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101. Transferring You To The Math Resource Pages A mathematics reference collection of K through 14 math tables, facts, definitions, formulas and explanations from general math through college calculus. http://www.hoxie.org/math/title.htm | |
102. Technology Based Problems Welcome to the Complex, Technology Based Problems in calculus Home Page. What we re all about We offer complex, technologybased http://www.rose-hulman.edu/Class/CalculusProbs/ | |
103. On The Pi-Calculus And Linear Logic - Bellin, Scott (ResearchIndex) (CiteSeer) Article by Bellin and Scott showing how classical linear logic may be interpreted in the pi calculus, thus supporting Abramksy's `Proofs as Processes' thesis. http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/bellin92calculus.html | |
104. The Yacas Computer Algebra System Acronym for Yet Another Computer Algebra System, an opensource software package. Supports arbitrary precision arithmetic, matrices, and differential and integral calculus. http://www.xs4all.nl/~apinkus/yacas.html | |
105. Foreword next up previous contents index Next These Notes Up Advanced calculus and Analysis Previous Advanced calculus and Analysis Contents Index Foreword. http://www.maths.abdn.ac.uk/~igc/tch/ma2001/notes/node1.html | |
106. UBC Calculus Online Homepage The UBC calculus Online Homepage. Welcome to UBC calculus Online. This site is an online supplement to Math 100, Sections 103, 104 http://www.ugrad.math.ubc.ca/coursedoc/math100/ | |
107. UBC Calculus Online The UBC calculus Online Homepage. Welcome to UBC calculus Online. This site is an online supplement to Math 101 being taught within http://www.ugrad.math.ubc.ca/coursedoc/math101/ | |
108. FREE Mathematics How-to Library - Math Homework Help Math Tutor Software Offers help with algebra, geometry, calculus, fractions, functions, gradient, money and trigonometry problems. Includes worked examples and download files. http://www.teacherschoice.com.au/mathematics_how-to_library.htm | |
109. Lambda Calculus - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Lambda calculus. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The lambda calculus is be valid. Arithmetic in lambda calculus. There are http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lambda_calculus | |
110. Luke Ong Merton College, Oxford Categorical logic, game semantics, type theory, lambda calculus, semantics of programming languages, and sequentiality. http://web.comlab.ox.ac.uk/oucl/people/luke.ong.html | |
111. Calculus - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia calculus. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. calculus is a branch of mathematics, developed from algebra and geometry. calculus http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calculus | |
112. Lee Lady: Topics In Calculus A set of downloadable lectures. http://www.math.hawaii.edu/~lee/calculus/#Series-Sol | |
113. Java At Xanadu Dale Greer s Bouncy Balls. calculus. Applets for experimenting with graphs of functions, and notions like limits, tangents, derivatives, arc length, and area. http://xanadu.math.utah.edu/java/ | |
114. The Calculus Of Structures - Modal Logics Several normal propositional modal logics are systematically presented in the calculus of structures and cut elimination is proved. By Alessio Guglielmi. http://alessio.guglielmi.name/res/cos/ML/ | |
115. Dr. Vogel's Gallery Of Calculus Pathologies next Next Introduction. Dr. Vogel s Gallery of calculus Pathologies. Introduction; First semester calculus A function which is continuous at only one point. http://www.math.tamu.edu/~tom.vogel/gallery/gallery.html | |
116. Calculus Tutorial - Harvey Mudd College Mathematics Department Tutorials covering precalculus, calculus, multivariable calculus, linear algebra and differential equations. http://www.math.hmc.edu/calculus/ | |
117. School Principals Guide To Student Math Improvement A free tutorial that explains difficult algebra, trigonometry and calculus concepts to beginning middle/high school students in a simplified way that they can understand and use. http://members.tripod.com/learnmath/ | |
118. `The Calculus Of Logic' By George Boole `The calculus of Logic by George Boole. The calculus of Logic by George Boole, first published in The Cambridge and Dublin Mathematical Journal , vol. http://www.maths.tcd.ie/pub/HistMath/People/Boole/CalcLogic/ | |
119. A Non Functional Calculus: Linear Logic And Concurrency (ResearchIndex) (CiteSeer) This paper proposes the *calculus as an approach that unifies Abramsky's proofs-as-processes approach with Boudol and Berry's Chemical Abstract Machine approach. http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/313007.html | |
120. The Calculus Of Logic The calculus of Logic. George Boole. Cambridge and Dublin Mathematical Journal Vol. III (1848), pp. 18398. Laws of Syllogism deduced from the Elective calculus. http://www.maths.tcd.ie/pub/HistMath/People/Boole/CalcLogic/CalcLogic.html | |
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