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21. Regional Technology In Education Consortia (RTECs) help states, local educational agencies, teachers, school Regional Technology in education Consortium (HPR*TEC Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, nebraska, North Dakota http://www.dssc.org/frc/TAGuide/rtec.htm | |
22. Consortium For School Networking between MidContinent Research for education and Learning (McREL), nebraska s regional education laboratory, and state agencies and schools http://www.cosn.org/members/memo030602.htm | |
23. Nebraska Center For Bioterrorism Education. Nebraska Bioterrorism Sites fire service, EMS, volunteer and other health agencies. can be directed to sraymond@unmc.edu nebraska Center for Bioterrorism education Library 984550 http://necenterforbted.org/Nebraska_BT.htm |
24. McREL: Regional Educational Laboratory - REL of Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, nebraska, North Dakota education Service agencies Initiating, Sustaining, and part of the regional educational laboratory network http://www.mcrel.org/rel/ | |
25. McREL ERC Home Page serves the states of Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, nebraska, North Dakota services to national, regional, state and local education agencies, organizations, and http://www.mcrel.org/erc/ | |
26. NebraskaSIGsummary nebraska s Local education agencies (both model buildings and others). nebraska s State Department of education especially personnel development. http://www.signetwork.org/SIG2000/Nebraska.htm | |
27. State Agencies PTA. nebraska. Department of education. Board of Regents. PTA Email sd_office@pta.org. Tennessee. PTA. Texas. education Agency. Higher education Coordinating Board. http://counselor.wiredscholar.com/counselor/content/resource_center/state_agenci |
28. Language, Speech And Hearing Contacts In State Education Agencies Speech and Hearing Contacts in State education agencies. Coordinator Speech/Language Programs nebraska Department of education Special education http://www.asha.org/about/legislation-advocacy/state/education_agencies.htm | |
29. Windfalls Of War - The Center For Public Integrity Studies at the University of nebraska at Omaha the White House and other agencies on budget and appropriations, science and technology, and education. http://www.publicintegrity.org/wow/bio.aspx?act=pro&ddlC=61 |
30. MASCOTS - List Of State Education Agencies MASCOTS List of State education agencies. These are the State agencies to contact nebraska. Web site nebraska Department of education 310 Centennial http://www.aics.org/mascot/agencies.html | |
31. TSSA (Technology Standards For School Administrators) :: View Standards the Association of education Service agencies (AESA), the educational Computing Association (NECA), nebraska State Department for Technology in education (ISTE http://cnets.iste.org/tssa/view_standards.html | |
32. American Association Of School Administrators - The School Administrator schools and districts by state education agencies, widespread use many districts to rethink their educational delivery nebraska has created an environment where http://www.aasa.org/publications/sa/2001_12/christensen_joel.htm | |
34. Nebraska State Historic Preservation Office requires that federal agencies take into account the effect of tool available to do this is public education. for nebraska Lied Main Street nebraska Lied Main http://www.nebraskahistory.org/histpres/ | |
35. Coordinator Of Nebraska Hunter Education Retires, Calls For More Funds. November nebraska currently has a very successful hunter education program, however Proactive Communication Plan Fish and wildlife agencies should implement http://www.wminteractive.org/Articles/NE11-21(3).htm | |
36. Nebraska Trails Statement To advocate for trail education, acquisition and would like to join the nebraska Trails Council State, County, City, NRD (government agencies) $50 o http://www.netrails.org/ | |
37. NECTAC: List Of Part C Lead Agencies State/Jurisdiction 1,2, Lead Agency. Alabama, Rehabilitation Services. nebraska, education and Health and Human Services(CoLead). http://www.nectac.org/partc/ptclead.asp | |
38. Consumer World: Consumer Agencies Consumer Protection; 8/2003 nebraska Attorney General; of Consumer Agency Administrators (NACAA); National Assn. Center for Financial education; National Charities http://www.consumerworld.org/pages/agencies.htm | |
39. Web Resources And Links. International Bureau Of Education links to government agencies and associations, including State Departments of education and State Higher education agencies. nebraska. Department of education. http://www.ibe.unesco.org/Links/namerica.htm | |
40. Financial Aid & Scholarship Help This is a BLACK EXCEL tip. Call or write the appropriate state agencies for information packages and assistance. nebraska Department of education PO Box http://www.blackexcel.org/fin-sch.htm | |
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