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41. Native American Fiction native american literature. MAIN COLLECTION 813.01 Ea7 Earth power coming short fiction in native american literature / edited by Simon J. Ortiz. http://www.mtsu.edu/~vvesper/native.html | |
42. Native American Literature Resources At Questia - The Online native american literature Resources at Questia The Online Library of Books and Journals. native american literature. Questia. native american literature. http://www.questia.com/popularSearches/native_american_literature.jsp |
43. The Infography About Native American Literature Sources recommended by a professor whose research specialty is native american literature. Search The Infography native american literature. http://www.infography.com/content/918802719059.html | |
44. Native American Literature Syllabus native american literature. In addition, we will look at issues relevant to the study of native american literature, issues such as authenticity and orality vs. http://users.ipfw.edu/thompsoc/l364.htm | |
45. Topic Trail - Native American Literature native american literature A guide to Anchorage Municipal Libraries resources. R 810.8 JAC Dictionary of native american literature / edited by Andrew Wiget. http://lexicon.ci.anchorage.ak.us/aml2/guides/topictrails/nativelit.html | |
46. Native American Literature native american literatures. This site will provide links to various locations with information for the study of native american literature. http://www.faculty.uaf.edu/ffrdi/Native American Lit/native_american_literature. | |
47. AP Wire 01/07/2004 American Indian Literature Expanding In 1981, Hobson and others at the University of New Mexico helped publish The Remembered Earth An Anthology of Contemporary native american literature. . http://www.miami.com/mld/miamiherald/entertainment/7653853.htm |
48. Beginnings: Four First Novels Of Native America Contemporary native american literature A Selected Partially Annotated Bibliography. Wiget, Andrew ed. Handbook of native american literature. http://www.library.wwu.edu/ref/cbl/jeanne/purdy.html | |
49. Language And Lessons Of The Land In Native American Literature Language and Lessons of the Land in native american literature. Grade Day 23 Introduction to native american literature in textbook. American http://www.cdpheritage.org/educator/language.html | |
50. Native American Literature Required Texts native american literature A Brief Introduction and Anthology....... Dr. Judith Collins. Engl 450 native american literature. Course http://www.sal.ksu.edu/faculty/jcollins/Web03/native_american_literature.htm | |
51. Rogers State University - Tradition. Innovation. Excellence native american literature.......native american literature. Rogers State University. Fax (918) 3437899. E-Mail sallyemmons@rsu.edu. Course http://www.rsu.edu/faculty/semmons/native_literature.htm | |
52. KU Libraries Selected Works In Native American Literature Native American Authors. In the KU Libraries. 1978. (Blue Cloud Quarterly, 243) The Native American Sweat Lodge History and Legends. 1993. Near the Mountains. http://www2.lib.ku.edu/~biblio/humanitieslit/literature/nativeam.htm | |
53. NATIVE AMERICAN LITERATURE Contemporary native american literature a selected partially annotated bibliography / Angeline Jacobson. native american literature / Andrew Wiget. http://www.ucalgary.ca/library/subjects/NALT/nativelit.htm | |
54. Internet Resources: Native North American Literature American Indian Resources A library of native american literature, culture, education, history, issues and language http//www.lang.osakau.ac.jp/~krkvls http://www.ucalgary.ca/library/subjects/NALT/internetresources.html | |
55. Native American Literature (CULF 1318) native american literature. Cultural Foundations 1318. Professor Catherine Rainwater. Hello. Welcome to my CULF 1318 native american literature web page. http://www.stedwards.edu/hum/rainwater/CF18NALit.html | |
56. Resources For Researching Native American Literature Researching native american literature. Print Resources / Databases. Dictionary of native american literature Perk. Ref. 897 D554 http://www.lib.duke.edu/reference/natam/writers.htm | |
57. English 201- The Sioux native american literature The Sioux. http://academic.reed.edu/english/Courses/English201nal/sioux.html | |
58. English 201- The Pueblos native american literature The Pueblo. http://academic.reed.edu/english/courses/English201nal/pueblo.html | |
59. Lit 304 - American Literature And Philosophy native american literature. This section of the class discusses Native American Culture and how it was displayed throughout different pieces of literature. http://www.gmi.edu/~lit/natamer.html | |
60. AISC: Native American Literature Series Cedar Smoke on Abalone Mountain, Songs from an Outcast, and other publication in the native american literature Series. AISC Publications Home. AISC Home. http://www.books.aisc.ucla.edu/literature.html | |
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