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Mississippi Education Parent Resources: more detail | ||||
61. Catholic Home Schooling - Seton Home Study School - Parent Resources Schools; www.pabbis.org Parents Against Bad regard to the Christian education of youth http://www.setonhome.org/resources/default.stm | |
62. Resource Agencies For Parents The Evidence Continues to Grow parent Involvement Improves studies on parental involvement in education. Colorado, Kansas, Louisiana, mississippi, New Mexico http://www.nssc1.org/directory/4parents.htm | |
63. Links To Gifted Resources mississippi Association for Gifted Children (MAGC MAGC serves as a resource for parents, educators, and other aim to improve the quality of education for gifted http://www.usm.edu/gifted/linksresource.htm | |
64. RRTC:Information And Resource Referral Project US Department of education URL http//gopher.ed.gov. VI Guide A Parents Guide to resources About Visual mississippi School for the Blind URL http//www2.mde http://www.blind.msstate.edu/irr/special.html | |
65. Minnetonka Parent Education- Parent Fair Association Minnetonka Community education and Services (MCES) PACER Minnesota parent Center Perspectives Family Center Reach for resources Ridgedale YMCA http://www.minnetonka.k12.mn.us/mces/parent_ed/Parent_fair.htm | |
66. Parent's Resources. parent resources. A potpourri of GT links that may be of interest to parents . The TAG Family Network.A parent organization dedicated to appropriate education http://www.ri.net/gifted_talented/parents.html | |
67. Mississippi Coalition For Citizens With Disabilities Protection and Advocacy (601) 9818207; (800) 772-4057 E-mail mspna@bellsouth.net mississippi Office of Special education parent Hotline 1-877 http://www.mscoalition.com/ | |
68. Special Education Resources Directory A-M - Search For A Special Education Resou MN Minnesota. MO - Missouri. MS - mississippi. Parents United Together. MT - Montana. Brought to you by education-A-Must, www.education-a-must.com. http://www.education-a-must.com/seram.html | |
69. National Center For Science Education Roxanne Cleasby, a parent in Helena, Montana, was attempting to have a 9, 2004, House Bill 1288 died in the education Committee of the mississippi House of http://www.natcenscied.org/ | |
While most of NCSE's work involves defending evolution against attacks, we also work to increase public understanding of evolution and science "as a way of knowing." We also have programs to help teachers who want to improve their teaching of evolution. Here you'll find information and resources for all these activities. The following events have occurred over the past 60 days. See the | |
70. Information On Resources For Parents Available Through The NSRC News for Kids, Their Teachers and Parents, and Science Check out the Smithsonian education Web site. programs for kids, The National mississippi River Museum http://www.nsrconline.org/student_and_parent_resources/parent_resources.html | |
71. Great Potential Press - Other Gifted Education Links and information on the US Department of education and the National parent Information Network campus of the University of Southern mississippi, this center http://www.giftedbooks.com/links.html | |
72. Gifted Education Policies For Mississippi Join the mississippi Gifted education Policy Discussion Forum Information presented on this page was compiled from a variety of resources, including the State http://www.geniusdenied.com/StatePolicyDetails.aspx?StateCode=133&NavID=6_0 |
73. Parent Resources On The Web One of the best sources for parents is an informational pamphlet, Child Safety on the Once at their site, choose education and resources, then NCMEC http://hackleylibrary.org/parres.htm | |
74. Mississippi Department Of Education Misssissippi K12 education Resource for teachers, grants reports, student assessment, special education, safe, orderly schools, and technology. http://www.mde.k12.ms.us/ | |
75. Nebraska PTA - Educational Resources For Nebraska Parent Teacher Associations, P Welcome to the Nebraska educational resource page. The goal of this page is to provide a central informational source for parents, educators and school http://www.ptacentral.org/nebraska.htm | |
76. Family Help In Mississippi Visit Learning Disabilities and Special education. mississippi Sex Offender Registry. In association with Barnes Noble, we offer the best parenting and self http://www.focusas.com/Mississippi.html | |
78. MAGC and their funding in all mississippi public school communication, and collaboration among educators, parents, and agencies; in all areas of education and for http://www.msms.k12.ms.us/MAGC/ | |
79. Education Services Foundation (ESF) - Student Loan, Financial Aid, And College P ESF, education Services Foundation. mississippiÂs nonprofit resource for free college Financial aid information for parents, including scholarship, college http://www.esfweb.com/links.html | |
80. Education Resource Organizations Directory (EROD) www.pacer.org/mpc/index.htm mississippi Top mississippi Forum on Email emiller@cul.org Oklahoma Top Parents as Partners in education (Oklahoma) Suite http://bcol02.ed.gov/Programs/EROD/org_list.cfm?category_cd=PRC |
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