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Military Units Union Confederate: more detail | ||||||
61. Union Records At The TNGenWeb Site list of records pertaining to Tennessee union Veterans that history of the TennesseeFederal infantry units. WAR, Links to ALL the military units in Tennesseans http://www.tngenweb.org/civilwar/misc/unionrec.html | |
62. DCResearch National Archives Civil War Research Service actual military assignments/movements of Field Staff, Regiment, and Unit; revealswhat the Unit was engaged in Records of union Prisons/Stations. http://www.flealess.org/DCResearch/confederate.html | |
63. DCResearch National Archives Civil War Research Service US Colored Troops Compiled union Service Records of Service Records of Army/Navy units (Troop Movements). actual military assignments/movements of Field http://www.flealess.org/DCResearch/union.html | |
64. USIGS- Research Library - Military Links Collection - Civil War H-M Infantry Regiment, Company H Jackson County, IN units. ukans.edu/~hisite/franklin/military/KS12thRegInf.htm 9thKentucky Volunteer Cavalry (union), Company H. http://www.usigs.org/library/military/links/civil-hm.htm |
65. Henry County Kentucky Military Units Henry County Kentucky military units. get more individuals listed here is for youto send me the name, rank, unit, and war 9th Kentucky Volunteer Cavalry, union. http://www.rootsweb.com/~kyhenry/hmil.html | |
67. AllAboutIrish - American Civil War almost sovereign states, they turned to those states to raise military forces callupon the States that remained loyal to the union to raise units that would http://allaboutirish.com/library/diaspora/ia-civilwar.shtm | |
68. Civil War Research At The NY Military Museum And Veterans Research Center E. military Bibliography of the Civil War. 4 vol s. New York New York Public Library,197187. A guide to published union and confederate unit histories. http://www.dmna.state.ny.us/historic/research/civilResearch.htm | |
69. BRIA(12:1) United States Civil War, Black Troops, Union Army, Adarand Case, Affi This was the first black military unit in the union Army officially some of his blacksoldiers with white officers to raid confederate positions, destroy http://www.crf-usa.org/bria/bria12_1.html | |
70. KY: Kentucky Department For Libraries And Archives military Record Request. Full name of person to be searched Civil War Service Record,union confederate. Civil War Unit Name, if known Unit Number, if known http://www.kdla.ky.gov/research/military.htm | |
71. Civil War Research - Virginia Historical Society in Blue Lives of the union Commanders (1964). J., Biographical Register of the ConfederateCongress (1975 of individual soldiers and the military units in which http://www.vahistorical.org/research/cw_history.htm | |
72. CIB Media Result List and weapons of the union Troops who Uniformed volunteer units were raised by individuals http://www.military.cibmedia.com/main-group-result.asp?idgroup=American Civil Wa |
73. Military History Of Clay County CLAY COUNTY military HISTORY ARCHIVE RESEARCH CENTER. Civil War, CSA, Florida 2ndCavalry, AD2, Unit History. Johns River, Official Records of union confederate http://www.claycountygov.com/Archives/military_history_of_clay_county_archives.h | |
74. JOSIAH PENDER AND four of North Carolina s regular military units to proceed This was soon followedby the unit s induction into of America, after North Carolina left the union. http://www.clis.com/friends/pender.htm | |
75. Confederate Links group that portrays a Civil War Period military unit siding with of reenacting ina specialized unit is what impression of these confederate and union vessels http://www.floridareenactorsonline.com/CSASites.htm | |
76. The Civil War In Alabama Homepage Histories of Alabama units confederate States histories Capsule histories (confederateMilitary History United States forces Index, union regimental histories http://www.tarleton.edu/~kjones/alabama.html | |
77. Central Arkansas Library System Rebellion Official Records of the union and confederate Armies; Arkansas RelatedMilitary Records Compiled Service Records of Arkansas units Raised Directly http://www.cals.lib.ar.us/butlercenter/family-history.htm | |
78. American Civil War And Military History military units. 1st Kentucky (Orphan) Brigade. Unit history Terrell s TexasCavalry (34th Cavalry Regiment). union Army Regimental Histories Index. http://www.historesearch.com/civilwarmil.html | |
79. Beginners Guide To Family History Research, Ch. 7) Because you do not find a confederate military record does not may have served inan irregular unit not recognized he may have served in the union Army instead http://www.dhc.net/~jw/g-mil.html | |
80. Military Records Research Service union and confederate Records. Compiled military Service Records (CMSR). Each volunteersoldier has one Compiled military Service Record (CMSR) for each unit ( http://history-sites.com/research/basic.html | |
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