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1. Friends Of Michigan Libraries News of Friends groups around the state, tips on organization and management, newsletter reprints, and the current newsletter online. http://www.foml.org/ | |
2. Michigan Libraries A guide to libraries in Michigan Michigan Info Net. All in one central location! MICHIGAN'S LIBRARIES. FEATURED COMPANIES Kalamazoo, MI 49007. Library of Michigan. 517373-1580 http://www.michiganweb.com/library.html | |
3. Michigan Library Association more information. May/June michigan libraries Available The most recent issue of michigan libraries is now available online. This http://www.mla.lib.mi.us/ | |
4. MLA -Jobline The MLA Jobline is a service of the Michigan Library Association, which lists current library job openings in michigan libraries. http://www.mla.lib.mi.us/development/jobline.html | |
5. MeL Michigan Libraries michigan libraries. MeL Home Libraries Information Science michigan libraries. Search MeL michigan libraries. Carnegie Library http://melweb.mlcnet.org/viewtopic.jsp?id=974&pathid=1598 |
6. LibDex - The Library Index Cooperative. Friend s Web Site Friends of the michigan libraries. Hospital Botsford General Hospital; US State Library Library of Michigan. Home http://www.libdex.com/country/USA-Michigan.html | |
7. Libdex: Friends Of The Michigan Libraries, Canton, USA Friends of the michigan libraries. Library Site, City, Canton. Province/State, Michigan. Country, USA. Library Type, Friend s Web Site. http://www.libdex.com/data/20/10198.html | |
8. Michigan Libraries With Local History Online michigan libraries With Local History Online. Albion Public Library Albion MI. Bayliss Public Library Sault Sainte Marie MI. Bloomfield http://www.deckervillelibrary.com/michigan_libraries_with_local_hi.htm | |
9. UM Library: Alphabetical List Of All UM Libraries University of michigan librariesAlphabetical List http://www.lib.umich.edu/libinfo/alphalist.html | |
10. Remote Access Information For Michigan Libraries Remote Access Information for michigan libraries. The contracts for each Michigan eLibrary database service have different provisions http://michiganelibrary.org/databases/remote.htm | |
11. MLC Home Page The Michigan Library Consortium is a nonprofit, membership organization. MLC serves michigan libraries of all types and sizes by providing quality products and services in a costeffective manner in order to maximize the sharing of information among its members. http://www.mlc.lib.mi.us/ |
12. Federal Government Information Available In Michigan Libraries Federal Government Information Available in michigan libraries. The There are 45 of these libraries located throughout Michigan. For http://www.cooley.edu/library/research_links/rl_gov_info.htm | |
13. Librarians Corner :: Michigan Libraries Welcome to the Michigan forum. Please feel free to post your comments here and be sure and visit the Ask the Author forum located in the left column. http://librariansforum.blogharbor.com/blog/MichiganLibraries | |
14. Michigan Libraries michigan libraries. Library of Michigan; Michigan Library Association; Mideastern michigan libraries Flint; Central Michigan University http://www.albionmich.com/guide/libr.html | |
15. State Bar Of Michigan - Library Committee the current Michigan Bar Journal directory issue to pages 198 to 200, and you will find a guide to Michigan law libraries and other michigan libraries with law http://www.michbar.org/committees/libraries/public_oct99.html | |
16. St. Joseph County Michigan Libraries/Historical Listings Three Rivers Public Library 920 West Michigan Ave / Three Rivers, MI / 49093 1616-273-8666. Tri State of Michigan Library Links. Library http://members.tripod.com/~tfred/libhis.html | |
17. Wi-Fi Hotspots In Ann Arbor Maps, and directions for the University of michigan libraries WiFi hotspot located in Ann Arbor Michigan, United States. University of michigan libraries. http://www.jiwire.com/wi-fi-wireless-hotspot-ann-arbor-michigan-mi-us-university | |
18. MAME: Michigan Libraries Calendar Michigan s Libraries Calendar. 2002 March 810 MAME Leadership Conference, Bay Valley, Bay City. Nov. 14-16 MAME 29 Conference, Acme http://www.mame.gen.mi.us/organiz/calendar.html | |
19. The Genealogy Forum: Resource Center: Michigan Libraries And Archives Welcome to the Genealogy Forum s Resource Center! michigan libraries and Archives. michigan libraries AND ARCHIVES. Michigan State http://www.genealogyforum.rootsweb.com/gfaol/resource/MI/LA.htm | |
20. GSWC: University Of Michigan Libraries, Ann Arbor Helpful information about the University of michigan libraries, Ann Arbor, MI, including address, phone, fax, email, home page, online catalog, hours http://www.hvcn.org/info/gswc/library/libumgrad.htm | |
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