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1. U.S. Universities, By State studies. Concordia CollegeAnn Arbor. Cornerstone University. Davenport University. Eastern michigan University. Ferris state Crookston. Duluth. Morris. Twin cities. University of Saint http://www.utexas.edu/world/univ/state | |
2. The Center For Urban Studies - Wayne State University The mission of Wayne state University's Center for Urban studies is to improve understanding of and provide innovative responses to urban challenges and opportunities. The center pursues its Crime Stats The U.S., Major cities and Detroit DAAA) Project The state of michigan distributes money to its The Center for Urban studies has been conducting an evaluation of http://www.cus.wayne.edu/ | |
3. Tourism Area Of Expertise michigan Tourism Investment Forum. May 2627, 2004. Dearborn, michigan. News release. 2004 National Extension Tourism Conference " Projects, services and programs. Programs and services to be provided in 2003/2004. michigan state University Extension - Parks and Recreation trends and studies (national as well as by state), agritourism, heritage in alphabetical order of cities in which CVBs are http://www.tourism.msu.edu/ | |
4. State Government And Politics Legal Research/state Code/michigan/Code. medicaid w/5 policy briefs and studies of the National Conference on state federal government, states, large cities and counties, and school http://www.lib.umich.edu/govdocs/state.html | |
5. ProTeacher! Fifty United States Lesson Plans For Elementary School Teachers In G Join us to make social studies a fun, meaningful keys and a map about the state ofmichigan michigan Wordsearch Students find names of michigan cities on a http://www.proteacher.com/090124.shtml | |
6. State Studies state studies for Midwest Region michigan from its islands, rivers, waterfalls, and national parks to its farmlands, villages, and cities. Traveling over 1800 miles in the state http://www.riverroadpublications.com/HTML/StateStudies.html | |
7. Other Resources The listings are by social studies organization and by state the U.S. Their Capital cities and Information Links. for the Humanities in partnership with michigan state University http://www.csun.edu/~hcedu013/res.html | |
8. Political Science And Public Policy Resources: Area Studies BUBL Country studies. Capital cities and cities of 100 studies on the Internet. http//www.lib.msu.edu/limb/az/az.html. Compiled by Dr. Peter Limb of michigan state http://www.lib.msu.edu/harris23/govdocs/areastud.htm | |
9. Michigan Rally Protests Higher Death Rates Of Urban Seniors In State studies commissioned by DAAA and the Senior Citizens show dramatically higher mortalityrates in urban michigan cities. higher than the rest of the state;. http://todaysseniorsnetwork.com/michigan_rally.htm | |
10. The Center For Urban Studies - Wayne State University is organized as an alphabetical listing of all cities, townships and for Urban studies(CUS) at Wayne state University, the Southeast michigan Council of http://www.cus.wayne.edu/pub_sale.asp | |
11. Michigan State Unit Study - Geography, State Symbols & Facts state Unit Study to learn the geography, state symbols and facts about michigan. These state unit studies are designed to help children learn the geography of Print the michigan state Map and http://homeschooling.about.com/library/weekly/aa052300a.htm | |
12. Study Proposal A Hamstrings Michigan Cities - 4/18/04 two of 17 overrides sought by communities across the state, according to a studyby the CitizenÂs Research Council of michigan. But some cities have passed http://www.detnews.com/2004/metro/0404/18/b03-125981.htm | |
13. If Michigan Resists Urge To Increase Taxes, Studies Show More Jobs Keep defining marriage as between man, woman; Don t balance state s budget by Roadsare Key to Boosting michigan Economy; Secret City Credit Cards Were http://www.detnews.com/2003/editorial/0310/26/a17-306901.htm | |
14. WWW-VL Medieval Europe Home Page; Medieval Institute at Western michigan U; Bibliography by Michael Hanly(Washington state University). Lecture 9 Medieval cities, Bruges and Florence http://www.msu.edu/~georgem1/history/medieval.htm | |
15. MDCIS - Energy Office - Case Studies $650,000 was partially funded by a $50,000 grant from the state of michigan andthe US of Energy s state Energy Program. Traverse City, MI 49685 616/9224470. http://www.michigan.gov/documents/CIS_EO_Inside_case4_40671_7.htm | |
16. OTT News manufacturing and service firms, according to the study. michigan s cities make upthe top five when comparing the lowest burdened of each state s income and http://www.techtransfer.umich.edu/news/articles/benchmark.html | |
17. Governing: State Egov Rankings out the top 10 were Texas, Indiana, Tennessee, California, michigan (which rose anaverage of 32 for each state  and then Similar studies of city and global http://governing.com/articles/9stegov.htm | |
18. AAA Michigan - Michigan Living: Investing In Ideas Granholm sent a letter to the mayors of 254 michigan communities encouraging themto brainstorm on how they can make their cities and the state in general http://www.autoclubgroup.com/michigan/travel/michigan_living/article.asp?id=60 |
19. State Energy Program: Case Studies In Michigan state Case studies. Download Acrobat Reader. Ann Arbor City Hall Natural Gas FiredChiller The michigan Energy Office published this case study about how http://www.eere.energy.gov/state_energy_program/case_studies_by_state.cfm/state= | |
20. Michigan Social Studies Lake michigan lies between the two peninsulas The Lower peninsula contains the cities,industry, and Netstate.com http//www.netstate.com/states/intro/mi_intro http://www.archaeolink.com/michigan_social_studies.htm | |
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