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41. Native Nations -- Tribes Of U.S. And Canada The Index of native american Cultural Resources on the Internet, containing OFFICIALUS native nations SITES. the Area Office which overviews the tribe you re http://www.kstrom.net/isk/tribes/tribes.htm | |
42. WWWVL: American Indians - Government Resources of Representatives Internet Law Library Indian nations and tribes US National Improving Library and Information Services for native american Peoples USDA http://www.hanksville.org/NAresources/indices/NAgov.html | |
43. Internet Public Library: Native American www.nativeculture.com/ A comprehensive portal site for native american resources on which annotated links to information about tribes and nations, Arts and http://www.ipl.org/div/subject/browse/soc40.55.00/ | |
44. Working With Native American Tribal Projects nations The Village of First nations will be of Indian Affairs Federally recognized tribes, Trust information Index of native american Resources on the Internet http://www.cyber-sierra.com/area9/p-native.html | |
45. #11-28-01: Remarks Of Attorney General John Ashcroft Native American Heritage Ev In closing, I want to applaud native american tribal governments and individual native americans for their and work with sovereign Indian nations on a http://www.usdoj.gov/otj/agremarksnativeamericanheritage.htm | |
46. Native American Nations native american nations. Within the geographic boundaries of the United States there are more than 562 Indian tribes and Alaska native groups that speak more http://www.tribal-institute.org/lists/nations.htm | |
47. Indian Links York State Indians; Indigenous nations of North Includes a list of tribes and addresses Mississippi Valley; Pocahontas; RedHeart s native american Indian Homepage; http://unr.edu/homepage/shubinsk/native.html | |
48. First Nations For Kucinich - Dennis Kucinich For President Campaign, 2004 for the welfare of our First nations. sites through strengthening the native american Graves Protection Act and greater consultation with tribes. http://www.kucinich.us/firstnations/ | |
49. SULAIR: Native American Studies Collections: Reference Works And Research Materi FIND TP (title phrase) under the series name native american Bibliography Series are also a number of other bibliographies on individual tribes or nations. http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/ssrg/native/nativepm.html | |
50. Indigenous Nations Of North America in Nation (Chilcotin) Tsimshian Nation Wet suwet en Nation. Hull, Quebec. The Virginia native american Cultural Center. PO Bucky of the Klamath tribes. Wood Owl. http://www.indians.org/welker/nations1.htm | |
51. Native American the history of the Indian nations they served and manuscript collections relating to native Americans, with strong emphasis on the Five Civilized tribes. http://www.lib.utulsa.edu/Speccoll/native_american.htm | |
52. Welcome To Justice Talking nations Within The Conflict of native american Sovereignty Date of in the ÂNew WorldÂ, americans remain divided tribes across the US have built casinos to http://www.justicetalking.org/viewprogram.asp?progID=188 |
53. Just Curious - Native Americans Includes a listing of general sites as well as Multnomah s Listing of Individual native american Tribe Sites An extensive alphabetical list of nations. http://www.suffolk.lib.ny.us/youth/jcnative.html | |
54. GUIDE TO LAW ONLINE: United States Native American Peoples Internet Law Library Indian nations and tribes (Pritchard Law Peoples (Cornell University, Legal Information Institute); native american Constitution and http://www.loc.gov/law/guide/usnative.html | |
55. Native Americans Of The Salton Basin-Colorado Delta Region River Indian tribes Colorado River nations Alliance LINKS TO Compact History Site Federally Recognized tribes native american nations Tribal Leader List http://www.sci.sdsu.edu/salton/NativeAmericansSaltonBasin.html | |
56. Native American Webquest sites they usually have a lot of different tribes and nations gathered in native Americans customs and traditions were influenced by the world around http://users.rcn.com/abisson.massed/nativeam.htm | |
57. CSU Libraries: Native Americans native Culture.com This is a comprehensive portal site for native american resources on the Web. There are sections on tribes nations, arts expression http://lib.colostate.edu/research/natam.html | |
58. Native American Tribes Bibliography African Americans and native Americans in the Creek and Augustus Bowles, Director general of the Creek Nation. The Seminole and Miccosukee tribes a critical http://dlis.dos.state.fl.us/stlib/natamer.html | |
59. Wheat Law Library Internet Law Library Indian nations and tribes http//www native american Legal Resources (University of Oklahoma Law Center) Choose from tribal home pages http://www.law.ukans.edu/library/tribal.html |
60. Tribal Index INDEX OF THE NORTH american INDIAN. This page is a gateway to information concerning approximately 80 western native american tribes, visited and photographed by Edward S. aspects of each native http://www.curtis-collection.com/tribalindex.html | |
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