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Michigan Education Parent Resources: more detail | ||||
61. Michigan Education Report school choice and empowering parents through No education resources on the Web. http://www.educationreport.org/pubs/mer/ | |
62. For Parents & Those Who Work With Parents care) michigan Childcare Health resources michigan Department of michigan Department of education michigan Head for Human Services michigan Parents, Teachers http://www.vbco.org/government0308.asp | |
63. Michigan Association For Child Care Providers (MACCP) - com The Professional Resource For Teachers And Parents. Improving the education and general life experience of young children. michigan 4C Association The http://www.childcareservices.com/parents/resources.html | |
64. Promising Partnership Practices 1998:Â Parent Resource Directory community and at nearby michigan State University history, and modernday sports and education. parents who had filled out parent Resource Worksheets indicating http://www.csos.jhu.edu/p2000/PPP/PPP_1998/ppps32.htm | |
65. Assessment Reform Network - Homepage MCSS) * Summary Analysis of the michigan Merit Scholarship MotionPassed by the Ohio education Association *Flyer Just Two Moms *Sample Letter-parent Opt-out http://www.fairtest.org/arn/parents.html | |
66. Michigan Education: @USA professional company of educators dedicated to helping the parent and child michigan Department of education Office of Special education Services Upcoming http://www.at-usa.com/Michigan/Education/ | |
67. Parent Resource: Spring Break Guidelines risks, the educators suggest the following guidelines for parents to help MASSPÂs mission is to improve secondary education in michigan through leadership http://www.michiganprincipals.org/parentresources/spring_break.html | |
68. Parent Resource: Relieving Prom Anxiety tell you, be aware that most schools welcome parents to either principals, MASSPÂs mission is to improve secondary education in michigan through leadership http://www.michiganprincipals.org/parentresources/prom_anxiety.html | |
69. Welcome To EarlyOnMichigan.org And 1800EarlyOn.org! resources by michigan County. The following information is from the US Department of education. Offers a wide variety of products for parents and professionals. http://www.earlyonmichigan.org/Resources.htm | |
71. National Educational Technology Standards Project of michigan. education World ® School Administrators Article Middle School Helps parents With Resource Center National Coalition for parent Involvement in http://cnets.iste.org/state/st_resources.html | |
72. Parents For Public Schools NCREL) serves Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and offers resources for educators and parents. National Center for education and the Economy http://www.parents4publicschools.com/resources.html | |
73. MASB - Educational Links com (KEYS) equips teachers, students, parents, administrators and of high quality resources that can be effort of several michigan education organizations and http://www.masb.org/page.cfm/45/ | |
74. CAUSE - Michigan of education under the Individuals with Disabilities education Act (IDEA are just a few of the topics covered by parent centers Geographic Areas Served, michigan. http://www.dssc.org/frc/TAGuide/pti/mi1.htm | |
75. The DRM Regional Resource Directory: Michigan See also Developmental Disabilities, education, specific disabilities Early On® michigan michigan Family Independence Project PERFORM parent Experience and http://www.disabilityresources.org/MICHIGAN.html | |
76. Parents And Family , michigan Educational Assessment Program (MEAP , Governor Granholm Announces Launch of michigan s First Statewide , No Child Left Behind parent Page. http://www.michigan.gov/mde/1,1607,7-140-5233---,00.html | |
77. Education Resource Links For Michigan Southfield Parents Are Experts 23077 Greenfield Rd., Ste 205 Southfield MI 480753744 (810) 557 Special education Services michigan Department of http://familyeducation.com/state_resources/0,1882,28,00.html | |
78. Bridges4Kids - Helping Parents And Professionals With Michigan's Most Comprehens MI New michigan Law Requires Schools and ISD s to Draw up s Introduced in MI House Parents who want by a bill introduced to the House education Committee today http://www.bridges4kids.org/ | |
79. Michigan Teachers, Michigan Schools, Michigan Education Resource, Michigan Educa multiplication tables, michigan education authority, michigan Council, home help, dyslexia help, times tables Maths education site for parents of primary http://www.times-tables.com/city/michigan.htm | |
80. Health Education Resource Center (HERC) | Welcome! The HERC offers programs and educational materials to meet parents, maintaining your own health, parenting girls and University of michigan Health System 1500 E http://www.med.umich.edu/mfit/herc/ | |
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