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101. Native American Cultures Expedition A native americanthemed scavenger hunt for kids, with links to Internet resources. http://www.mononagrove.org/locations/winnequah/Native American 02.03/Nat_Am_Exp. | |
102. Encyclopedia Of North American Indians - - Religion Essay by a Osage theologian on the religious traditions of various native peoples. http://college.hmco.com/history/readerscomp/naind/html/na_032600_religion.htm | |
103. Native American Recipes Collection of vegetarian native american recipes. http://vegetarian.about.com/library/native/blidx.htm | |
104. NATIVE AMERICAN LITERATURE Acrhives from USC chronicling the history of indigenous literature. With links. http://www.usc.edu/isd/archives/ethnicstudies/indian_lit.html | |
105. Native American Rights Fund Providing legal representation to native american tribes and villages, organizations and individuals to help untangle the maze of laws impacting their lives. http://www.narf.org/ | |
106. Native American Directory of New Mexico. http://www.nmculture.org/cgi-bin/instview.cgi?_cat=Native American&_ext= Mus |
107. Talking Taco Music And IAGO Music In San Antonio, Texas native american, cowboy, flamenco, and texmex guitar, Celtic, and southwestern spirituality CDs and cassette tapes. http://talkingtaco.com/ | |
108. Native American Genealogy Pages of information on Cherokee, Choctaw, Lakota, Melungeon, Narragansett, and general native american Genealogy. Also with articles and links. http://hometown.aol.com/bbbenge/front.html | |
109. Native American Prophecies american Indian prophecies as told by a white psychic who claims to be inhabited by a light being named Z. http://www.crystalinks.com/native_american.html | |
110. First Nations|Issues Of Consequence Extensive collection of articles and fact sheets on native american history and individual tribes, from the perspective of the oppressed. http://www.dickshovel.com/ | |
111. Native American Home Pages Extensive categorized directory of Internet links, maintained by Lisa Mitten. http://www.nativeculture.com/lisamitten/indians.html | |
112. About The Native American Women's Health Education Resource Center Local, national, and international programs. Domestic violence, AIDS, cancer, and fetal alcohol syndrome prevention initiatives. Youth, wellness, adult learning, food pantry, environmental awareness and action services. http://www.nativeshop.org/nawherc.html | |
113. National Museum Of The American Indian New York May 15Â16, 2004 MORE National Museum of the american Indian Grand OpeningÂSeptember21, 2004 Celebrate with us! MORE native Nations Procession http://www.nmai.si.edu/ | |
114. Personal Finds Arrowhead Home Personally found Texas stone tools and arrowheads adena, perdenales, perdiz, and knives. http://personalfinds.homestead.com/index.html | |
115. Internet Public Library: Native American Authors Profiles of american Indian writers indexed by name, tribe, and book titles. From the Internet Public Library. http://www.ipl.org/div/natam/ | |
116. Eiteljorg Museum Of American Indians And Western Art Enter . Copyright © 1999 2004, Eiteljorg Museum.All Rights Reserved. Site Development by e-QualIT. http://www.eiteljorg.org/ | |
117. Native American Graphics Link for form to join and list of member sites. http://www.ringsurf.com/netring?ring=nativeamericangraphics;action=list |
118. Welcome To The Eiteljorg Museum Of American Indians And Western Art Spirited Connoisseurs The Perelman Collection of native american and WesternArt. May 1  July 11, 2004. Copyright © 1999 2004, Eiteljorg Museum. http://www.eiteljorg.org/index2.html |
119. Native American Studies, UC Davis Top/Society/Ethnicity/The_Americas/Indigenous/Native_Americans/Education/Academic_Departments http://cougar.ucdavis.edu/nas/home.html | |
120. Untitled Document native american Inuit (Eskimo). North West Coast Kwakiutl (BritishColumbia) Tlingit (Alaska) Haida (British Columbia) Tsimshian http://sorrel.humboldt.edu/~rwj1/nativ.html | |
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