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1. Mississippi -- Sources [ ALSO! -- U.S. Law ] American law Sources Online. United States mississippi. Constitution. Bills Session laws. Codified laws. Court Rules. Administrative law. Local laws. law Reviews. Other Commentary. Topical Web Sites. Court Information App. P.) Rules of civil Procedure (Miss. R. Civ LexisNexis Book Publishing Co. Municipal code Corp. Top of Page. mississippi law-Related Periodicals http://www.lawsource.com/also/usa.cgi?ms |
2. Michie From LexisNexis Michigan. Minnesota. mississippi. Missouri. Montana Banking law. Bankruptcy. Business law. civil Practice Procedure Federal Uniform Commercial code (UCC) Workers' Compensation law http://www.michie.com/ | |
3. Lemon Laws - MegaLaw.com California Lemon law California civil code § 1793.22; Colorado Lemon law Minnesota Lemon law - 325F.665; mississippi Lemon law - mississippi Statutes http://www.megalaw.com/top/lemon.php | |
4. LII: State Statutes By Topic Business and Professions code. civil code. civil Procedure. Commercial law. Corporations. Corrections Minnesota (see Chapters 1743) mississippi- Title 69. Missouri- Title XXVII http://www.law.cornell.edu/topics/state_statutes.html#labor_and_industrial_safet | |
5. Civil Liberties And Civil Rights: General Law: Internet Law Library Originally published by the U.S. House of Representatives, the Internet law Library, published by Pritchard law Webs, contains the law resources of the Internet organized by subject and Jersey code, title 10 (civil rights) New Jersey Constitution, article I (Rights and Privileges) New York civil Rights law University of mississippi (N.D http://www.priweb.com/internetlawlib/93.htm |
6. West Group - Mississippi Civil Procedure (Mississippi Practice Presents the combined effort of judges, lawyers, and law professors, providing a comprehensive treatment of civil procedure in mississippi litigation. law and practical advice on litigation tactics and strategy. Contains mississippi Rules of civil Procedure, constitution, and code http://www.westgroup.com/product/13508036/product.asp |
7. Index For Chapter 001 Of Title 01 Prior violations of law and civil causes of action unaffected. of code of 1972 upon private and local laws. to be official code of the State of mississippi. http://www.mscode.com/free/statutes/01/001/ | |
8. Mississippi of Rights) Constitution, mississippi code, and related material Archive Suit" mississippi American civil Liberties Union " Summary of Medical Malpractice law" McCullough, Campbell http://www.lawguru.com/ilawlib/160.htm | |
9. Adoption Statutes,Legislative Code And Links By Country Hungary. civil code In Hungarian. Ireland. Adopted and Fostered Persons Association of Ireland. mississippi Adoption law Search Title 93 Chapter 17. Missouri. http://www.plumsite.com/shea/states.html | |
10. Univ. Of Mississippi Law Library - Mississippi University of mississippi law Library. Internet Resources mississippi. Constitution. Statutes/code Bills. Courts Case law. Regulations Agencies. Legal Ethics. News. Other Information. STATUTES/code BILLS. State codes browse the code at this site. How a Bill Becomes a law From the mississippi Legislature. mississippi contains the mississippi Rules of civil Procedure, mississippi Rules http://library.law.olemiss.edu/library/state/ms.shtml | |
11. An Ex-Slave Remembers Apprentice law. Be it enacted by the legislature of the state of mississippi, that it duty of all sheriffs, justices of the peace, and other civil officers of http://chnm.gmu.edu/courses/122/recon/code.html | |
12. State Civil Code Statutes On The Internet To The Largest Internet law Library, SHERLOCK State civil code Statutes on the Internet. PDF); Louisiana (searchable index); Massachusetts; mississippi (see Chapter http://www.lawresearch.com/v2/statute/civil.htm | |
13. AUTOPEDIA® Lemon Law Information, Consumer Assistance, Attorney General Offices (M; *U; *W); DC Lemon laws - District of Columbia Lemon law civil code, Department of (M; *U; *W); MS - Lemon laws - mississippi Lemon law Statutes and http://autopedia.com/html/HotLinks_Lemon.html | |
14. Mississippi Lemon Law notice requirements relating to repair of nonconformity; civil actions. as provided for by Chapter 24, Title 75, mississippi code of 1972 Sources Laws, 1985, ch http://autopedia.com/html/LemonLaw/MS_lemonlaw2.html | |
15. Hinds County Justice Court debts, 9915-51 of the mississippi code as amended civil Affidavits, Declarations, Removals, Replevins. of Defendant(s), Cost, Judge, Constable, CE, CC, law Library. http://www.co.hinds.ms.us/pgs/ctydivision/justicecourt.asp | |
16. Civil Code Of Québec - Encyclopedia Article About Civil Code Of Québ keep Guadaloupe, France gave up Canada to Britain and all claims to territory east of the mississippi. The substantive law of the 1866 civil code of Lower http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Civil Code of Québec | |
17. Code Napoleon - Encyclopedia Article About Code Napoleon. Free Access, No Regist In most common law systems, jurisdiction is conceptually divided French code Napoleon, especially the civil codes of east by the state of mississippi, and to http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Code Napoleon | |
18. Identity Theft: State Laws 609.527. mississippi, Miss. code Ann. Tennessee*, TCA § 3914-150 (criminal) TCA § 47-18-2101 (civil). Texas, Does not have specific ID Theft law. Virginia, Va. http://www.consumer.gov/idtheft_old/statelaw.htm | |
19. Federal Trade Commission - Your National Resource For ID Theft 609.527. mississippi, Miss. code Ann. Tennessee, TCA § 3914-150 (criminal) TCA § 47-18-2101 (civil). Texas, Tex. Does not have specific ID Theft law. Virginia, http://www.consumer.gov/idtheft/federallaws.html | |
20. State Lemon Law Links California, California s Web site, civil code Section 1793.22 to 1793.26, mississippi, mississippi s Web site, Title 63, Chapter 17 to 6317-165, Lemon law http//www http://law.freeadvice.com/resources/state_lemon_law.htm | |
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