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Namibia Culture Africa: more detail | |||||||
61. Travel Africa Top 10 Adventure Activites in namibia  World Class africa Pt1 Natural Wonders,Wildlife, culture Adventure  Secret Serengeti  Greater Addo http://www.travelafricamag.com/backissues.php | |
62. Summer Educational Programs In Africa - Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Mozambique, N at the traditional culture of Mali Senegal, study the new South africa, August527, 2002 (23 days, Max. 15 people); August 4-26, 2003. namibia, Mozambique http://www.isp.msu.edu/ncsa/Summer_L_S.htm | |
63. AfricaOnline.com - Africa Arts And Culture africa Arts and culture About africa Online. com. Click here if you live in Cote dÂIvoire;Click here if you live in Ghana; Click here if you live in namibia; http://www.africaonline.com/site/africa/arts.jsp |
64. CaseNet - Water, Land, And Development In Southern Africa - Namibia strategies for environmentally sustainable development in namibia. Politics, Policyand culture in Botswana, and Southern and Western africa (including South http://casenet.thomsonlearning.com/casenet/abstracts/water_land.html | |
65. Boston.com / News / World / Africa / Namibian German Culture Clings On To Africa culture Clings on to african Coast. By Alistair Thomson May 7, 2004. SWAKOPMUND,namibia (Reuters) When European explorers reached the shores of africa s http://www.boston.com/news/world/africa/articles/2004/05/07/namibian_german_cult | |
66. African Museums And Related Organisations On The Internet/Les Musées Africains Sao Tome Principe; Senegal; Seychelles; Sierra Leone; Somalia; South africa; Sudan; AldaCosta, Director of Museums, Ministry of culture, Youth and Sports namibia. http://www.icom.org/africom/africa1m.htm | |
67. SOS Children's Villages UK : Country Information On Namibia arts have long been part of the local culture. namibia s earliest musicians werethe San whose music emulated the in the townships of South africa during the http://www.soschildrensvillages.org.uk/html_uk/country_information_on_namibia.ht |
68. Adventure Travel In Botswana Kenya Malawi Namibia South Africa Tanzania Uganda Z Rift Valley from Nairobi, this is africa at its and ancient bazaars and experiencea culture rich in we experience the dramatic scenery of namibia from the http://www.mustgo.com/mg2.nsf/0/EB7E72349B748B4380256A38004D999A?OpenDocument |
69. HighIndex - Regional: Africa: Namibia: Society And Culture http://www.highindex.com/Regional/Africa/Namibia/Society_and_Culture/ | |
70. GMax - Africa: Namibia's Rainbow Project Votes For Change by civil society for an inclusive and democratic human rights culture in namibia. Windhoek,which has proved that homosexuality is indeed as African as it http://www.gmax.co.za/look/09/17-MASKnamibia.html | |
71. SearchBug Directory: Regional: Africa: Namibia Environment (44), Society and culture (36) Transportation Regional africa Regions Southern africa (268) World CIA Factbook namibia - http//www.odci.gov http://www.searchbug.com/directory.aspx/Regional/Africa/Namibia/ | |
72. H-Africa Discussion Network Welcome to Hafrica, a member of H-Net's consortium of scholarly lists. H-africa encourages discussion of africa's history, culture, and african studies generally. africanists of all disciplines are http://www.h-net.msu.edu/~africa | |
73. Namibia Travel | Lonely Planet World Guide draws travellers to one of africa s most intriguing infrastructure and diverse traditionalcultures, it is Full country name Republic of namibia Area 825,418 http://www.lonelyplanet.com/destinations/africa/namibia/ | |
74. AllAfrica.com: Home allafrica african news and information for a global audience Morocco. Mozambique. namibia. Niger. Nigeria. Rwanda. Senegal. Seychelles. Sierra Leone. Somalia. South africa. Sudan. Swaziland http://www.africanews.org/namibia | |
75. Namibia Vacation Guide: Romantic Namibia Vacations, Namibia Safaris namibia is a southern African country with a moderately developed economy.Facilities for tourism are good and generally increasing in quality. http://www.travelwizard.com/africa/Namibia_Overview.html | |
76. An Introduction To Africa and it was once the richest city in africa. attractive aspect of Mali is its culturalwealth, which is namibia namibia, with its grand coastal desert and Kaoko http://www.geographia.com/indx06.htm | |
77. Namibia Tourism .com, African Safari Travel, Africa Vacation Planning Guide CULTURAL VILLAGES. Sing, dance taste traditional africa! Experience africanculture. WILDLIFE GALLERY. Wildlife Gallery. namibia Wildlife Click here. http://www.namibiatourism.com/ | |
78. Africa: Arts & Culture: Museums, Archives And Galleries Subject http://www.clickafrique.com/Arts\Museums.asp | |
79. African Wildlife Photographs library. Travelling in africa send a free postcard from our 3kb, 3kb, Baboons - Etosha- namibia, 6kb. http://www.africaguide.com/wildlife.htm |
80. Namibia History & Namibia Culture | IExplore Among the first people to inhabit namibia were the entrusted the territory to SouthAfrica, which ruled the http://iexplore.nationalgeographic.com/dmap/Namibia/History | |
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