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81. Microbiology Section - Publications Recent publications of the Microbial Ecology Section. Anderton J.,Haworth EY, Horne DJ Wray DS 1998 Environmental impacts of lead http://windermere.ceh.ac.uk/ceh_ife/microbecol/micropub.html | |
82. :: Ez2Find :: Publications Open New Window BiofilmsONLINE.com is an electronic serial publication for news,features, trade information, and applied research about microbial biofilms. http://ez2find.com/cgi-bin/directory/meta/search.pl/Science/Biology/Microbiology | |
83. Microbiology | E. Peter Greenberg, Ph.D. List of publications. Peerreviewed Journals. Greenberg, E. P. 1972. 1990. Negativechemotaxis in Spirochaeta aurantia. Current microbiology 21187-192. http://www.medicine.uiowa.edu/microbiology/publications/greenberg.htm | |
84. Microbiology | Lacy Daniels, Ph.D. Current microbiology 10195 198. Daniels, L., N. Belay, and B. Mukhopadhyay.1984. Systematic and Applied microbiology 612 17. http://www.medicine.uiowa.edu/microbiology/publications/daniels.htm | |
85. Dominion Web Directory : Science : Biology : Microbiology : Publications new browser window BiofilmsONLINE.com is an electronic serial publication for news,features, trade information, and applied research about microbial biofilms. http://directory.dominion-web.com/Top/Science/Biology/Microbiology/Publications | |
86. Microbial Genomics Related Publications Other publications of Interest. American Society for microbiology ReportsGlobal Environmental Change Microbial Contributions, Microbial Solutions. http://www.microbialgenome.org/pubs.shtml | |
87. ETHZ ILW Food Microbiology, Recent Publications Selected Recent publications. Molecular characterization of the microbial communitystructure in two activated sludge systems for the advanced treatment of http://www.mb.ilw.agrl.ethz.ch/publicat.html | |
88. Microbiology - Virology Resources - Academic Info microbiology ; Veterinary microbiology ; Education and Learning ; Employment andCareers ; Organizations ; Companies ; Web Gateways ; publications ; News http://www.academicinfo.net/microbio.html | |
89. Page Title - Division Of Microbiology And Infectious Diseases - University Of No Selected publications. Professor Dlawer Ala Aldeen. microbiologyUK (In press).Wells D, Teigh P, Wooldridge KG, Robinson K, Ala Aldeen DAA (2001). http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/microbiology/publications/Pubs_apr_01.htm | |
90. Fish Health - Microbiology Team, Publications - NWFSC List of publications, meeting presentations, and seminars of the FishHealth/microbiology Team of NWFSC/NMFS NWFSC. Skip navigation http://www.nwfsc.noaa.gov/research/divisions/reutd/fhm/teampubs.cfm | |
91. Microbiology Service 3 subject publication list you would like to see Send mail to jacobyg@unlv.edu withquestions or comments about this web site. Copyright © 2003 microbiology http://hrcweb.lv-hrc.nevada.edu/microbiology/publications.htm | |
92. Publications - Institut Für Mikrobiologie - Universität Innsbruck If you are interested in our publications in periodicals or books, you may search Insam,Riddech Klammer (2002) microbiology of Composting (Table of contents http://www2.uibk.ac.at/microbiology/publications.html | |
93. Publications Dokument Heribert Insam, publications, http//www2.uibk.ac.at/microbiology/publications.html,09.09.2003 1515 Linkliste einblenden Dokument drucken http://www2.uibk.ac.at/microbiology/publications.html?style=print |
94. Publications Viruses and DNA in Marine Environments. In Colwell, RR, K. Ohwada, and U. Simidu.Microbial Diversity in Time and Space. Plenum publications, NY, pp. 119128. http://www.marine.usf.edu/microbiology/Publications/publications.html | |
95. Oral Microbiology - Selected Publications Back. Oral microbiology Research Group publications. The publicationslisted are related to the Group s latest research projects http://www.leeds.ac.uk/dental/research/oralmic/pubs.htm | |
96. Kliinisen Mikrobiologian Laitos, Julkaisut 1998 / Department Of Clinical Microbi Kliinisen mikrobiologian laitos, Department of Clinical microbiology.Julkaisutietokanta 14.6.1999, publications Data Base 14.6.1999. http://www.uku.fi/wwwdata/julkaisutoiminta/laitos/1998/klmikrob1998.html | |
97. SOME PUBLICATIONS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY Some publications of the Department of microbiology in the past 5 years.Ãcs, Ã., Kiss, KT (1993) Colonization process of diatoms http://mikrobiologia.elte.hu/Publications.html | |
98. Microbiology Staff Profiles & Publications Staff Profiles publications. Staff Profiles, Academic, Professor John(Sandy) Smith, Clinical microbiology. Dr Margaret Baird, Immunology. http://microbes.otago.ac.nz/dept/STAFF/staff.html | |
99. IFT - Publications - JFS - Microbiology Technologists has prepared the following guidelines for use by authors in preparingpapers reporting food microbiology research data for publication in Journal http://www.ift.org/cms/?pid=1000355 |
100. Ingenta: Error FIRST BACK, publications 1 to 50 of 103 FORWARD forward LAST last. 11. Canadian Journalof microbiology NRC Research Press current issue Vol 50, Issue 3, 1 March http://www.ingenta.com/isis/browsing/BrowseBySubCategory/ingenta?j_subject=161 |
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