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81. HHMI Beyond Bio 101: Seeing Students As Individuals At Fort Lewis College athy Bancroft had several reasons for studying biology and chemistry at Fort LewisCollege. Free tuition for native american students was a big incentive. http://www.hhmi.org/BeyondBio101/fortlew.htm | |
82. Bay Mills Community College Helps Native Americans Prepare For Life In Mainstrea students who looked like him. Most colleges and universities have nativeAmericanpopulations of 1 percent or less, according to AIHEC. http://www.freep.com/news/education/tribal15_20000815.htm | |
83. Welcome To The TULaw Native American Law Center native american Law Center. Aho, Si Yo, and Welcome! to the website of thenative american Law Center at the University of Tulsa College of Law. http://www.law.utulsa.edu/indianlaw | |
84. Whitney Laughlin - College Horizons College Horizons is a fiveday pre-college summer program for native american highschool students, co-sponsored by AIGC (american Indian Graduate Center). http://www.whitneylaughlin.com/horizons.html | |
85. First Person, First Peoples: Native American College Graduates Tell Their Life S Free Super Saver Shipping on books, video, videogames, DVD, DVDs, disks, VHS, magazines,First Person, First Peoples native american College Graduates Tell http://www.orientalia.org/cgi-bin/amazon_products_feed.cgi?item_id=0801484146&se |
86. College Scholarships For Native American Students, Page 3 College Scholarships. For native american Students, Page 3. CollegeScholarships for native american Students page 1 page 2 page 3 http://www.abetterchance.org/ReferralOrgs&Resources/res-coll_native_schol3.htm | |
87. National Coalition On Racism In Sports And Media On high school and college campuses native american students do not feel welcomeif the school uses as its mascot (not a clown, a mythical creature, or an http://www.aimovement.org/ncrsm/ | |
88. NAES College: About NAES Most mainstream colleges and universities have been unable to meet the needs ofnative students and seldom graduate more than l0% of the native students http://www.naes.edu/home.html | |
89. Berkeley Daily Planet With dropout rates high in native american communities, even making it through highschool is of that 30 percent, only one out of 10 end up going to college. http://www.berkeleydaily.org/article.cfm?archiveDate=04-30-04&storyID=18757 |
90. Cliff College Native American Resources As do the Society Of native american Culture at North Carolina StateU. A tribal college Fond du Lac Tribal Community College; http://macmom.com/cliff/nasulink.htm | |
91. EDUCATING NATIVE AMERICANS (2001) CRitical Issues Bibliography (CRIB) Sheet native american College Students. nativeamerican Program Initiatives at the College and University Level. http://www.nu.edu/library/native.html | |
92. Native American Advisement Office i. Recruit upperclass students to aid in the transition to college life of incomingnative american students. d. Develop native american Tutor Program. http://www.departments.dsu.edu/student_services/Objectives_03_04/Native_American | |
93. META NAME= KeyWords CONTENT= Native Americans, Indians, Tribal stories, a good book to read would be Ojibwa Heritage by Basil Johnsonor ask an elder and offer tobacco. Bay Mills Community College. http://www.bmcc.org/Bimaadzwin/Traditions/smudging.htm | |
94. Industry And Government Seek Native Americans For Tech Jobs basis by present staff, he says, with additional support from another native Americanfirm that does network management. The nearest tribal college, Si Tanka http://www.diversitycareers.com/articles/college/03-winter04spring/fod_native.ht | |
95. Workshop For Native Americans Held At Bozeman Meeting A special workshop examining advanced ceramic composites was conducted for NativeAmerican college students and their instructors during the October CFCC http://www.hsrd.ornl.gov/cfcc/n5/workshop.html | |
96. Listing Of Colleges And Universities Serving Large Numbers Of Native Americans W Listing of colleges and Universities Serving Large Numbers of NativeAmericans with Programs in the Microbiological Sciences. ALABAMA http://www.asmusa.org/edusrc/edu82.htm | |
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