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Geometry: more books (100) | ||||||||||||||||
1. Geometry In Action Includes collections from various areas in which ideas from discrete and computational geometry meet real world applications. http://www.ics.uci.edu/~eppstein/geom.html | |
2. Coolmath4kids - Geometry Fun math related puzzles and problems! Cool geometry stuff! Great for kids, big kids and really big kids! Teachers too! One of my favorites things about geometry is that it's like doing art with http://www.coolmath4kids.com/geometrystuff.html | |
3. ThinkQuest : Library : Interactive Mathematics Online geometry. Euclid have you stumped? Archimedes run rings around your head find almost everything you'll ever need to know about geometry. We have a special page on constructions http://library.thinkquest.org/2647/geometry/geometry.htm | |
4. The Geometry Junkyard clippings, web pointers, lecture notes, research excerpts, papers, abstracts, programs, problems, and other stuff related to discrete and computational geometry http://www.ics.uci.edu/~eppstein/junkyard/ | |
5. Sacred Geometry Home Page Sacred geometry is an ancient art and science which reveals the nature of our relationship to the cosmos. Its study unfolds the principle of oneness underlying all creation in its myriad expression, and leads us inevitably to the perspective of interconnectedness, inseparability and union. http://www.intent.com/sg/ | |
6. Geometry Facts about geometry illustrated by using online interactive lessons, exercises, practice and games for grades K8 These pages teach geometry facts covered in K8 math courses. Each page has an explanation, interactive practice and challenge games about geometry. geometry Facts and Calculations http://www.aaamath.com/geo.html | |
7. Geometry Basic geometry terms and help. Brought to you by Math League Multimedia. geometry. Basic terms. Angles and angle terms http://www.mathleague.com/help/geometry/geometry.htm | |
8. Geometry And Topology A fully refereed international journal dealing with all aspects of geometry and topology and their http://www.maths.warwick.ac.uk/gt/ |
9. Mathematics Archives - Topics In Mathematics - Geometry Topics in Mathematics. geometry. Alice Meets the 4th Dimension. ADD. KEYWORDS Four Dimensional Cube. AMS's Materials Organized by Mathematical Subject Classification. ADD. KEYWORDS Electronic Journals, Preprints, Web Sites, Databases Examples, Animations, 3D geometry, Loci, Conics, Hyperbolic geometry. SOURCE Cabri http://archives.math.utk.edu/topics/geometry.html | |
10. E-zgeometry.com For high school teachers and students. Products include an interactive textbook, class video clips, projects, glossary, and resource links. http://www.e-zgeometry.com/ | |
11. A Gallery Of Interactive On-Line Geometry Gallery of Interactive geometry In order to enjoy this exhibit, you will need a Web browser theorem in terms of projective geometry includes an interactive application that lets http://www.geom.umn.edu/apps/gallery.html | |
12. Math Forum - Geometry Problem Of The Week A weekly interactive project for geometry on the Internet. Challenging problems are posted and solutions appear on the Web. Next geometry PoWWow May 23. http://mathforum.org/geopow/ | |
13. Course Information Lecture notes by Alain Connes. http://www.math.ohio-state.edu/connes/Connes_course.html | |
14. Math Forum - Geometry Problem Of The Week A weekly interactive project for geometry on the Internet. Challenging problems are posted and solutions appear on the Web. Mentor Matching. Pricing Guide. Next geometry PoWWow May 23 http://mathforum.com/geopow | |
15. The Geometry Center Welcome Page Note The geometry Center is now closed. Read about the details here. WebEQ Do not miss it! About the geometry Center geometry Center Web Resources http://www.geom.uiuc.edu/ | |
16. Directory Of Computational Geometry Software Up geometry Center Downloadable Software Directory of Computational geometry Software. Up geometry Center Downloadable Software http://www.geom.uiuc.edu/software/cglist/ | |
17. Books By Jean-Pierre Demailly Book by JeanPierre Demailly in PostScript. http://www-fourier.ujf-grenoble.fr/~demailly/books.html | |
18. The Geometry Junkyard The geometry Junkyard Site is filled with all geometryrelated links. Some of the linked sites are scholarly, some are more whimsical. Very comprehensive coverage. Users can browse concepts http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.ics.uci.edu/~eppstein/junkyard/& |
19. [physics/9709045] An Introduction To Noncommutative Geometry A set of lecture notes by Joseph C. Varilly on noncommutative geometry and its applications in physics. http://arxiv.org/abs/physics/9709045 | |
20. ThinkQuest : Library : Introduction To Geometry Introduction to geometry. Welcome to the Introduction to geometry! This site includes 4 Lessons, each divided into separate sections http://library.thinkquest.org/2609/ | |
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