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1. Native American Home Pages - Nations Last update April 17, 2004. Maintained by Lisa Mitten. INFORMATION ON INDIVIDUAL native nations has begun compiling good general historical cultural overviews of a couple of dozen tribes. Take a look at First http://www.nativeculture.com/lisamitten/nations.html | |
2. Native American Genealogy Links By tribes. A/B/C american Genealogy. First nations/First Peoples Issues. Fourth World Documentation Project Home Page. general native american Links (Barbara Benge) native american http://members.aol.com/bbbenge/newlinks.html | |
3. The American West - Native Americans TABLE . OF . CONTENTS. general native american Resources. native american nations Homepages This Map of american Indian tribes makes a great wall decoration for home or office I http://www.americanwest.com/pages/indians.htm | |
4. Index Of Native American Nations On The Internet WWW Virtual Library american Indians. Index of native american nations on the Internet. Frequently Asked Questions for this site. This document must be read before sending any email! Search this site general Resources. The International Personality of Indigenous Peoples by Cheyenne and Arapaho tribes of Oklahoma Forbidden 3/27 http://www.hanksville.org/NAresources/indices/NAnations.html | |
5. General Reference general References. Affairs; CanadaIndian Treaties; Home Pages of Individual native nations. to sites on the internet dealing with native american tribes. http://www.twingroves.district96.k12.il.us/NativeAmericans/GeneralRef.html | |
6. Illinois-Miami Language And The Miami Indian Tribe (Myaamia, Maumee) folklore american Indian Books Evolving list of books about native americans in general We try to honor all requests from Indian tribes and nations, and as http://www.native-languages.org/miami.htm | |
7. Native Americans general COMPREHENSIVE SITES Alphabetical Listing of First nations Histories First nations Site Index ILTweb History NA native american tribes tribes AOL http://www.teacheroz.com/Native_Americans.htm | |
8. Native American Best General Resource Sites and about native or Indigenous nations, peoples and Their listing of native american links has resource sections for tribes, organizations, education http://lone-eagles.com/na-general.htm | |
9. Department Of History Home Page Humanities general Code Talk general Resources The Sources for american Indian nations and Issues Reservations Map of native american tribes, Culture Areas http://www.etsu.edu/cas/history/natam.htm | |
10. Native American Cultures Expedition to information about 80 western native american tribes visited and Sites for specific Indian nations, some of which are not included in the general sites http://www.mononagrove.org/locations/winnequah/Native American 02.03/Nat_Am_Exp. | |
11. General Wesley Clark For President - Official Campaign Web Site Treaty obligations with tribes are seldom understood by supporting treaty agreements between nations around the reasons why the native american Times endorses http://clark04.com/story/66/ | |
12. CMN Library N.A. Links Images, native american Law, the Six nations, a list of US government sites dealing with native americans, Wisconsin tribes, art, and general concerns like http://www.menominee.edu/library/NAlinks.html | |
13. General & Post-Columbus an excellent job putting the american Indians back The information regarding the various tribes and nations 4. native nations First North americans as Seen http://www.dropbears.com/amazon/template_native-americans/type_browse/mode_4838 | |
14. Native American Links tribes. Top Bottom. general Tribe Links. ILTweb History of tribes; Missouri River Basin tribes; native american Home Pages nations; http://www.phillipsbrooks.org/students/3rd/tribes.html | |
15. Native Americans Comprehensive Links. **First nations Histories general overview of a large number of tribes. *native american nations - Listing of native american http://www.pineriver.k12.mi.us/ms/na/NA.htm | |
16. Powell's Books - Used, New, And Out Of Print Transportation general. Featured Titles in Children snative american tribes Page 5 of 6 next. New $8.95 Trade Paper add to wish list, nations of the Western http://www.powells.com/subsection/ChildrensNativeAmericanTribes.5.html | |
17. DISCOVERING FAMILY HISTORIES-Ethnic-USA-Native American-Tribes & Nations Link Genealogy with emphasis on its Choctaw branch; general Choctaw information and Day, Webmaster Ethnic-USA-native american-tribes nations Updated 13 http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~northing/ethnic/eth_usa_na_tribes.html | |
18. U.S. Geological Survey Activities Related To American Indians And Alaska Natives and Fort Peck Assiniboine and Sioux tribes. Providing the First nations perspective of the Several native Americans participated in the conference organizing http://www.usgs.gov/indian/2001report/general.html | |
19. ReferenceResources:NativeAmericans Information about all native americans, native americans, native american nations, Famous native american Leaders, Famous native american Chiefs, Important native americans native american nations. american IndiansEXTENSIVE information site about american Indian tribes 80westernnative american tribes, visited and of each native american tribe's life and http://www.kidinfo.com/American_History/Native_Americans.html | |
20. Native American Home Pages - General cases, and laws pertaining to the First nations. Searchable by author, book title, or tribe. native american Constitution and Law Digitization Project a http://www.nativeculture.com/lisamitten/general.html | |
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