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121. THE ASSAULT GROUP - INDEX Producers of a range of modern military figurines, suitable for wargames set in the modern day or science fiction genres or for collectors. http://www.theassaultgroup.com | |
122. NATO Organisation & Structure: NATO Library The Library holds a collection of more than 20,000 books and approximately 200 journal titles. The subjects covered are political science, military science, strategy, arms production and disarmament, international organizations, economics, law, computer science, and current affairs. http://www.nato.int/structur/library/library-e.htm | |
123. 'Why Do They Hate Us?' | Csmonitor.com Examines the mood of resentment toward America, includes poll responses, categorized by country, to a military response. http://www.csmonitor.com/2001/0927/p1s1-wogi.html | |
124. ROTC Homepage Promotional sequence about the program. http://www.shsu.edu/~mls_www/ | |
125. News About The Military At StrategyPage.com's How To Make War. The online magazine of the art and science of war and intelligence, covering current military technology, conflicts and policy. http://www.strategypage.com/fyeo/howtomakewar | |
126. HOME INTRO Program and contact information. http://www.chsbs.cmich.edu/Military_Science/ |
127. Guides: Military Science - Articles Political science, Criminal Justice, Public Administration, military science Indexto Legal Periodicals and Books Indexes articles in about 620 journals http://guides.library.fullerton.edu/military_science/articles.htm | |
128. Drew W. Veeneman's Homepage Student, solidier, and aspiring Illinois state politician. He currently studies political science, economics, and military science at Western Illinois University (WIU). Also Sharky, the '87 Chevy Camaro. http://www.wiu.edu/users/dwv100 | |
129. Capricorn Books - Rare, Used, And Out-of-print Books Specializing in rare and used books; a general stock with larger catalogues being military History, science Fiction/Fantasy, Children's, Art, Antiques, and History. http://www.capricornbooks.ca/ | |
130. Www.aimhigherbooks.com Christian adventure books in military science fiction, fantasy, and supernatural thriller. http://www.aimhigherbooks.com | |
131. Military Science Ficton Homepage Information about military science programming at state science fiction conventions, as well as photos of 1/6scale figures. http://members.tripod.com/~milscifi/ | |
132. Department Of Military Science Top/Reference/Education/Colleges_and_Universities/North_America/United_States/Virginia/College_of_William_and_Mary/Departments_and_Programs/Faculty_of_Arts_and_Sciences http://www.wm.edu/CAS/MilitaryScience/index2.html |
133. University Of Washington Army Reserve Officers Training Corps, Kinnear Husky Bat Top/Reference/Education/Colleges_and_Universities/North_America/United_States/Washington/University_of_Washington/Seattle/Departments_and_Programs http://depts.washington.edu/armyrotc/ | |
134. Howard-Tilton Memorial Library: Research: Military Science/ROTC Resources Home Research Research military science/ROTC resources, Need help? Researchmilitary science/ROTC resources. Please note Database http://library.tulane.edu/research/subject_detail.php?id=31 |
135. San Diego State Army ROTC Top/Reference/Education/Colleges_and_Universities/North_America/United_States/California/California_State_University/San_Diego_State_University/Departments_and_Programs/College_of_Professional_Studies_and_Fine_Arts http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/dept/arotc/ | |
136. Military Science - ROTC Students may earn a commission in the United States Air Force or in the United States Army by completing requirements of the Reserve Officer Training Corp program as part of their studies at the University. http://www.southernct.edu/undergrad/schas/ARF-MSC/ | |
137. UW-La Crosse Army ROTC Otherwise known as ROTC. Information for prospective students, information about training, courses, as well as photos of department events. http://perth.uwlax.edu/rotc/ | |
138. MOLLUS - Commandery Of Connecticut Veterans/hereditary organization which fosters military and naval science, promotes allegiance to the United States government, perpetuates the memory of those who served and promotes the ideals of President Abraham Lincoln. http://suvcw.org/mollus/ct.htm | |
139. Military Science. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001. military science. seestrategy and tactics. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. http://www.bartleby.com/65/x-/X-milsci.html | |
140. Medical, Military, Science-Fiction Thriller For Tom Clancy Enthusiasts - Eucario Eucarion. A fast paced political, military, medical, science fiction thriller. http://www.eucarion.com | |
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