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21. General Native American Links These are some of my favorite general sites on July 1996) This site deals with native american crafts, it First nations Tribal history This is an excellent site http://members.aol.com/bbbenge/Links.html | |
22. MY FIRST NATIONS PAGE Government and Law. general. History. Culture. Education and Schools. Journals. The Environment. tribes. First nations. native Americans. Links to Other Aboriginal Sites. http://www.eagle.ca/~matink/themes/FirstNations/natives.html | |
23. Native American Info "Through Indian Eyes" native american history and a LARGE variety of other native information. far, I have provided the following info pages . native american tribes/nations. Click on the Tribe/Nation projects http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/8962 | |
24. Native Americans - Internet Resources. concerning approximately 80 western native american tribes, visited and Lakota, etc); Indigenous nations Home Pages native american Home Pages Page by Lisa http://falcon.jmu.edu/~ramseyil/native.htm | |
25. Virginia's Indians, Past & Present Virginia s Fifth Grade Curriculum. general Resources. The Pocomoke. Pocomoke Indian Nation Virginia s native american tribes The Powhatans For Younger Readers http://falcon.jmu.edu/~ramseyil/vaindians.htm | |
26. Tribes And Nations tribes and nations. native americansStudent GuideGeneral Reference. tribes and nations Apache (from a Zuni word meaning "enemy") are a North american Indian people of the Southwest http://www.twingroves.district96.k12.il.us/NativeAmericans/Tribes&Nations.ht |
27. LookSmart - Directory - Native American Tribes And Nations Guides native american tribes and nations Guides Find lists of resources, maps, and links dedicated to native american nations. Directory http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317916/us147916/us237166/us528160/us2 | |
28. General Native American Links Art of Diana Stanley Washington tribes White Buffalo Wisdom Keepers Wotanging Ikche native american News World Wounded Knee Homepage Wyandot Nation of Kansas http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Canopy/4029/genam.html |
29. Native Americans: Algonquian Indians (Algonkian Tribe, Algonquians, Algonkians) the differences between distinct Indian nations, and has a book on the Algonquian tribes of New through our reading list of native american book recommendations http://www.geocities.com/bigorrin/algonquian_kids.htm | |
30. Native American Facts For Kids: Resources On Native Americans For Children And T Indians Children s Homework Help Links and resources about native Americans for kids. We try to honor all requests from Indian tribes and nations, and as http://www.native-languages.org/kids.htm | |
31. Information 1 of Tennessee * First nations Histories * The Five Civilized tribes * Florida Indian History * Genealogy of the Dakotas * Great native american Leaders * Guide http://www.fortunecity.com/millenium/po/277/info1.html | |
32. Education World ® - Lesson Planning: Exploring Native Americans Across The Curr sources of general information about native Americans. Sites that are good sources of specific information about individual tribes/nations of native Americans. http://www.education-world.com/a_lesson/lesson038.shtml | |
33. Native American Social Studies site by WWW Virtual Library about native Americans including culture tribes look to the US government for recognition as nations, the same http://www.archaeolink.com/native_americans_american_indian_general_resources.ht | |
34. The Genocide Of Native Americans: A Sociological View Article II of United nations general Assembly resolution, 1946 In Chief Smoholla of the Wanapun tribe illustrated american native reverence for http://isis.csuhayward.edu/ALSS/soc/NAN/dd/6800sj/slj.htm | |
35. Native American Hist Histories of First nations Information on and Information Comprehensive history of North american tribes. native american History Archive Includes an interface http://web.uccs.edu/~history/index/nativeam.html | |
36. Native Americans Abenaki of Mazipskwik and Related Bands tribe home page. Return to the Table of Contents. Other nations and general Websites. native american Sites - Maintained http://www.westnyacklib.org/NatAmer.htm | |
37. Native American Genealogy Mine Chieftains Trail. A Creek Indian Bibliography. Early native american tribes and Culture Areas; First nations. The Flags of the native Peoples. http://home.ptd.net/~nikki/nativeam.htm | |
38. Bill's Aboriginal Links: Canada And US Protection Repatriation Act Other US Cultural Protection Legislation HR Internet Library Indian nations tribes native american Legal Resources (U http://www.bloorstreet.com/300block/aborcan.htm | |
39. CONSULTATIONS WITH NATIVE AMERICAN INDIAN TRIBES consultation with the sovereign nations requires that structure of the tribes, including economic the federal agencies identified native american Indian tribes http://boulder.noaa.gov/updates/tribes.html | |
40. Native American Tribes Project of the Pacific Northwest, the nomadic nations of the Researcher; Big Chalk Links to tribes Excellent Starting Ask Jeeves For Kids; native american Search Engine; http://everyschool.org/u/global/rdcurry/5th_nativeam1.htm | |
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