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101. Moldova, Peace Corps, And Moldova Village Life A general description of moldova as seen through the eyes of an American. http://www.ournet.md/~tstevens/moldova.html | |
102. MOLDOVA.COM - Free E-Mail, Moldova Flowers Delivery A directory page with links to useful sites and free email. http://www.moldova.com | |
103. IFES-Moldova Fundaà £ia Internaà £ionalàpentru Sisteme Electorale (IFES) oferàasistenà £Ã tehnicà®n alegeri à Âi educaà £ie civicàà Âi electoralà®n moldova dinn ianuarie 1994 cu sprijinul financiar al Agenà £iei Statelor Unite pentru Dezvoltare Internaà £ionalà(USAID). http://www.ifes.md/ro/ | |
104. Moldova Flags Geographic.org; Portugese Flag; Flag Of Moldova Images in several sizes. http://www.geographic.org/flags/moldova_flags.html | |
105. Miscarea Ecologista Din Moldova A voluntary, nonprofit, non-governmental and an apolitical environmental organization. Its mission is to restore the natural balance between the Moldovan environment and population through the conservation of natural resources and the preservation of important ecological sites and monuments. http://www.iatp.md/emm/ | |
106. Portal Teatral Din Republica Moldova Siteul conà £ine o listàa teatrelor din republicàà Âi ultimile noutÃÂà £i teatrale. http://www.teatre.art.md/ | |
107. Associazione Italiani In Moldova Organizzazione no profit che rappresenta gli italiani residenti nella Repubblica di moldova. Offre indicazioni utili per muoversi nello stato. http://www.aim.moldline.net/ | |
108. Moldova - Film Studio The company produces Feature films, Documentary films, Advertising films, Animated cartoon films. http://www.moldovafilm.net.md/ | |
109. Moldova Azi daily news from major Moldovan news agencies in English, Romanian and Russian languages. http://news.ournet.md | |
110. OMS: República De Moldova EstadÂsticas sobre la salud en el paÂs. Indicadores b¡sicos, leyes, recursos, emergencias e incidencias de enfermedades. http://www.who.int/country/mda/es | |
111. AccuWeather.com 5day weather forecasts, maps, radar and satellite images for towns and cities around moldova. http://www.accuweather.com/adcbin/intlocal_index?reg=EU;EUROPE&cntry=EU;LD |
112. National Bank Of Moldova Summary of the workings of the domestic debt market. http://www.bnm.org/english/index_en.html | |
113. Uefa.com - Football Europe - Countries & Clubs - Moldova News, fixtures, results, and standings for European competitions and league clubs. http://www.uefa.com/FootballCentral/Directory/Country=MOL/Association=57160/inde | |
114. MiÃ
Âcarea EcologistàDin Moldova Reprezintào uniune benevolÃÂ, neguvernamentalÃÂ, nonprofit, creatàpe principiul liberei asocieri a cetÃÂà £enilor Republicii moldova à Âi a organizaà £iilor obà Âtesti al cÃÂror obiectiv major este restabilirea armoniei triadei NATURAOM-SOCIETATE. http://www.iatp.md/emm/r1.htm |
115. Geografie - Moldova Informaà £ii istorice, culturale, turistice à Âi geografice. http://www.ici.ro/romania/geografie/moldova.html |
116. Parlamentul Republicii Moldova Site oficial al instituà £iei legislative din aceastÃ à £arÃÂ. Prezintàà Âtiri utile, sondaje à Âi comunicate de presÃÂ. http://www.parlament.md/ | |
117. Universitatea LiberÃÂ InternaÃ
£ionalàDin Moldova Informaà £ii generale, departamente, activitÃÂà £i à Âi alte informaà £ii. http://ulim.moldnet.md/ |
118. SITE EN CONSTRUCTION ! Actualit©s, nouvelles et liens par le Centre d'acc¨ss  l'information de Chisinau de l'agence universitaire de la Francophonie moldave. http://www.md.auf-francophonie.org/ | |
119. Bine Ati Venit Organizaà £ie neguvernamentalÃÂ, apoliticàà Âi nonprofit ce lucreazà®n domeniul protecà £iei mediului. Scopul major este restabilirea bilanà £ului dintre naturàà Âi om. http://www.chbemm.ngo.md/ | |
120. Moldova Top Un top al celor mai vizitate siteuri din Republica moldova. Topul este ®n limba Rusàà Âi Rom¢nÃÂ. http://www.top.moldova.md/ | |
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