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61. Hot Links For American Indian Tribal Libraries Cultural Institute of the Confederated tribes of the Journal of american Indian Education Provides full native american Print Media Resources Listing of print http://www.u.arizona.edu/~ecubbins/useful.html | |
62. Specific Tribal Or Nation Resources economics of the Choctaw tribe from the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma Tribal Entities A list of federally recognized tribes within the From native american Links. http://genealogy.about.com/cs/tribes/ | |
63. Native Nations Indian nations The United States and Citizenship 1983; Map Education, Occupation, Income; native american Languages Spoken 1, 2000 US Census; Tribal Leaders List http://cobalt.lang.osaka-u.ac.jp/~krkvls/NNation.html | |
64. American Indian History Resources web site; these tribal documents are either placed online with the permission of the tribes, or they are Treaties by Nation native american Web Services http://cobalt.lang.osaka-u.ac.jp/~krkvls/history.html | |
65. Native American Indian Tribes The Cheyenne page of the Tribal Council Hall. · Coal, Water, Nation, and Land at Dick Littlebear s comments on saving native american languages. http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian/ferndale/61/tribes.htm | |
66. Cyndi's List - Native American Studies; american Indian Tribal Directory; First nations in Canada; Metis; Genealogy Pathfinder for native american Research From How Do You Join an Indian Tribe? http://www.cyndislist.com/native.htm | |
67. ESRI Conservation Program Resources: General Conservation n. US National Park Service native american Graves Protection and Repatriation . n. Yurok Tribe, CA, e98 . np. GIS Implementation in Wisconsin Winnebago Nation . http://www.conservationgis.org/links/native0.html | |
68. Indian Nations And Tribes Law: Internet Law Library Internet Law Library US State and Territorial Law Indian nations and tribes. Notice general site terms and conditions apply to this page. http://www.lawmoose.com/internetlawlib/31.htm | |
69. Delaware The Ohio tribes would call these squatters the this time had been fighting native americans for several no government (French, British, or american after 1775 http://www.tolatsga.org/dela.html | |
70. Native American as white settlement of the young nation expanded in out between US forces and many different tribes. battles include the untypical native american victory at http://www.fact-index.com/n/na/native_american.html | |
71. General Wesley Clark For President - Official Campaign Web Site Wes Clark will work with tribal governments to uphold and enforce our nation s environmental and Honoring american Indian And Alaska native Veterans And http://clark04.com/issues/nativeamericans/ | |
72. FirstGov – Government-to-Government – Governments And Native America Information Technology Products and Solutions for Indian Tribal nations; Tribal Government Home Pages. native american History and Culture, Resources from the http://www.firstgov.gov/Government/Tribal.shtml | |
73. Native American Links - Academic Info of voices from various communities, native, scholarly as well as american Indians and the Digital Divide The task force will work with tribes to develop http://www.academicinfo.net/nativeammeta.html | |
74. Native Americans - US Embassy, Budapest public about Indian and native governments, people TRIBAL INFORMATION american Indian Tribal Directory Directories of US federally recognized tribes by tribe http://www.usis.hu/indians.htm | |
75. Native American Links: The Nations apachenation.com/ contains information on tribal council, events www.ableza.org/Events.html american Indian Events from and for the native american community. http://www.sondra.net/links/na-nations.htm | |
76. Â American Indian Directories And Links native american IndianCulture, Education, Art, Science, History- Gateway Covers everything from native Maps (Alaska tribes and Alaska native http://cooday8.tripod.com/resource.htm | |
77. Justice Systems Of Indian Nations association (nonprofit corporation since 1969) of Tribal Court judges primarily devoted to the support of american Indian and Alaska native justice systems http://www.tribal-institute.org/lists/justice.htm | |
78. Indian Tribes Of Alabama Sibley (1806) on native authority gives 200 hunters in the there until the end of the Creekamerican War, when of the Mobile and the two tribes appear usually http://www.accessgenealogy.com/native/alabama/ | |
79. Indian Tribes Of Georgia about 1723 to the opening of the american Revolution, and the later capital of the Creek Nation in what was, however, taken from the tribe under consideration. http://www.accessgenealogy.com/native/georgia/ | |
80. Native American Clashes With European Settlers In 1768, the Six nations and Cherokee signed Henry Hamilton met with tribal leaders at these attacks, often perpetrating brutal assaults on native Americans. http://www.wvculture.org/history/indland.html | |
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