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1. HickokSports.com - History - Modern Pentathlon Features a short history of modern pentathlon, with a list of all olympic champions in the sport. http://www.hickoksports.com/history/modpent.shtml | |
2. U.S. Olympic Team For Modern Pentathlon Bios courtesy of the United States modern pentathlon Association. Women. Emily Ann deRiel Mary Beth Iagorashvili. Men. Velizar Iliev. Chad Senior. Emily Ann deRiel an unprecedented feet in US pentathlon history. His individual competition http://usmpa.home.texas.net/usteam2k.htm | |
3. Directory - Sports Multi-Sports Modern Pentathlon A large search index with universal search features for greater coverage into the invisible web. HickokSports.com history modern pentathlon ·. cached ·. Features a short history of modern pentathlon, with a list of all olympic champions in http://www.incywincy.com/default?p=479679 |
4. ABC Online News - Sports: Modern Pentathlon history of modern pentathlon and results of Australian pentathletes in olympic Games. http://www.abc.net.au/news/olympics/sports/pentathlon.htm | |
5. Union Internatonale De Pentathlon Moderne Beijing World Cup Final Results. Complete List of all 36 Athletes that have earned Qualification Positions for 2004 olympic Games. Two men and two women qualified to compete in the 2004 olympic Games. What is modern pentathlon? history of modern pentathlon. UIPM Newsletter / Press http://www.pentathlon.org/ |
6. HickokSports.com - History - Modern Pentathlon Medalists This document lists all olympic modern pentathlon medalists. It is a page inthe history section of HickokSports.com, the largest collection of sports http://www.hickoksports.com/history/olmodpent.shtml | |
7. Olympic History: Modern Pentathlon - Netcenter Sports Channel olympic history modern pentathlon. pentathlon dates back to the ancient Games of 708 B.C modern" pentathlon was first introduced at the Stockholm Games in 1912 http://ww3.sportsline.com/ns/ce/feature/0,1511,2177072,00.html | |
8. Pentathlon Simon Hart on two doctors with differing opinions on the value of an olympic eventsteeped in history (The Sunday Telegraph). modern pentathlon Cook has the http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/sports/A0838202.html | |
9. Modern Pentathlon Guide to this olympic sport features its history, disciplines, competitions, scoring, and calendar of modern pentathlon events. http://www.modern-pentathlon.com/ | |
10. SPORTS FACTS - Modern Pentathlon - Olympic Medallists The No1 site for Sports history Tony Hinchliffe's Sports Facts. history. modern pentathlon. olympic Medallists. HOME. DIARY. history. LINKS. Message Board. modern. pentathlon http://sportsfacts.net/history/modern_pentathlon/modern_pentathlon_olympic_medal | |
11. I-une.com: Multi-Sports > Modern Pentathlon HickokSports.com history modern pentathlon. Features a short history of modern pentathlon, with a list of all olympic champions in http://directory.i-une.com/Sports/Multi-Sports/Modern_Pentathlon | |
12. Summer Olympics 2000 Olympic History -- Modern Pentathlon olympic history modern pentathlon Individual olympics, Medal, Athlete,Country, Points. Atlanta 96, Gold Silver Bronze, Aleksandr Parygin http://espn.go.com/oly/summer00/pentathlon/s/almanac.html | |
13. Sports Multi-Sports Modern Pentathlon This category is for sites about the modern Pentathalon. modern pentathlon is a multievent olympic sport. The events of modern pentathlon includePistol Shooting, Epee Fencing, Swimming, history modern pentathlon. A history of modern pentathlon, with a list of all olympic champions in the sport. http//www.hickoksports.com/history http://www.aodr.com/Sports/Multi-Sports/Modern_Pentathlon | |
14. WebGuest Directory - Multi-Sports : Modern Pentathlon HickokSports.com history modern pentathlon Features a short history of modern pentathlon, with a list of all olympic champions in http://directory.webguest.com/Sports/Multi-Sports/Modern_Pentathlon | |
15. Olympic Sports History - Modern Pentathlon olympic Sports history. modern pentathlon. The modern pentathlon wasintroduced at the 1912 olympics as a test of military skillsor http://www.athenshousing.com/olympicshistory/OlympicSports/Modern_Pentathlon.htm | |
16. Olympics Accommodations & Hotels, Modern Pentathlon - Goudi Olympic Hall - Athen in Athens for August 2004 for fans of modern pentathlon olympic Events. of olympicSports List of olympic Venues - Ancient olympics history - modern olympics http://www.athenshousing.com/olympicgamesathens2004info/Olympic_Venues/Accommoda | |
17. HISTORY OF MODERN PENTATHLON The modern pentathlon was born in 1912 in Stockholm olympic Games the creator of theolympic Games of modern Age. The olympic Games were then in an early stage http://www.terravista.pt/Copacabana/1840/english_historia.htm | |
18. LookSmart - Directory - Modern Olympic Pentathlon modern pentathlon Guide to this olympic sport features its history, disciplines,competitions, scoring, and calendar of modern pentathlon events. http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317902/us575637/us70116/us554305/us57 | |
19. CNNSI.com - Olympic Sports - U.S. Olympic Modern Pentathlon Team - Wednesday Sep olympic history The Women s modern pentathlon debuts at the 2000 Games. olympichistory The Women s modern pentathlon debuts at the 2000 Games. http://www.cnnsi.com/olympics/news/2000/usteam_modernpentathlon/ | |
20. Union Internationale De Pentathlon Moderne From 1912 to 1980 the olympic modern pentathlon competition was held to compete inthe Sydney 2000 olympics Games For the first time in history, the pentathlon http://www.pentathlon.org/history_of.cfm |
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