture and Society in the Age of Postmodernity by Paul Heelas, 1996-10-28
  5. The End of Religion!?: The New Age Reformation by Joshua James, 2007-11-11
  6. Christianity and the New Age Religion: A Bridge Toward Mutual Understanding by L. David Moore, 1993-01
  7. Return of the Gods.(dangers of paganism and New Age religions): An article from: First Things: A Monthly Journal of Religion and Public Life by Hannes Stein, 1999-11-01
  8. Understanding Cults and New Age Religions by Irving Hexham, Karla Poewe, et all 1998-05
  9. The Encyclopedic Sourcebook of New Age Religions
  10. New Age Religion and Globalization (Renner, 5) by Mikael Rothstein, 2002-01-01
  11. Koreshanity, the new age religion, by J. Augustus Weimar, 1971
  12. Another Gospel: Cults, Alternative Religions, and the New Age Movement by Ruth A. Tucker, 2004-05-01
  13. Physik, Religion, New Age by Hans-Dieter Mutschler, 1990
  14. In search of truth ;: Cults, world religions and the new age movement (Spiritual discovery series) by Paul W Smith, 1997

1. Eckankar - New Age Religion
new age religion. In 1964, a "new" religion made its appearance Eckankar, The Ancient Science of a "made in America" cult religion a recent vintage eclectic movement, combining
Eckankar (ECK)
New Age Religion
In 1964, a "new" religion made its appearance Eckankar, The Ancient Science of Soul Travel (Eck). Eck was founded by Paul Twitchell, a journalist, eccentric occult dabbler, and self-proclaimed soldier of fortune. In 1964 and l965, he wrote articles and gave lectures on his peculiar philosophy of "Biolocation," or supposed out-of-body travels. He evolved the philosophy and practice of Eck out of this experience and from studying the teachings of Ruhani Satsung, Scientology , and several other religious and occult groups. Twitchell, who was born in Paducah, Kentucky sometime between 1908 and 1912, and died in 1971, asserted that Eck did not actually begin in 1964, but rather was a timeless and universal Truth which had been "revived" for public dissemination at that time.
Eck's membership is estimated at approximately 50,000, but there are supposedly about 3 million "followers" throughout the world. It was originally centered in Las Vegas, Nevada, but after Twitchell's death and the coming to power of Darwin Gross, the group moved to Menlo Park, California. Its main headquarters are currently in Minneapolis, Minnesota, but Eck also has active works in Europe, the Middle East, Asia, Australia, and Africa. Eck's authoritative books are An Introduction to Eckankar and Eckankar: The Key to Secret Worlds , both written by Twitchell. Eck also publishes a monthly publication

2. Maitreya And The Antichrist The new age religion brought to us by the Ascended Masters Benjamin Creme and aggresively promotes the new age religion. They have produced a video

The New Age Religion: brought to us by the Ascended Masters
Left to Right:
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891) - Contacted by the Master Morya in 1851. After years of contact with her spirit masters she helped to found the Theosophical Society in 1875. Published Isis Unveiled in 1877, established Lucifer , an occult magazine, in London in 1887, and then published The Secret Doctrine in 1888.
Alice Ann Bailey (1880-1949) - Contacted by the Master Koot Humi in 1895. In 1917 she became acquainted with students of Blavatsky and then joined the Theosophical Society. In 1919 the Master Djwhal Khul contacted her and asked for her assistance in taking some dictation. At first she refused out of fear, but then later accepted upon instruction from the Master Koot Humi . The Master Djwhal Khul then wrote eighteen books through Bailey over the next thirty years She founded the hugely influential Lucis Trust in 1922.
Benjamin Creme (born in 1922) - From a young age he was a student of the works of Blavatsky and Bailey, (and other occultists). First contacted by The Master (full name undisclosed) in 1959.

