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101. Michigan Historical Marker: Michigan Library Association michigan Library Association. michigan Library Association, The first formal step toward the founding of a state library association http://www.michmarkers.com/Pages/S0275.htm | |
102. Michigan Library Director Accepts Top Metro Post michigan Library Director Accepts Top Metro Post. Norman Maas, library professional from Saginaw, Mich., told Metropolitan Library http://www.metrolibrary.org/LibNewsArchive/2000/NormanMaas.htm | |
103. Library Our JGS of michigan Library has acquired a detailed map collection for your use. Each map has been archivally protected. Please use them for reference. http://www.jgsmi.org/library.html | |
104. The Book Repair Program At The University Of Michigan Library An Institutional P The American Institute for Conservation. The Book Repair Program at the University of michigan Library an Institutional Profile. Annette http://aic.stanford.edu/conspec/bpg/annual/v11/bp11-26.html | |
105. Michigan Library Links michigan Library Links. If you have a library link that belongs here, let us know! MultiMag michigan Homepage Visitors Guest Book. http://www.multimag.com/mi/libf.html | |
106. Michigan Library Links michigan Library Links. If you have a library link that belongs here, please let us know! MultiMag michigan Homepage Visitors Guest Book. http://www.multimag.com/mi/library.html | |
107. CNN - Michigan Library To Control Web Access With Smart Cards - August 24, 1999 michigan library to control Web access with smart cards. August 24, 1999 Web posted at 1140 am EDT (1540 GMT). by Joshua Dean. From Civic.com. http://www.cnn.com/TECH/computing/9908/24/library.ecards.idg/ | |
108. Michigan Library Colleges And Universities Universities. michigan Library Colleges and Universities. Our Database Currently Includes 9 michigan Library Colleges and Universities. http://www.uscollegesearch.org/michigan_library_colleges.html | |
109. James White Library Information Gateway - Andrews University, Berrien Springs, M Need Help? Contact Us. Windows Update use IE only © 2002 Andrews University Berrien Springs, michigan. JWL Web Committee. Library Services Library Services. http://www.andrews.edu/library/ | |
110. University Of Michigan Library Catalogue University of michigan Library Catalogue. The Library of the University of michigan has a good collection of early journals. Its http://www.scholarly-societies.org/history/michigancat.html | |
111. MIRLYN: Welcome Mideastern michigan Library Cooperative HomeClick here to find a new world at your library, 503 S. Saginaw Street, Suite 839 Flint, MI 48502 Phone (810) 232-7119 Toll Free (800 http://webz.lib.umich.edu/ | |
112. ResearchGuide: Web-based Management Of Subject Guides This application was written for use at the University of michigan Graduate Library. It is currently being used to serve research guides there. http://researchguide.sf.net/ | |
113. MTU Library Homepage As a selective depository for United States government publications and a State of michigan depository, the Library aims to serve the residents of the area http://www.lib.mtu.edu/ | |
114. U Of M Digital Library Production Service The Digital Library Production Service (DLPS) was formed in 1996 to provide infrastructure for campus digital library collections, including both access http://www.umdl.umich.edu/ | |
115. MeL Best Of The Internet http://mel.lib.mi.us/index.jsp |
116. Making Of America aking of America (MoA) is a digital library of primary sources in American social history from the antebellum period through reconstruction. http://moa.umdl.umich.edu/ | |
117. Metro Net The main Metro Net web pages have moved. The new location for the Metro Net web pages is http//www.metronet.lib.mi.us/. From this http://metronet.lib.mi.us/ | |
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