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41. Mississippi Code party shall not further violate either the laws of the State of mississippi pertaining to affected or diminished by any other proceeding, civil or criminal http://www.pepls.state.ms.us/web9.htm | |
42. Louisiana in other states, as well as federal law. civil matters retain a bit more of Naploeon s influence, but The mississippi River empties out of the southern portion http://www.fact-index.com/l/lo/louisiana.html | |
43. Mississippi Black Codes mississippi Black Codes. An Act to Confer civil Rights on Freedmen, and for other Purposes. sued, implead and be impleaded, in all the courts of law and equity http://afroamhistory.about.com/library/blmississippi_blackcodes.htm | |
44. MSLawyer.com - Mississippi Law Firms - Attorney And Law Firm Directory of Justice Statistics Institute for civil Justice Health Another Site Starr Reports law Outlines Other Agribusiness Institute at mississippi State University. http://www.mslawyer.com/directorin.html | |
46. FindLaw: State Resources: Mississippi: Laws online access to the mississippi code, its table From the University of mississippi law Library http://www.findlaw.com/11stategov/ms/laws.html | |
47. Mississippi Secretaty Of State: Initiative Measure 18 among codefendants in civil actions; and According to mississippi law, for an initiative petition to be in mississippi, consult the mississippi Constitution of http://www.sos.state.ms.us/elections/Initiatives/initiative0018.asp | |
48. Mississippi Secretaty Of State: Initiative Measure 17 a nonprevailing party in a civil action to According to mississippi law, for an initiative petition to in mississippi, consult the mississippi Constitution of http://www.sos.state.ms.us/elections/Initiatives/initiative0017.asp | |
49. Laws State Criminial Codes Cornell University. State civil Codes and Procedure Cornell University. Federal law. Michigan. Minnesota. mississippi. New Hampshire. New Mexico. http://www.advocateweb.org/hope/laws.asp | |
50. Prochoiceamerica.org : Who Decides : State Profiles : Mississippi : See All Laws mississippiÂs unconstitutional law makes the parents of the woman, if she is under 18, may obtain monetary relief in a civil action unless http://www.naral.org/yourstate/whodecides/states/mississippi/summary.cfm | |
51. WashLaw Web - State Government Minnesota - North Carolina Internet law Library Information on mississippi. Historical Documents State Constitution; Court Amended Court Rules; New York civil Practice law Rules http://www.washlaw.edu/uslaw/uslmn_nc.html | |
52. Civil Liberties And Civil Rights: General PostSoviet Media law Policy Privacy Rights and State Spying in the civil Rights Era The Sovereignty Commission Archive Suit mississippi American civil http://www.lectlaw.com/inll/93.htm | |
53. Civil Union Encyclopedia : Maps - Weather - Travel - History - Economy - Governm H. decision, the province of Quebec s legislature decided to create civil unions for samesex couples modifying the civil code of Quebec. The law was enacted http://united-states.asinah.net/american-encyclopedia/wikipedia/c/ci/civil_union | |
54. Civil Law Encyclopedia : Maps - Weather - Travel - History - Economy - Governmen codes, most importantly the Napoleonic code, but the German and Swiss codes are also of historical importance. Around this time civil law incorporated many http://united-states.asinah.net/american-encyclopedia/wikipedia/c/ci/civil_law.h | |
55. Law And Politics The Russian Legal Server. This server carries a few Russian laws, including the general section of the 1994 civil code. It also includes http://www.departments.bucknell.edu/russian/politics.html | |
56. Austria - Code Of Civil Procedure (as Modified By Federal Law Of February 2, 198 Austria code of civil Procedure (as modified by Federal law of February 2, 1983) Fourth Chapter. Article 577. Article 578. Article 579. Article 580. Article 581. http://www.jus.uio.no/lm/austria.code.of.civil.procedure.fourth.chapter.as.modif | |
57. State Codes And Statutes @ Gavel2Gavel.com ms.us/policy_admin/mscode/; mississippi Administrative Regulations Texas Rules of Evidence (civil) http//www of Evidence (Criminal) http//tarlton.law.utexas.edu http://www.gavel2gavel.com/codes/state/ | |
58. Ethics Laws: Article 3 & Constitutional Section 109 attorney general of the state of mississippi or any restitution or other remedy authorized by law to be recovered or enforced in a civil action, regardless http://www.ethics.state.ms.us/article3.htm | |
59. Palm Boulevard: Software: Law & Legal: California Civil Code 2003 Category law Legal. Product URL California civil code 2003. http://www.palmblvd.com/software/pc/California-Civil-Code-2003-2003-7-7-palm-pc. | |
60. American Civil Liberties Union: Do Existing State Abortion Laws Apply To Mifepri American civil Liberties Union Banner. Michigan (Mich Comp Laws §§ 333.17014, 333.17015). mississippi (Miss code Ann §§ 4141-33, -35). http://www.aclu.org/news/NewsPrint.cfm?ID=9025&c=143 |
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