3. What Is New Age Religion?
The Canadian Census (1991) recorded only 1,200 people (0.005%) who identify their religion as being New Age. However, this in no
From Introduction The New Age Movement is in a class by itself. Unlike most formal religions, it has no holy text, central organization, membership, formal clergy, geographic center, dogma, creed, etc. They often use mutually exclusive definitions for some of their terms. The New Age is in fact a free-flowing spiritual movement; a network of believers and practitioners who share somewhat similar beliefs and practices. Their book publishers take the place of a central organization; seminars, conventions, books and informal groups replace of sermons and religious services. Quoting John Naisbitt (1): "In turbulent times, in times of great change, people head for the two extremes: fundamentalism and personal, spiritual experience...With no membership lists or even a coherent philosophy or dogma, it is difficult to define or measure the unorganized New Age movement. But in every major U.S. and European city, thousands who seek insight and personal growth cluster around a metaphysical bookstore, a spiritual teacher, or an education center." The New Age is definitely a heterogeneous movement of individuals; most graft some new age beliefs onto their regular religious affiliation. Recent surveys of US adults (2) indicate that many Americans hold at least some new age beliefs:

4. Answers To Tough Questions—World Religions
What does new age religion teach? The New Age movement is a broad, social, spiritual, and intellectual many unwary Westerners. new age religion often utilizes altered states of

Cults Mary, Mother Of Jesus New Age Movement ... ATTQ Homepage
What does New Age religion teach?
The New Age movement is a broad, social, spiritual, and intellectual movement based on the religious philosophy of the Far East. The people of the Far East have long been pantheistic in their understanding of reality. In other words, they believe that God is in all things, and that (in a sense) all things are divine, a part of God. This viewpoint allows people to define God in whatever manner they wish, an approach to religion that is very popular in our self-centered, individualistic culture.
One especially dangerous aspect of the New Age movement is the way it lends new meanings to traditional Christian terminology. Just as Hinduism has been able to assimilate all of the religious traditions in India, the pantheistic New Age movement is capable of deceiving many unwary Westerners.
Two of the best books on the topic are A Crash Course On The New Age by Elliot Miller and The New Age Cult by Walter Martin.

5. New Age Religion
new age religion. ( sung to the tune of Give Me That Old Time Religion) If you worship Heaven's Gate. And think Do and Ti are great. Leave your body, don't be late. The Comet's good enough for me. Give me that new age religion.
New Age Religion
(sung to the tune of Give Me That Old Time Religion)
If you worship Heaven's Gate.
And think Do and Ti are great.
Leave your body, don't be late.
The Comet's good enough for me. Give me that new age religion.
Give me that new age religion.
Give me that new age religion.
It's good enough for me.

6. Passing Thoughts - New Age Religion
new age religion. Is the New Age a religion? Like the more classical religions there would seem to be a number of beliefs associated
New Age Religion
Is the New Age a religion? Like the more classical religions there would seem to be a number of beliefs associated with 'new age thinking' reincarnation, homeopathy, astrology, tarot, palmistry, crystals, angelic beings, chakras, dowsing, ley lines, radionics, precognition, channeling, reflexology, spiritual healing, Atlantis, levitation, rebirthing. The list could go on and on. This is the creed of the New Age. You do not have to believe in all of them; but you should, if you are to be an accepted member of this growing band, not profess disbelief in too many of them. Holding on to a belief is, however, the antithesis of spiritual development. Through our beliefs we fix onto a particular perspective of reality. We filter out those facets of reality that disagree with our views of how things are, and in doing so we miss the whole. Yet has not spiritual growth always been about an awareness of the whole an expansion of consciousness? Inner awakening involves stepping back from beliefs and assumptions. It is about seeing reality as it is; not through the lens of preconceived ideas. Yet too often our need for security leads us to turn our paths of liberation into yet another belief. We turn our spiritual discoveries into doctrines and dogmas. We create another church. Time and again spiritual teachers have sought to help us break free from our prejudices and assumptions break free our belief that it is through material salvation that we will find the inner peace we seek break free from the boundaries of our ego.

7. Gimme That New Age Religion
Gimme that new age religion. Sir Jim R Wallaby (published in the Skeptic 14/2, 1994) (Sir Jim R Wallaby is President of Pseudonyms Anonymous).
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Gimme that New Age Religion
Sir Jim R Wallaby
(published in the Skeptic 14/2, 1994)
(Sir Jim R Wallaby is President of Pseudonyms Anonymous) Sometimes world changing concepts crop up in the most unexpected places. It was a letter to the editor of that fine publication New Scientist (April 22, 1994) that caused me to question all my long held prejudices about how the world actually operates. Unusually (even perhaps uniquely) for that publication, the letter was anonymous and contained this explanation "My apologies for remaining anonymous. I am a ‘professional researcher’ with a string of letters after my name. My employers would not like this letter and jobs are hard to find these days. Anon" The letter itself addressed a previously published review of a book about the theories of Rupert Sheldrake. (Sheldrake is the British scientist, whose proposed theory of Formative Causation [or Causative Formation - I’m never sure which is correct], suggests that a ‘morphic field’ exists in conjunction with all living things, which allows, among other effects, that once a task has been successfully conducted once by one individual from a given population, it thereafter becomes easier for other members of that population to do the same task, even though they have never had contact with the original experimenter.) At least that is what I take it to mean, although the Wallaby’s have never been scientific in any way.

