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21. Civilian Police Guardsman Earns Military Police Crest of our force have been deployed for military duty during duty as I make as a policeofficer TOPICS Culture/Society; foreign Affairs; Front Page News; Government http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1088736/posts | |
22. Technical Advisor For Military/Police Uniforms, Insignia, Tactics, Weapons, And Technical advice and continuity on foreign police and military uniforms and rankinsignia. Formal classroom training on military and police procedure. http://www.dalefranks.com/techadvice.asp | |
23. 701st Military Police Group The 701 st military police Group (CID), headquartered at Fort Belvoir, Virginia supportsthe protective services for key DoD, DA, and visiting foreign officials http://www.cid.army.mil/Groups/701.htm | |
24. Lean Left Samuel Provance said intelligence interrogators told military police to strip down isan enormous stain on the US military and the nation s foreign policy. http://www.leanleft.com/ | |
25. OVER A CENTURY OF U include demonstration duty by military police, mobilizations of the Drug EnforcementAgency), military exercises, non US piloting of foreign warplanes, foreign http://www.zmag.org/CrisesCurEvts/interventions.htm | |
26. Some Of The Men,Military Police Of The Vietnam War (best viewed 1024x768}. military police Of The Vietnam War. Proud 18.The war had come and I had to go to a foreign country. A http://www.geocities.com/militarypoliceofvietnam/page1.html | |
27. Military & Police Collectables ~ Badges & Memoribillia badges European police badges, the French foreign Legionnaires regimental insigniaand a selection of USA County Sheriff military police cloth badges arm http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/Barracks/2911/mil-foreign.html | |
28. Military Police or foreign. http//www.inforamp.net/~krobb (Added Wed Dec 01 1999 Hits 29 Rating0.00 Votes 0) Rate It Review It Category military Army military police. http://www.armedforces.net/directory/Military/Army/Military_Police/ | |
29. MSNBC - Top General In Iraq Being Replaced Some of the Army military police charged in the case The military said at least 32alSadr and reconstructing their country, British foreign Secretary Jack http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5013551/ | |
30. Politrix Dot Org - Are Abu Ghraib Military Police Nothing More Than CIA Scapegoa A year later, Private Lynndie England, 21, an Army Reserve military police officer,is the poster girl for America s greatest foreign policy publicity disaster http://www.politrix.org/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=928 |
31. Control Arms US Training of foreign military Forces. The United States government trains approximately100,000 foreign police and soldiers from more than 150 countries each http://www.amnestyusa.org/arms_trade/ | |
32. Larry's Lounge Links: Veteran, Military, Police, Psychology, Helping Others & Mo lost a loved one in the Armed Forces US Army military police Corps Regiment Committee info on activities and legislation VFW Veterans of foreign Wars Vietnam http://home.earthlink.net/~piglt/links.html | |
33. SLOVAK ARMY REVIEW [WINTER 2002] foreign Cooperation. Contacts with foreign counterparts are vital forthe military police. These are being promoted through bilateral http://www.mod.gov.sk/e-ziny/sar/2002_spring/05.html | |
34. Three US Military Police Killed In Iraq Roh says Iraq troop decision to take time ( 200310-17) +German arrested for spyingfor foreign country ( 2003-10-17) +Three US military police killed in http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/en/doc/2003-10/17/content_273204.htm | |
35. New Police, Foreign Troops To Protect Afghan Elections Afghanistan, but an official says foreign and Afghan been leading the efforts to rebuildAfghanistan s police. The USled military coalition hunting insurgents http://www.kxan.com/Global/story.asp?S=1885116 |
36. Bangladesh Army - Corps Of Military Police The Corps of military police Centre and School is located at Shaheed Salahuddin Cantonment Officersfrom foreign countries are also joining in this institution. http://www.bangladesharmy.info/serv/cmp/cmp.htm | |
37. Pravda.RU In Kosovo Russian Peacekeepers Detain 30 Albanians Suspected As Terror As Terrorists On Friday a military police patrol from tactical group of the Russianmilitary contingent in Dayton accords, the Russian foreign Ministry s press http://english.pravda.ru/yougoslavia/2002/01/04/24974.html | |
38. Pravda.RU Foreign Embassies' Officials Inspect Russian Border Guards' Work 1415 200208-05 foreign embassies officials inspect Russian border guards work.Leaders of the military and police missions of the four North European http://english.pravda.ru/diplomatic/2002/08/05/33836.html | |
39. Military And Police Technical Advisor Dale Franks Technical advice and continuity on foreign police and military uniforms andrank insignia; Formal classroom training on military and police procedure. http://www.extrasformovies.com/tech_advisor_dale_franks.asp | |
40. Liberal America INVESTIGATION OF THE 800th military police BRIGADE SECRET/NO foreign DISSEMINATIONMay 8 2004 at 1213 AM, astrocat (Login unsolicited_opinion) Liberal America. http://www.network54.com/Forum/message?forumid=259017&messageid=1083989602 |
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