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Michigan Education Parent Resources: more detail | ||
1. NEA: Help For Parents - Parent Involvement In Education Other resources. Getting involved in your child s education. News Action. Parents, Teachers Differ on School Involvement A survey of michigan parents and http://www.nea.org/parents/ | |
2. Michigan Education Association (MEA) An Education Association And Union For MI T michigan education Association (MEA) has 145 000 MI Public Schools Teachers and ESP. michigan education Association (MEA) includes education Issues, Professional Development, Political Action, Part II parent views on Teacher-parent Communication a coalition of primarily michigan-based education and family agencies formed Ideas and resources for Space Day on May 6 http://www.mea.org/ | |
3. NEA: Help For Parents - Parent Involvement In Education - NEA Resources NEA resources. Teachers say they want to communicate more with parents, but they The michigan education Association, along with a number of primarily michigan http://www.nea.org/parents/nearesources-parents.html |
4. Education World® : Parents Community Don't miss dozens of resources on education World's special parent Involvement page. ballot initiatives drew attention in Arizona, California, michigan, and Oregon11/9/00 http://www.education-world.com/parents | |
5. K/RESA - Special Education - Parent Resources parent resources. parent Handbook. Organizations/resources. Web Sites. The Beacon The Journal of Special education Law and Practice parent resources. Documents. Click on the text michigan http://www.kresa.org/sp/parentresources.htm | |
6. Parent Resources for families of children with special needs in michigan. Consists of parents of students with special needs and implementation of special education programs and http://www.wash.k12.mi.us/parent.cfm | |
7. Selected Microscopy Educational Resources For K-12 Education Microscopy Educational resources for K12 including Elecrton and Light Microscopy Digital Learning Center for Microbial Ecology, michigan State University Guidelines for the parent buying a http://www.mwrn.com/feature/education.asp | |
8. Project PERFORM Special Needs Resources Details michigan s Assistive Technology seminars, and training opportunities for education and other Details National Coalition for parent Involvement in http://www.wash.k12.mi.us/perform/Contents.asp?ListType=New&FilterID=30 |
9. Legal Resources For Special Education Information about special education and disabilities. for the Council of parent Attorneys and Advocates extensive resources on U. S. diability law. The University of michigan page on ADA. Sarah Redfield's annual education Law http://curry.edschool.virginia.edu/go/cise/ose/resources/legal.html | |
10. Michigan Parents Of The Visually Impaired: Resources For Parents michigan Department of education Office of Special education Services. parent Advocacy Coalition for educational Rights (PACER). http://www.upshawinst.org/mpvi/mpvi_rec.htm | |
11. Michigan Schools: Key Facts And Resources - Michigan - GreatSchools.net michigan Schools Key Facts and resources michigan Department of education; michigan State Board of education; michigan parent Teacher Association; http://www.greatschools.net/cgi-bin/showarticle/MI/111/improve | |
12. Online Resources For Special Education - Michigan - GreatSchools.net processes, and lists parent resources stateby of information on special education law and http://www.greatschools.net/cgi-bin/showarticle/mi/94/parent | |
13. Michigan - Education Top Links the parent forum, and win prizes in the FamilyFriendly School contest. michigan Department of education - MDEnet - On-line phone directory, reports, resources http://www.pioneer-michigan.com/Education.html | |
14. Bridges4Kids State Resources And Information: Michigan education resources Information. michigan cfm. michigan Department of education parent Help Line for Student Issues 888323-4231. Download http://www.bridges4kids.org/states/mi.htm | |
15. Special Education Resources Centers: Non-profit Organizations Support Network, a member of the michigan parents Coalition. New Hampshire educationA-Must, Inc., a non Resource Networkthe statewide parent Training and http://www.iser.com/nps.html | |
16. Michigan State Resources Spina Bifida Association of Southeastern michigan PO Box 546 parent Training and Information Center (PTI) Pat Alliance to Uphold Special education (CAUSE) 6412 http://www.nichcy.org/stateshe/mi.htm | |
17. Parent Information - South Redford School District - Http://southredford.net/ ALA resources for Parents, Teens and kids. Kids Book Shelf. Read, Write Now. United States Department of education. michigan Reading Association (800) 6727323 http://southredford.net/schools/parents.htm | |
18. Fraser Public Schools, Fraser, Michigan resources for Promoting parent Involvement in education. No More Extensive list of things to do and places to go in southeast michigan that are fun http://www.macomb.k12.mi.us/fraser/parents.htm | |
19. Parents Web Resources Geometry resources. SimCalc. Welcome To parent News. Questions or Comments? Contact the MEA Web Administrator Copyright 1997-2000 michigan education Association. http://www.mea.org/Design.cfm?p=127 |
20. Parenting Awareness Promote education and resources for developing skills throughout the year. Encourage and assist in the development of parent networks throughout michigan. http://www.preventionnetwork.org/pam homepage.htm | |
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