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161. EOA Scientific Systems Courseware presents the scientific foundations of meteorology, covering the topics of weather fundamentals, atmospheric phenomena, investigative forecasts, and reporting. Includes 40 interactive multimedia presentations. http://www.eoascientific.com/science_education_software/weather/meteorology_weat | |
162. World Data Center For Meteorology, Asheville Part of a global network of discipline subcenters that facilitate international exchange of scientific data. Includes facilities, datasets, and exchange policy. http://lwf.ncdc.noaa.gov/oa/wmo/wdcamet.html | |
163. U Of U - Department Of Meteorology Top/Science/Earth_Sciences/meteorology/Research http://www.met.utah.edu/ | |
164. Major Centres-Renmark And Mount Gambier Four day forecasts with U.V. index and fire danger levels. Renmark also on same page http://www.bom.gov.au/cgi-bin/wrap_fwo.pl?IDS10064.txt |
165. Penn State Department Of Meteorology Top/Science/Earth_Sciences/meteorology/Research http://www.met.psu.edu/dept/ |
166. NPS Meteorology Department Overview of meteorology, faculty directory, overview of research areas, class descriptions, and events calendar. http://www.weather.nps.navy.mil/ | |
167. Institut Für Meteorologie Und Klimaforschung Mesoscale Climate, middle atmosphere trace constituents and atmospheric aerosol research. http://www-imk.fzk.de:8080/ |
168. AIDA - Aerosols And Heterogeneous Chemistry In The Atmosphere Atmospheric Aerosol Research Department, Institute for meteorology and Climate Research (IMK), Research Centre Karlsruhe. http://imk-aida.fzk.de/ | |
169. Weather Forecasting Group Home Conducts research and system development aimed at improving understanding and forecast capacity of mesoscale weather systems. http://www.bom.gov.au/bmrc/wfhome.htm | |
170. Oil Spill Response Plan Actions to be taken by Canadian Wildlife Service Atlantic Region in the event of an oil spill or the presence of oiled migratory birds. Lists wildlife, pollution and meteorology. Plan available for download in PDF format. http://www.ns.ec.gc.ca/reports/osrp.html | |
171. Max Planck Institute For Meteorology Berlin. Conducts research in areas including theoretical climate modeling, physics of the atmosphere and oceans, and climate dynamics. Information about departments, scientific and educational activities, models, and other topics. http://www.mpimet.mpg.de/en/web/ |
172. Environment Canada Atlantic Region: Welcome Environmental information for the Atlantic region. Features wildlife, nature, pollution and meteorology. http://www.ns.ec.gc.ca/index_e.html | |
173. The Mesoscale&Microscale Meteorology Division, NCAR MMM strives to advance the understanding of the mesoscale and microscale aspects of weather and climate, and to create and refine computer models to predict these processes in order to benefit society. http://www.mmm.ucar.edu | |
174. Jobs In Oil, Energy, Geoscience, Geosciences, Geology, Mining, Geography, Enviro Jobs in energy, oil, mining, geoscience, environmental, agriculture, forestry, ecology, meteorology, oceanography, hydrology, soil, GIS and related subjects. http://www.earthworks-jobs.com | |
175. Climate Research Karlsruhe Information on the Institute of meteorology and Climate Research at the University of Karlsruhe which conducts tropospheric and stratospheric research, and operates the aerosol chamber (AIDA). http://www-imk.physik.uni-karlsruhe.de/ |
176. «GROUPNAME» : «PURPOSE1» ADVOCACY ¨. ALLIES FRIENDS Formerly STRAIGHT BUT NOT NARROW, Allies Friends are a heterosexually based organization that serves as an advocacy group for the education and support of Gay Rights http://www.uga.edu/stuact/spring02directory.html | |
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