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81. Olympics 2000 -- Modern Pentathlon News, photos, results, rules, venues, athletes, history, and medals. http://cbs.sportsline.com/u/olympics/2000/pentathlon/ | |
82. Olympic Preview: Modern Pentathlon The events will take place at the olympic modern pentathlon Centre in the Goudiolympic Complex with the men competing on Aug. 26 and women on Aug. 27. http://www.infoplease.com/spot/ol-pentathlon.html | |
83. Modern Pentathlon  News Reports, Sydney Results, Ancient Origins, Olympic Hist Until now the olympic preserve of men, pentathlon opens to women in Sydney The drugs,though banned by the International modern pentathlon Union, were not on http://www.times-olympics.co.uk/communities/pentathlon/pentathlonancient.html | |
84. Washingtonpost.com Swimming the Flying Gull to the modern butterfly . olympic history Learn how swimming becamean olympic http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/sports/olympics/longterm/swimming/front.htm | |
85. MSN Encarta - Search Results - Pentathlon HickokSports.com modern pentathlon Take a look at a see a list of the event s Olympicmedal-winners http//www.hickoksports.com/history/modpent.shtml olchamps. http://encarta.msn.com/Pentathlon.html | |
86. MSN Encarta - Search Results - Olympic Games (modern) 6. 1960 olympic Games modern pentathlon.*. Archive ArticleÂEncartaEncyclopedia. 8. 1956 olympic Games modern pentathlon.*. http://encarta.msn.com/Olympic_Games_(modern).html | |
87. :: Ez2Find :: Modern Pentathlon pentathlon Site Info - Translate - Open New Window Features a short historyof modern pentathlon, with a list of all olympic champions in the sport. http://ez2find.com/cgi-bin/directory/meta/search.pl/Sports/Multi-Sports/Modern_P | |
88. :: Ez2Find :: Modern Pentathlon Sports modern pentathlon Site Info - Translate - Open New Window Historyof modern pentathlon and results of Australian pentathletes in olympic Games. http://ez2find.com/cgi-bin/directory/meta/search.pl/Sports/Events/Olympics/Moder | |
89. INTERNATIONAL BIATHLON UNION events and milestones in the history of Biathlon a demonstration sport in the firstOlympic Winter Games AUS UIPM recognizes both modern pentathlon and Biathlon http://www.ibu.at/biathlon/history.html | |
90. »»Reviews For Modern Pentathlon«« Jennings with professional interest, because I am a teacher of the olympic Historyin the Related Subjects olympics More Pages modern pentathlon Page 1 http://www.booksunderreview.com/Sports/Events/Olympics/Modern_Pentathlon/ | |
91. Multi-Sports: Modern Pentathlon Features a short history of modern pentathlon, with a list of all Olympicchampions in the sport. International modern pentathlon Union (UIPM). http://www.puredirectory.com/Sports/Multi-Sports/Modern-Pentathlon/ | |
92. EdGate Summer Games 2004 for more information and the olympic venues the national level jump between USApentathlon and the up an overview of the modern pentathlon and explanations http://www2.edgate.com/summergames/spotlight_sport/pentathlon.php | |
93. Information Headquarters: Modern Pentathlon The sport is governed by the Union Internationale de pentathlon moderne (UIPM),the International modern pentathlon Union. olympic Champions Individual Men http://www.informationheadquarters.com/Sports/Modern_pentathlon.shtml | |
94. CBS News | Olympics Delays Sports' Elimination | November 29, 2002Â 20:39:05 The head of the modern pentathlon federation, Klaus for the 1912 games by modern Olympicfounder Pierre the venues, brush up on Olympics history and experience http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2002/11/29/world/main531254.shtml | |
95. SearchBug Directory: Sports: Events: Olympics Skating (2) Gymnastics (24), Ice Hockey (1) Judo (2) modern pentathlon (4) National OlympicTruce http//www.olympictruce.org/ Describes the history of the http://www.searchbug.com/directory.aspx/Sports/Events/Olympics/ | |
96. WebGuest Directory - Sports : Events : Olympics : Modern Pentathlon modern pentathlon. Sites ABC Online News Sports modern pentathlon Historyof modern pentathlon and results of Australian pentathletes in olympic Games. http://directory.webguest.com/Sports/Events/Olympics/Modern_Pentathlon | |
97. Modern Start At 1 http//www.modcom.org/; ABC Online News Sports modern pentathlon - Historyof modern pentathlon and results of Australian pentathletes in olympic Games. http://www.nebulasearch.com/directory/search/Modern.html | |
98. Modern Pentathlon  News Reports, Sydney Results, Ancient Origins, Olympic Hist time for a sport at which she was still a novice, Cook succeeded where BritainÂsmen had failed since modern pentathlon was admitted into the Olympics in 1912 http://www.times-olympics.co.uk/communities/pentathlon/pentathlonreport4.html | |
99. Summer Olympics 2000 Olympic History -- Table Tennis olympic history Table tennis Men s singles olympics, Medal, Athlete,Country. Atlanta 96, Gold Silver Bronze, Liu Guoliang Wang Tao http://espn.go.com/oly/summer00/tabletennis/s/almanac.html | |
100. INTERNATIONAL OLYMPIC COMMITTEE - SPORTS Have a closer look at these sports and discover others that have become a partof olympic history. Learn more, Results from 35 olympic Sports. WINTER SPORTS http://www.olympic.org/uk/sports/index_uk.asp | |
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