8. Answers To Tough Questions-World Religions:New Age Movement
What does new age religion teach? new age religion often utilizes altered states of consciousness to provide the existential basis for a satanic new faith.

9. Answers To Tough Questions--World Religions
Buddhism. Cults. Islam. Judaism. Mary, Mother Of Jesus. NewAge Movement. Pagan Sacrifices. Understanding Religion. Witchcraft. What does new age religion teach?
Buddhism Cults Islam Judaism ... Witchcraft Answer To Tough Questions New Age Movement What does New Age religion teach? More RBC Resources Previous Page ATTQ Homepage 2003 RBC Ministries-Grand Rapids MI, 49555-0001

10. MDI: Articles: New Age Augustine: New Age Religion And The Augustinian Worldview
New Age Augustine new age religion and the Augustinian Worldview. MDI Articles. October 01, 1996. There are few who would argue with the fact that St.
New Age Augustine: New Age Religion and the Augustinian Worldview
MDI: Articles
October 01, 1996
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11. Prophecy Central - The New World Order And New Age Religion
THE NEW WORLD ORDER AND new age religion. A Message by Pastor Ron Graff To the Alta Loma Brethren In Christ Church April 27, 1997. Introduction new age religion.
A Message by Pastor Ron Graff
To the Alta Loma Brethren In Christ Church
April 27, 1997
Introduction Please turn in your Bibles to Revelation 17, as we look at the subject "The New World Order and New Age Religion." This will be a short course on prophecy, and a whirlwind tour of current events which may lead to the fulfillment of a future one-world government. The Biblical Scenario - Revelation 17:1-18 1A. MYSTERY BABYLON 1B. The Adulterous Woman - Revelation 17:1-6 The first part of this is about the adulterous woman- from verses one to 6. Revelation 17 "1 One of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and said to me, 'Come, I will show you the punishment of the great prostitute, who sits on many waters.'" Incidentally, if you will look down at verse 15, the waters on which the prostitute sits are peoples, multitudes, nations and languages. So, whoever this woman is, she has come control over the people all over the earth. "2 With her the kings of the earth committed adultery and the inhabitants of the earth were intoxicated with the wine of her adulteries.
"3 Then the angel carried me away in the Spirit into a desert. There I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was covered with blasphemous names and had seven heads and ten horns.

12. "New Age Religion" At The Shipyard
new age religion at PSNS. Some of the following examples seem innocuous by themselves, but taken in the context of the broad pattern
"New Age Religion" at PSNS Some of the following examples seem innocuous by themselves, but taken in the context of the broad pattern, I believe they are significant. a. "Train the Trainer" course (1) Meditation and Guided Visualization (described earlier) (2) On page 52 of Mr. Pike's text, Creative Training Techniques, under "Things to Remember", he warns, "Avoid any identification with sensitivity training, 'T' groups, psychodrama, body awareness, religious training, or any of the sales, personality, or skill courses being offered." But then he goes on to say, "Most of these programs are excellent but they have different objectives and techniques." (3) On page 63 as examples of role playing are the following exercises that promote the concepts of "self-love" and self-image reprogramming. "LIVING UP TO YOUR POTENTIAL" "Do one of the following: A. You are given access to your personnel file. In it is a glowing letter of recommendation about you written from your boss. It is the most tremendous letter you can imagine getting. Assuming this were true, write out in the space below what you would want the letter to say. B. You are in your hometown. An old friend of both you and your spouse is having lunch with you. The friend says, 'Do you have any idea how much you are loved?' and hands you a letter. It was written by your spouse to the friend extolling your virtues. Assuming this were true, write out what you would like the letter to say in the space below.

