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21. Arithmetic Over 200 pages of free online interactive arithmetic lessons, problems and games for grades K8 Education News Math. arithmetic. This Site Contains All Rights Reserved.Legal notice. Original arithmetic TopicsOriginal Table of Contents http://members.aol.com/iongoal/mathlessons.htm | |
22. Compression Via Arithmetic Coding In Java Unrestricted opensource Java implementation of the PPM (prediction by partial matching) algorithm for text and data compression by Bob Carpenter. Builds with ant. http://www.colloquial.com/ArithmeticCoding/ | |
23. Modular Arithmetic Modular arithmetic. Modular (often also Modulo) arithmetic is an unusually versatile tool discovered by KF.Gauss (17771855) in 1801. http://www.cut-the-knot.org/blue/Modulo.shtml | |
24. Large Primes In Arithmetic Progression Join the search for an example of 6 titanic primes in arithmetic progression. http://ksc9.th.com/warut/ap/ | |
25. FREE ARITHMETIC WORKSHEETS FROM S&S SOFTWARE Print out free math worksheets with answer keys to practice solving 52 levels of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems. http://www.sssoftware.com/freeworksheets/index.html | |
26. The Arithmetic Coding Page By Alistair Moffat. http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~alistair/arith_coder/ | |
27. Complete 20 Volume Set - Ray's Arithmetic Complete KCalc homeschool math curriculum on CD-ROM. From the 19th Century. http://www.raysarithmetic.com | |
28. Piguy 's Math Javascripts Page This page has dozens of math calculators, making all sorts of math, from algebra to arithmetic to geometry, easier. Also, 50,000 decimals of pi and a logarithm table. http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Hall/1216/ | |
29. Math Forum: Arithmetic The best Internet resources for arithmetic classroom materials, software, Internet projects, and public forums for discussion. arithmetic. arithmetic. http://mathforum.org/arithmetic/arithmetic.html | |
30. Sugihara's Integer-Arithmetic Geometric Software Geometric Software  (by Kokichi Sugihara) for Voronoi diagrams in 2D and 3D, and convex hulls in 3D and 4D. http://www.simplex.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~sugihara/opensoft/opensofte.html | |
31. Arithmetic Lesson Plans arithmetic Lesson Plans. From North Carolina Department of Public Instruction; Grade 1 Whole Numbers. Grade 1 Classification. Grade 1 Measurement. Grade 1 Computation with Whole Numbers. Grade 2 http://mathforum.com/sum95/math.forum/arithmetic.html | |
32. Math Forum: Arithmetic Lesson Plans arithmetic Lesson Plans. Back to arithmetic Classroom Materials. Lesson Plans arithmetic. This list contains some of the best sites http://mathforum.org/arithmetic/arith.units.html | |
33. MathSource Has Moved A Mathematica package by Stany De Smedt. http://www.mathsource.com/Content/Applications/Mathematics/0208-392 | |
34. Arithmetic Mean From MathWorld arithmetic Mean from MathWorld For a continuous distribution function, the arithmetic mean of the population, denoted \mu, \bar x, \left\langle{x}\right\rangle{}, or A(x), is given by \mu = \ http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://mathworld.wolfram.com/ArithmeticMean.htm |
35. Algfront A personal view of algebra and its relationship to economics. http://members.fortunecity.com/jonhays/algfront.htm | |
36. Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry A European network of 12 working groups from 6 countries. http://www.maths.univ-rennes1.fr/arithgeom/ | |
37. Activities For Math Help : Arithmetic, Algebra, Word Problems Interactive activities and quizzes on topics such as basic arithmetic, algebra, and trigonometry. Also includes brain teasers and puzzles. http://www.syvum.com/math/ | |
38. Vector Arithmetic Applet Vector arithmetic Java Visualization. If your browser recognized the applet tag, you would see an applet here. Instruction Distribution archive http://www.pa.uky.edu/~phy211/VecArith/ | |
39. The Yacas Computer Algebra System Acronym for Yet Another Computer Algebra System, an opensource software package. Supports arbitrary precision arithmetic, matrices, and differential and integral calculus. http://www.xs4all.nl/~apinkus/yacas.html | |
40. Arithmetic Problems And Kids Math Help Practice Exercises Level I Games and activities to help kids learn skills such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and place value. Offers a different set of problems each time the page is loaded. http://www.syvum.com/math/arithmetic/level1.html | |
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