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61. CIB Media Result List STRENGTH for the FIGHT Black Americans in the military . 180,000 blacks who donnedthe union blue. the organization of its different units, including Japanese http://www.military.cibmedia.com/main-group-result.asp?idgroup=Minorities |
62. AllRefer Reference - Seychelles - Foreign Military Assistance | Seychelles Infor military assistance to Madagascar include the former Soviet union, North Korea proposednew relationship, had withdrawn all its military units from Madagascar. http://reference.allrefer.com/country-guide-study/seychelles/seychelles52.html | |
63. Military Units Commissioned 14 KU Fall 2003 Graduates Now Serving Country military units commissioned 14 KU fall 2003 graduates now serving country. 19 at WoodruffAuditorium in the Kansas union, the US Army and the US Air Force each http://www.ur.ku.edu/News/04N/FebNews/Feb4/rotc.html | |
64. A | More | Perfect | Union A More Perfect union Japanese Americans and the US Constitution. Some25,000 Japanese Americans served in US military units during World War II. http://americanhistory.si.edu/perfectunion/non-flash/service_main.html | |
65. Center For The Study Of Sexual Minorities In The Military | UCSB ethnic militia companies were transferred directly into the union Army, and and rhetoricalexhortations of nationalism to form military units with explicitly http://www.gaymilitary.ucsb.edu/Publications/evans_Minority200306_1.htm | |
66. ALABAMA ARCHIVES: MILITARY RECORDS of an index of Confederate and union soldiers from Confederate military Unit HistoryFiles. This series contains information on individual units from Alabama http://www.archives.state.al.us/referenc/military.html | |
67. Military Records: Genealogy Based on manuscript materials relating to military personnel in the compiled servicerecords of volunteer union soldiers belonging to units from the http://www2.lib.udel.edu/subj/genealogy/resguide/mil.htm | |
68. JS Online: War Against Iraq reporters who were embedded with the US military during the war Fuel Company B, madeup of units from Green Audio President Bush s State of the union address (1 http://www.jsonline.com/news/iraq2003/iraqheads.asp | |
69. Civil War Rosters - All States UPDATED 05/07/04 Army Regimental History Index. Index of Civil War Naval Forces Confederate andUnion Ships. But don t just try Civil War - try surnames and military units! http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Lair/3680/cw/cw.html | |
70. Black Military Unit - 4-Poster Set These 4 combination illustrationnarrative posters pay tribute to gallant black military units. The poster text tells of the exploits of these units. Each poster is on heavy-coated stock and is 18 http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://pttf.com/c/rdr?i=295I1-8237930&t=http%3A |
71. NARA | Publications | Military Service Records - PART 9 Confederate records, as well as union prison and publications reproduce indexes andcompiled military service records of a soldier, his rank, the unit in which http://www.archives.gov/publications/microfilm_catalogs/military/military_servic | |
72. Maine Army National Guard crucial role these Maine militiamen played in the union victory at Gettysburg exemplifiesthe military qualities of leadership, initiative, unit cohesion and http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/agency/army/arng-me.htm | |
73. Bucknell University Sheary Project: Union County Civil War Military History Company I of the 192nd Regiment, recruited several weeks before Appomattox,was the last union County unit to leave for military service. http://www.departments.bucknell.edu/isr/sheary/uccivilwarh.html | |
74. BRIA(12:1) United States Civil War, Black Troops, Union Army, Adarand Case, Affi volunteers. This was the first black military unit in the union Armyofficially approved by the War Department. In November 1862, Gen. http://www.crf-usa.org/bria/bria12_1.html | |
75. Feldgrau.com - The German Armed Forces 1919-1945 immediately after the German attack on the Soviet union. who flocked en masse to servein the unit. Read a chronological listing of German military events that http://www.feldgrau.com/ | |
76. United States, Civil War Regimental Histories Index, All States Bibliography American Civil War Unit Bibliographies Bibliography from the UnitedStates military History Institute to read or union regimental histories http://www.tarleton.edu/~kjones/unions.html | |
77. The Civil War In Alabama Homepage Regimental Histories of Alabama units Confederate States Capsule histories (ConfederateMilitary History United States forces Index, union regimental histories http://www.tarleton.edu/~kjones/alabama.html | |
78. Airborne Combat Engineer: Military Units Sunday, March 07, 2004 at 0702 AM in military units Permalink Comments (0) TrackBack. Wednesday, February 25, 2004. We need a Rip and Roll Airborne. http://airbornecombatengineer.typepad.com/airborne_combat_engineer/military_unit | |
79. Glossary forts, entrenchments, bridges, and similar military construction The Confederate unitstended to be independent companies, but the union raised two http://members.aol.com/DAP4477575/page15.htm | |
80. Maryland Union Units Roster of officers from Maryland union units. CE Dornbusch, MilitaryBibliography of the Civil War Four Vols., New York Public Library. http://home.att.net/~secondmdus/usunits.html | |
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