13. On The Concept Of New Age Religion
. On the concept of new age religion. The very concept of New Age beliefs, defies the organization or dogma that would make them a true religion.
On the concept of New Age Religion
Some time back, I received a letter where an individual who was doing a project on New Age Religions for Sunday School Class. I was asked for some information and thus began the following. Please note that what follows here actually expands somewhat on what I originally wrote. The perceptions are mine alone, based upon my mystical studies and understandings. There are many who will dispute what I write, which is their right to do so.
The concept of "New Age" religions is a very difficult one. Especially now in light of the recent "cult" activities that have disturbed many people. While I realize that many people use the term "New Age", to equate it to religions is somewhat incorrect. "New Age" belief systems are not religions as such, though some have tried to make them so. The very concept of New Age beliefs, defies the organization or dogma that would make them a true religion. Rather they are a composite of both new and ancient belief systems or percpetions. Sometimes though these perceptions are taken to "extremes" that are both confusing and sad.
Perhaps it would help to understand where the concept of "New Age"originates. It has its roots in the study of Astrology, which teaches that the earth and its inhabitants evolve physically and spiritually in cycles that are in harmony with or influenced by the movement of the heavenly bodies through heaven.

14. Food For New Thought -- New Age Religion
Many conservative Christians, it seems, disagreed. To their chagrin, Paul has tenure.). new age religion Modern Cult or Ancient Spirituality?
(The following article was published in the Spring 1995 issue of Towers Magazine , a publication directed primarily to alumni/ae and friends of Otterbein College. The editor said later that it generated more responses than any article ever run in that periodical, many but by no means all of them negative. Written for a general audience, it contains a gentle suggestion that there may be something in New Age Religion worth looking at, even for conservative Christians. Many conservative Christians, it seems, disagreed. To their chagrin, Paul has tenure.)
New Age Religion:
Modern Cult or Ancient Spirituality?
by Paul A. Laughlin, Ph.D.

One of the fastest growing spiritual movements in the United States today is to be found in the so-called "New Age Religion." What is perhaps most surprising about this growth is that it comes at the very time that most mainline Protestant denominations have been experiencing a gradual but steady and significant decline in membership. What is probably more predictable is the charge leveled against New Age religion by some Christians, and simply believed by many others, that it is nothing but a new-fangled, error-ridden, and dangerous "cult." The truth is, however, that New Age religion actually reflects an age-old spirituality, one that in some important respects may be compatible with Christianity!
It is difficult to measure the exact dimensions of the New Age movement in contemporary American religion, because it is intentionally unorganized and very diffuse, a mixture of diverse religious and spiritual beliefs and practices. In fact, most New Agers prefer the term "spirituality" to "religion," precisely because so far they have not shown much interest in producing lasting institutional forms, like churches. Nor do they insist jealously on exclusive allegiance and loyalty, or the rejection of alternative spiritual paths. Instead, followers and advocates of New Age spirituality tend to regard and promote it as more of a view or way of life that may be compatible with and supplementary to other more traditional religious practices.

15. New Age
1996); Wouter J. Hanegraaff, new age religion and Western Culture Esotericism in the Mirror of Secular Thought (Leiden Brill, 1996); Michael F. Brown, The
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New Age
Introduction The term New Age refers to a wave of religious enthusiasm that emerged in the 1970s and swept over the West through the 1980s only to subside at the end of the decade. As with other such enthusiastic movements, however, it did not just simply go away, but like a storm hitting a sandbar, it left behind a measurably changed situation among those elements of the religious community most centrally impacted. Thus it was that only as the New Age peaked and began to fade that studies outlining the New Age movement's place in the rapidly changing religious scene in the modern West were published. However, beginning in the 1990, a series of books on the New Age have appeared from which some overall perspective can be constructed. 3 This paper will attempt to summarize our present understanding of the New Age, its origins, its basic nature as a social movement, the significance of its appearance and demise, and the post-New Age world.

16. Ascension, Consciousness, Love, Messiah, Spirit, Angels, New Age, Religion, Love
Second Coming new age religion Prophecy I AM THE MESSIAH, this is my web SIGHT!!! I deliver the Millennium Message. As promised
"Unfasten your seatbelts
We are about to take off"
Contact Dav*d by e mail:

17. New Age Religion Und Spiritualität Gesellschaft Deutsch
Translate this page Stepping out - Es gibt zwei Wirklichkeiten Gesellschaft Religion und Spiritualität New Age. BeschreibungÃ English Deutsch Espa±ol ... New Age New Age : Ein Denkansatz ◆ der sich gegen das rationalistische Weltbild der (Natur-)Wissenschaft richtet. Er geht von der Erwartung einer kommenden "neuen Zeit" ◆ eines "neuen Menschen" ◆ einer Vergeistigung der Welt aus. Gesellschaft Religion und Spiritualit¤t New Age: Deutsch Gesellschaft Religion und Spiritualit¤t: Esoterik
Jasmuheen im Online-Lexikon

Gesellschaft Religion und Spiritualit¤t New Age.

