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1. Chinese Numbers of the Chinese number system. 0. 1. 2 uses its native Chinese character number system. The Chinese......All About Chinese Numbers. Find Chinese equivalents to English numbers. A Brief http://www.mandarintools.com/numbers.html | |
2. National Emergency Number Assn. (NENA) NENA's mission is to foster the technological advancement, availability, and implementation of a universal emergency telephone number system. http://www.nena9-1-1.org/ | |
3. Links To Information On Number Systems Babylonian Mathematics. Babylonian number system. Sumerian and Babylonian Numerals.Chinese. Mayan Numbers. Mayan number system. Roman. Decipher Roman Numeral. http://mathforum.org/alejandre/numerals.html | |
4. California Articulation Number System (CAN) Send mail to info@cansystem.org with questions or comments about thisweb site. © 2003 California Articulation number system. CAN http://www.can.csus.edu/ | |
5. Links To Information On Number Systems Links to Information on number systems Arabic, Babylonian, Chinese, Egyptian, Greek, Mayan, and Roman number systems, two to ten links in each category. Suzanne Alejandre http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://mathforum.org/alejandre/numerals.html&am |
6. Number Systems Decimal number system Base10 This number system uses TEN different symbolsto represent values. The set values used in decimal are. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 http://www.ibilce.unesp.br/courseware/datas/numbers.htm | |
7. Introduction, Bits, Bytes, BCD, ASCII, Characters, Strings, Integers And Floatin Data Structures And number systems © Copyright Brian Brown, 19842000. Allrights reserved. Binary is a number system which uses BITS to store data. http://www.ibilce.unesp.br/courseware/datas/data1.htm | |
8. Phi Number System From MathWorld Phi number system from MathWorld For every positive integer n, there is a corresponding finite sequence of distinct integers k_1, , k_m such that n=\phi^{k_1}+\dots+\phi^{k_m}, where \phi is http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://mathworld.wolfram.com/PhiNumberSystem.ht |
9. Abacus In Various Number Systems Abacus in Various number systems. Abacus Each wire corresponded toa digit in a positional number system, commonly in base 10. A http://www.cut-the-knot.org/blue/Abacus.shtml | |
10. Greek Numbers These in turn led to small differences in the number system between different statessince a major function of a number system in ancient times was to handle http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/HistTopics/Greek_numbers.html | |
11. Babylonian Numerals Certainly in terms of their number system the Babylonians inheritedideas from the Sumerians and from the Akkadians. From the number http://www-gap.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/HistTopics/Babylonian_numerals.html | |
12. Number Systems number systems. by Dr Jeffrey J. Gosper, Brunel University. Lets look in detail ata decimal number system and recall the rules associated with this system. http://www.brunel.ac.uk/~castjjg/hndcfund/material/numbers/binary.htm | |
13. BBC - KS2 Revisewise - Number Maths Factsheet Test Worksheet, Number The number system. If you cannot see theFlash Movie playing then you may not have the flash player installed. http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/revisewise/maths/number/01_act.shtml | |
14. Residue Number System Based Multiple Code DS-CDMA Schemes Residue number system Based Multiple Code DSCDMA Schemes A novel multi-code direct-sequence code division multiple-access (DS-CDMA) system based on the so-called residue number system (RNS) or http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://citebase.eprints.org/cgi-bin/citations?i |
15. Center For Archaeoastronomy: A&E News Archive Jose Barrios Garca describes some of the findings of his doctoral dissertation on the mathematical and astronomical practices of 14th and 15th-century Guanches and Canarians. http://www.wam.umd.edu/~tlaloc/archastro/ae26.html | |
16. Number Systems Of The World their language. The irregularity of the English number system makesit harder for children to count numbers properly. English words http://www.sf.airnet.ne.jp/~ts/language/number.html | |
17. The Number System Of Ganda A Playground of Thoughts number systems of the World The NumberSystem of Ganda The number system of Ganda. This page is based http://www.sf.airnet.ne.jp/~ts/language/number/ganda.html | |
18. Hexadecimal Number System Go to Home Page Erik Østergaard Hexadecimal number system. Return Bottom ofThis Page. Hexadecimal number system. The Hexadecimal Number Base System. http://www.danbbs.dk/~erikoest/hex.htm | |
19. Octal Number System Go to Home Page Erik Østergaard Octal number system. Return Bottomof This Page. Octal number system. The Octal Number Base System. http://www.danbbs.dk/~erikoest/octal.htm | |
20. Number Systems - Mathematics And The Liberal Arts Mathematics Teacher 74 (1967), 76268. A discussion of the base 20 Mayan numbersystem. A $2\sp{n}$number system in the arithmetic of prehistoric cultures. http://math.truman.edu/~thammond/history/NumberSystems.html | |
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