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141. The Weather Legacy meteorology information including glossary, definition of meteorological scales, software, poetry, and links. http://wxlegacy.0catch.com/ | |
142. THEMES_regional Air Quality Air quality consultants located in Milan, Italy whose services include applied meteorology and air pollution dispersion modeling. http://www.aria-net.it/eng/theme_4.htm | |
143. RMS Forecasting Services A wide variety of meteorological consulting services; forensic meteorology, expert testimony, forecasting, training, site surveys and instrumentation, fire weather, and applied meteorological and climatological services. http://www.rmsforecastingservices.com/ | |
144. Re-dirigering Fra Luft-side I UK-gren A Gaussian plume model developed by Denmark's National Environmental Research Institute (NERI) that is recommended for environmental impact assessments of any planned new industrial sources. The model can be used at distances up to 20 km for high or low sources, one or more point sources, or area sources. It is not suitable for complex terrain and it requires input data on emissions and meteorology on an hourly basis. http://www.dmu.dk/AtmosphericEnvironment/oml/OMLlong.htm |
145. Indian Institute Of Tropical Meteorology IITM is based in pune, research and development in the field of tropical meteorology. http://www.tropmet.res.in/ |
146. Index To Training Materials And Essays On Storm Chasing And Meteorology This site provides an organized list of training materials and essays on storm chasing and meteorology that are available on the internet. http://www.k5kj.net/training.htm | |
147. Franklin, MA - Schools - Horace Mann Middle School Middle School - Meteorology C Current weather, meeting schedule and links to weather websites. http://www.franklin.ma.us/auto/schools/horace/activities/metclub/ | |
148. CIMH New Website Outlines of courses available, data held, contact details, and history of this cooperative by sixteen governments in the region. http://inaccs.com.bb/carimet/top.htm | |
149. Home meteorology website from ASO(Met)Southern Area. http://www.kaykat.fsnet.co.uk/Home.htm | |
150. BoM - Marine Weather Services Marine Weather Oceanography Services of the Australian Bureau of meteorology. http://www.bom.gov.au/marine/ | |
151. Weathernews Marine Services Weather routing and vessel tracking service, ORION onboard weather information and route guidance system, POLARIS weather information and fleet management system, Tow and rig and lightering forecasts, forensic meteorology. http://www.oceanroutes.com/ | |
152. BNL Meteorology MSTe Home Educator Resources Workshops meteorology General Information Activity Background Activity Module Prediction Activities Project W.A.R.M. Current Weather Weather Links MAGLEV Global Change Structural Studies High Integrity Container. http://www.bnl.gov/scied/mste/meteor1.html |
153. Indian Institute Of Technology Kharagpur Fields include engaged in astrophysics, cosmology sciences, and technologies of new materials and optical fibers. http://www.iitkgp.ernet.in/departments/home.php?deptcode=MP |
154. The Infography About Meteorology Online and print resources recommended by a professor who specializes in research about meteorology. http://www.infography.com/content/090094003868.html | |
155. Meteorology Department Home Page Centre for teaching and research in meteorology http://www.met.reading.ac.uk/ | |
156. Center For Atmosphere Ocean Science (CAOS) Research, graduate school studies in applied math, dynamical meteorology, physical oceanography and climate system modeling. http://www.math.nyu.edu/caos/ | |
157. BSMO.co.uk - Bringing The Weather, Come Rain Or Shine Weather related reports, news, experiments and quizzes. http://www.bsmo.co.uk/ | |
158. Dunmore High School...Encyclopedia. Giannetta Meteorological Encyclopedia...WEAT Articles on Weather and meteorology, ElNino, Hurricanes, Tornadoes. Many weather charts/graphics/maps/pictures. Links to other weather sites, some as far away as the South Pole. http://www.enter.net/~wxdata/ | |
159. Booty Meteorological Information Source Keeper of the uk.sci.weather FAQ's, associated glossaries and links to other related meteorology sites. http://www.booty.demon.co.uk/metindex.htm |
160. Monterey Marine Meteorology Division Satellite meteorology images and graphical presentations. Addresses such areas as clouds, wind, rain and water vapor. http://www.nrlmry.navy.mil/sat_products.html |
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