Gesellschaft Religion und Spiritualit¤t New Age.
Magie und Lebenshilfe. Will Hilfe und Wissen f¼r alle Lebenslagen bieten und den Austausch von Erfahrungen ( Dethay ) Gedanken und Wissen erm¶glichen. Vorstellung von Ritualen.
1Sein im Zentrum des Seins

Gesellschaft Religion und Spiritualit¤t New Age. Silvia Franziska pr¤sentiert ihre Seminare ( 1Sein im Zentrum des Seins ) Einf¼hrungen und Behandlungen f¼r Lichtarbeiter, Shaumbra`s und Interessenten der neuen Energie. Universelles Leben

18. Shopping New Age Religion And Spirituality Society
Includes sections on health and well being ( New Age Lifestyle ) approaches to religion and spirituality, and helping the environment. English Deutsch Espa±ol ... Shopping Shopping : Religion and Spirituality New Age Shopping: Art
Audio and Video



Music: English Shopping Entertainment Recordings Music Specialty New Age
Alternative Health: English Shopping Health Alternative
Angels: English Shopping Antiques and Collectibles Religious and Inspirational Angels
Candles: English Shopping Home and Garden Accessories Candles
Feng Shui: English Society Religion and Spirituality Taoism Feng Shui Suppliers
Incense: English Shopping Health Alternative Aromatherapy Incense Jewelry: English Shopping Jewelry Theme Religious New Age and Metaphysical English Regional Europe United Kingdom Business and Economy Shopping: Alternative English Society Religion and Spirituality Divination: Shopping English Society Religion and Spirituality Esoteric and Occult: Shopping Winter Solstice Religion and Spirituality New Age Shopping. Offering products for conscious living and a healthier mind ( Winter Solstice ) body, and spirit, new age. Includes books, music, movies, and related gifts. Elysian New Age Shop Online

19. New Age Truths
horrid stories of the dark side of the new age religions, I m going to share one of them on page 2. A good example of new age religion is the Unity Church.
NKJ 2 Tim 2:24-26. And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient, 25. in humility correcting those who are in opposition, if God perhaps will grant them repentance, so that they may know the truth, 26. and that they may come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil, having been taken captive by him to do his will.
Jesus is speaking in NKJ John 10:1-2. "Most assuredly, I say to you, he who does not enter the sheepfold [becomes a Christian] by the door, but climbs up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber. Full context for John 10:1-2.
I'm compelled to tell the truth. Especially when I hear of any person heading down a path of destruction. If you practice New Age type beliefs you are in great danger. I care about people and must warn them of their road they've chosen that leads to dark destruction. It's like I can see them heading down a road where the bridge is washed out. If I don't speak out to try and stop them before going over the edge, how awful a person I would be.
My God is real and does many wonderful things.

20. Freemasonry & The New Age World Religion
an important part in the return of the Christ, (whom Christians would call the AntiChrist ) especially in the initiation ritual for the new age religion.
THE NEW AGE WORLD RELIGION by Dick Smith 681 Stratford Drive
As she watched the flickering candle, she felt herself becoming one with the flame. Suddenly, across the spring in the darkened cavern, she saw David surrounded by shimmering lights. Even more amazing were the vibrating auras she saw dancing around the vegetation on the shore of the underground grotto. All at once she felt herself leaving her body! She floated through the top of the cave and swept up through the clouds and on beyond the earth itself to the moon. Trailing behind her she saw a thin silver cord. On past the moon she went, and on the other side, far out in the darkness of space, she saw a nebula. She wondered if her silver cord would reach that far; and with that limiting thought, she felt herself begin traveling back down to earth and on back into her body. As I viewed Shirley MacLaine's graphic portrayal of her first occult out-of-body experience, I was truly sickened at heart. I knew millions of others were also watching that January night back in 1987 as ABC broadcast the second of a two-part mini-series based on the famous movie star's book Out on a Limb. Uncounted thousands were being suckered into the New Age by this slick recruiting effort orchestrated by the PR firm of Lucifer and Associates. A few minutes earlier, they had seen her guru, David Manning, driving his truck down a dark mountain road near Machu Picchu in the Andes. As they careened down the narrow, winding road, David's eyes had been closed and his hands off the wheel!

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