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61. Northland Library Cooperative libraries working together to bring quality information services to the citizens of northern michigan. http://nlc.lib.mi.us | |
62. Western Michigan University Research affiliation Center for Research libraries. http://www.wmich.edu/ | |
63. Lakeland Library Cooperative Resource sharing organization serving westcentral michigan public libraries, including some in Allegan, Barry, Ottawa, Kent, and Ionia counties. Based in Grand Rapids. http://www.lakeland.lib.mi.us/ | |
64. Northland Library Cooperative Serving the Northern Lower Penninsula. Includes member libraries, services, librarian's page, regional catalog, and the michigan Electronic Library. http://www.northland.lib.mi.us/ | |
65. Stevens Thomson Mason - Background Reading Mason was the first governor of michigan. This article provides a biography from the state History, Arts and libraries Agency. http://www.michigan.gov/hal/0,1607,7-160-17451_18670_18793-52864--,00.html | |
66. Kalamazoo Public Library Top/Regional/North_America/United_States/michigan/Arts_and_Entertainment/libraries/Public http://www.kpl.gov/home.htm |
67. WMU News - WMU Alumna Gets Prestigious Michigan Library Award years. The Library of michigan and the Detroit Public Library are the only two regional depository libraries in michigan. As such http://www.wmich.edu/wmu/news/2003/0308/0304-x022.html | |
68. Redirect To The Correct Washtenaw County Library Page Top/Regional/North_America/United_States/michigan/Arts_and_Entertainment/libraries/Public http://www.co.washtenaw.mi.us/DEPTS/LIBRARY.HTM | |
69. Galaxy Search Engine & Directory : Serious Searches >> Relevant Results Search out libraries in Southeastern michigan. http://galaxy.einet.net/hytelnet/US038.html | |
70. Novi Public Library Top/Regional/North_America/United_States/michigan/Arts_and_Entertainment/libraries/Public http://tln.lib.mi.us/~novi/ | |
71. The Bosnian Manuscript Ingathering Project: University Of Michigan Bosniaca Proj The project, a bibliography of over 2,700 works contained in the University of michigan s libraries that pertain to Bosnia and Herzegovina, was presented to http://www.kakarigi.net/manu/umich.htm | |
72. LILA: Lavender Information And Library Association At The University Of Michigan University of michigan organization of staff, students and faculty, promoting awareness of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender issues within the university's libraries. Information about events and networking opportunities. http://www.si.umich.edu/LILA/ | |
73. Muskegon Hackley Public Library Top/Regional/North_America/United_States/michigan/Arts_and_Entertainment/libraries/Public http://www.muskegon.k12.mi.us/library/hackley.htm |
74. State Bar Of Michigan - Library Committee Detroit. This article was prepared on behalf of the libraries, Legal Resources and Publications Committee of the State Bar of michigan. http://www.michbar.org/committees/libraries/tort_june99.html | |
75. LWVMI Structure And Funding Of Michigan's Libraries Positions LWVMI Structure and Funding of michigan s libraries Positions. Adopted 1988, 1990, Revised 1997. The organization of michigan public libraries should be uniform. http://www.lwvmi.org/p_librar.htm | |
76. Michigan's Library Regions Of Cooperation MIDEASTERN michigan REGION OF COOPERATION 432 North Saginaw Street Suite 206 Flint, MI 48502 URL www.falcon.edu/libraries 810232-7119 FAX 810-232-6639. http://www.mame.gen.mi.us/resourc/roc.html | |
77. GSWC: Historical Society Of Michigan Library, Ann Arbor Home GSWC Site Map Feedback libraries Key Genealogical Society of Washtenaw County, michigan, Inc. libraries for Genealogical Research. Historical Society of http://www.hvcn.org/info/gswc/library/libmihsoc.htm | |
78. MiLE - Michigan Library Exchange MiLE ( michigan Library Exchange) is an Interlibrary Loan system that allows us to share books among libraries in most of Macomb, Oakland, Washtenaw, and Wayne http://www.emich.edu/halle/mile.html | |
79. LibraryPlanet.com » Michigan Library Battle If the proposed change takes place, the State Library of michigan will be a part of the new Department of Arts, History and libraries and directly under the http://www.libraryplanet.com/2001/07/michigan | |
80. Marygrove College > Library > Michigan Library Exchange The michigan Library Exchange (MiLE) service allows Marygrove students, faculty, and staff to from 160 academic, public, museum and hospital libraries free of http://www.marygrove.edu/library/mile.asp | |
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