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1. Military & Pension Records For Union Civil War Veterans The full title is The Official Record of the union and Confederate or who are involvedin historical study regarding specific military units which participated http://www.oz.net/~cyndihow/pensions.htm | |
2. SignOnSanDiego.com > News > Military CLEARWATER, Fla., 211 pm May 19 (AP) military recruits undeterred by May 18 (unionTRIBUNE)Zortman to command fleet s Pacific air units The admiral http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/military/ | |
3. The Civil War: Black American Contributions To Union Intelligence a common term used among union military men for intelligence on Confederate did regarding the military contributions of black American union military units, several other factors http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/dispatches/dispatch.html | |
4. Cherokee Confederate Military Units Copyright © 1998 NLThomas. All Rights Reserved. A Guide to Cherokee Confederate. military units, 1861 1865. by Lars Gjertveit. Copyright © 1995 - 1998. Sons of Confederate Veterans 7, 1862), where they scalped some Federal soldiers. A union invasion of the Cherokee Nation in July 1862 resulted in http://www.yvwiiusdinvnohii.net/history/CherConfed.htm | |
5. Civil War Re-Enactor Sutler | Civil War Uniform Sutlery | Civil War Clothing Sut Confederate and union uniforms and accessories; also Indian Wars and Old West. Individual military units, plus props. Women's and children's garb too. Online catalog with images and ordering information. (Emmett, Idaho, USA) http://www.ccsutlery.com/ | |
6. The Nectaris Union: Military Madness units. http://www.geocities.com/almontang/Nectaris/necunits.html | |
7. Vanished Index To Florida Civil War Military Units Seceded 10 Jan 1861. CIVIL WAR military units. union Regimental Index Florida return to Civil War military units by State. return to VANISHED INDEX http://www.vanished.com/pages/index_civil_war/cw_mil_florida.html | |
8. North Carolina Civil War Units military History Battles Biographical Sketches Photo Gallery Queries Postlude to FEDERALUNITS union 1st Regiment, North Carolina Infantry union 2nd Regiment http://www.researchonline.net/nccw/ncunits.htm |
9. Military Units Of Alabama Artillery 3 men. GA 25th Infantry Regiment, Company E - (men fromHenry County, Alabama. union units Independent Alabama Cavalry http://www.researchonline.net/alcw/page2.htm | |
10. 47th New York Volunteer Infantry - Military Units History of the 47th NY Volunteer Infantry, unit roster, original pictures.They were a Federal Infantry during the Civil War. Also called the Washington Grays. military units. Last Checked and updated on August 11, 1999. union. CONFEDERATE. REGIMENTAL HISTORIES. People Studying Particular units. union Company's http://www.spinola.org/47ny/military.htm | |
11. FRSP Visitor Center page contains information on this historic house that was a union headquarters during foreach state that lead to information on military units, rosters, and http://www.nps.gov/frsp/vc.htm | |
12. German Military In The Soviet Union 1918-1933 The German Armed Forces in WWII. This page is not the main page! Link to the main page from the bottom! Covers the Heer, WaffenSS, Luftwaffe, Kriegsmarine, Auxiliary and Foreign units! This site http://www.feldgrau.com/ger-sov.html | |
13. The Gettysburg National Military Park Virtual Tour testimony to the sacrifices of their former units. Confederate and union veteran toldand retold the old Contact the Gettysburg National military Park web site http://www.nps.gov/gett/getttour/main-ms.htm | |
14. Debate On Military Contractors Heats Up | The San Diego Union-Tribune The San Diego unionTribune. One group in extremely short supply among militarypersonnel is Arabic in the Abu Ghraib prison and with units throughout Iraq. http://www.signonsandiego.com/uniontrib/20040507/news_1n7contract.html | |
15. Cyndi's List - U.S. - Military More than 209 300 links! 206 850 links, categorized crossreferenced, in over 160 categories. Another 2 450+ uncategorized new links in the works. ancestors who served in New York military units or New York ancestors who served in any military unit How to Order military Pension Records for union Civil War Veterans from http://www.cyndislist.com/military.htm | |
16. Union Units Civil War Wars United States North America By Region History and History, 11) Tennesseans in the Civil War A military History of Confederateand union units With Available Rosters of Personnel Tennessee Historical Learn http://history.designerz.com/united-states-wars-civil-war-union-units.php | |
17. Confederate Units Civil War Wars United States North America By Region History Tennesseans in the Civil War A military History of Confederate and union UnitsWith Available Rosters of Personnel Tennessee Historical Learn about http://history.designerz.com/united-states-wars-civil-war-confederate-units.php | |
18. Henry County Kentucky Military Units Henry County Kentucky military units. is for you to send me the name, rank, unit,and war Roster of soldiers for the 13th Kentucky Calvary (union Volunteers in http://www.rootsweb.com/~kyhenry/hmil.html | |
19. USGenWeb Project: Louisiana Archives - Confederate Military Units Company I union Parish, 5 K. Please help other genealogists by donating any recordsof Louisiana Confederate military units to the Louisiana USGenWeb Archives http://www.rootsweb.com/~usgenweb/la/military/WBTS/CSA_military_units.htm | |
20. NARA | Genealogy | Civil War Records file; and (3) records reproduced in microfilm publication M594, Compiled RecordsShowing Service of military units in Volunteer union Organizations (225 rolls) http://www.archives.gov/research_room/genealogy/military/civil_war_records.html | |
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