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21. RootsWeb: Genealogy Mailing Lists: METHODIST For anyone who is researching their ancestors who were of the methodist faith. http://lists.rootsweb.com/index/other/Religion/METHODIST.html | |
22. The Institute On Religion And Democracy Agency that defends traditional Christian beliefs provides reports concerning needed reform in the United methodist Church. http://www.ird-renew.org/About/AboutMain.cfm | |
23. Guelph Museums: Black History Exhibit Guelph Museums Black History Exhibit http://www.museum.guelph.on.ca/religion.htm | |
24. The Methodist Articles Of Religion The Articles of religion of the Christian methodist Episcopal denomination Explanation The methodist Articles of religion are a statement of how methodists interpret the Holy Scriptures given to http://www.godonthe.net/cme/methdist/articles.htm | |
25. The Twenty-Five Articles Of Religion (Methodist) The Twentyfive Articles of religion used by John Wesley and adopted by the methodist Church. The Twenty-five Articles of religion of the methodist Church, from the Discipline of 1808 collated against These 25 Articles of religion were John Wesley's adaptation of the Thirty http://www.cresourcei.org/creed25.html | |
26. RootsWeb: Genealogy Mailing Lists: TX-METHODIST A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical interest in the methodist church in Texas. religion TXmethodist Mailing List. TX-methodist-L For questions about this list, contact the list administrator at TX-methodist-admin@rootsweb.com. http://lists.rootsweb.com/index/other/Religion/TX-METHODIST.html | |
27. Community United Methodist Church 1072 Old Kempsville Road       Virgini Top/Regional/North_America/United_States/Virginia/Localities/V/Virginia_Beach/Society_and_Culture/religion/Christianity/methodist http://www.communityumc.org/ | |
28. Epworth And The Wesleys: John Wesley Methodist, Religion, Lincolnshire, Tourism, Epworth and The Wesleys john wesley methodist, religion, lincolnshire, tourism, the old rectory. http://www.wesleys.biz/theoldrectory.htm |
29. Virginia UMC/Portsmouth District/Jolliff Top/Regional/North_America/United_States/Virginia/Localities/C/Chesapeake/Society_and_Culture/religion/methodist http://www.gbgm-umc.org/jolliffumc/ | |
30. Religious Icon And Image Archive United methodist graphics, United methodist images, United methodist gifs, clipart, graphics, images, gifs, jpegs, icons, religion, religious, web page http://www.aphids.com/susan/relimage/ | |
31. The Relgious Nature Of Scientology Dr. Parrinder, methodist Minister and Professor of the Comparative Study of religions University of London, on the controversy as to whether Scientology is a religion. http://www.religiousapartheid.org/critiques/ENG/ThreeExpertises/ba7.htm | |
32. Methodist Articles Of Religion - Scriptures methodist Articles of religion. General Information commonly used for the standards of doctrine of the United methodist Church. The Articles stem from the abridgment of the http://www.franciscan-sfo.org/TXH/METHODAR.HTM |
33. Aumc Index A church where science, religion, and life are compatible. Includes staff listing, service schedule, and mission statement. http://www.arvadaumc.org/ | |
34. Suntree United Methodist Church Top/Regional/North_America/United_States/Florida/Localities/S/Suntree/Society_and_Culture/religion/United_Methodist http://www.suntreeumc.org | |
35. Home Page Top/Regional/North_America/United_States/Washington/Localities/V/Vancouver/Society_and_Culture/religion/Churches http://www.gbgm-umc.org/millplainumc/index.htm | |
36. Religious Movements Homepage: United Methodist Church Though United methodists have many things in common with other Christian religions, there are some aspects of the religion that are distinctively methodist . http://religiousmovements.lib.virginia.edu/nrms/methodist.html | |
37. Community United Methodist Chuch Schedule of services, directions, contact information, and links. http://gator.naples.net/religion/methdst/meggate.htm | |
38. The Institute On Religion And Democracy The IRD is committed to reforming the Church's social and political witness and to building and strengthening democracy and religious liberty at home and abroad. Sprague was speaking at United methodist Iliff Seminary in Denver http://www.ird-renew.org/About/About.cfm?ID=379&c=5 |
39. WESLEY COLLEGE, Cambridge Cambridge. Training of methodist ministers also any faith based research facility for the study of religion. Accommodation information. http://www.wesley.cam.ac.uk/ | |
40. New Zealand Methodist : Religion, Parish, Parishes, Church, Churches Page Content New Zealand, religion, Religious, methodist, Gospel, Parish, Parishes, Church, Churches, Belief, Beliefs, Service, Services, Mission, Community http://www.nzs.com/society/religion/christianity/methodist/ | |
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