The Lincoln Public Schools Letter Circulated monthly to citizens since 1998 Lincoln, June, 2004 Dear Citizen: Board elects its annual organizational meeting on May 17, 2004, the board chose Ed Zimmer, President, and Kathy Danek, Vice President, to lead the board for the 2004-05 school year....Keith Prettyman has served as the LPS board president during the 2003-04 school year.....Lillie Larsen was elected to lead the ESU 18 board as president and Don Mayhew was chosen as the Vice President of the Educational Service Unit 18 board.... Philip H. Schoo retires as Lincoln?s 20th superintendent of schools.....second longest serving superintendent....19 of LPS? superintendents served two years or less, one only five months..... In 2001-02, the average size of public schools was: elementary school, 441; middle school, 612; and high school, 753.....source: National Center for Education Statistics..... Jim Campbell, Lincoln Northeast High School math teacher, has been selected as the 2004 Scottish Rite Teacher of the Year.....oldest outstanding teacher award in the district....honor carries with it a $1,500 award......Campbell is the 40th winner of the Scottish Rite Teacher of the Year..... Walter Ross, 1953, music teacher at the University of Virginia, who has written more than 130 musical compositions; Joe Saldana, 1963, who has been inducted into the Nebraska and National Racing Hall of Fame; Karen Stanley, 1959, curriculum specialist for social studies at LPS; | |