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81. Hydrogen News And Press Australian Commonwealth Bureau of meteorology Adopts First HOGEN® Hydrogen Generator eMailnha@ttcorp.com Website www.HydrogenUS.org Website maintained by http://www.hydrogenus.org/nha-news-press.asp |
82. International Association Of Meteorology And Atmospheric Sciences IUGG) and provides the scientific community with platforms to present, discussand promote the newest achievements in meteorology, atmospheric science and http://www.iamas.org/ | |
83. Ingenta: Geography Resources Regional Studies association http//www.regionalstudies-assoc.ac.uk/. RoyalGeographical Society/Institute of British Geographers http//www.rgs.org/. http://www.ingenta.com/isis/browsing/VisitSubjectResource/ingenta?subject=175 |
84. Distributed Frameworks And Parallel Algorithms For Processing Large-scale Geogra Australasian Urban and Regional Information Systems assoc. Parallel Processors inMeteorology, ECMWF, 1990 Available from ?http//www.earthsystemgrid.org/?. http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=958024&dl=ACM&coll=portal&CFID=11111111&CF |
85. International Association Of Broadcast Meteorology (IABM), International Associa The Professional Association for all those involved in the business of broadcasting weather to the public http://www.iabm.org/ |
86. Liens - Links Tool (FAST) http//www.irving.org/ftplib/scanning Fribourg Max Planck Institute forMeteorology ZAMG Centre Modeling Division EPRI Air Waste Management assoc. http://people.sca.uqam.ca/~tardif/liens.html | |
87. Air Quality Meteorology Developmental course of the US Environmental Protection Agency in conjunction with the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration http://www.shodor.org/metweb/index.html | |
88. The List Of Japanese Scientific Societies assoc.). JAPAN INSTITUTE OF PRINTED CIRCUIT (JIPC). THE JAPANESE AGRICULTURAL SYSTEMSSOCIETY (JASS). THE SOCIETY OF AGRICULTURAL meteorology OF JAPAN (SAMJ). http://www.atip.or.jp/jss.html | |
89. Sci.geo.meteorology Newsgroup FAQs Archived FAQs from the Usenet newsgroup sci.geo.meteorology. http://www.faqs.org/faqs/by-newsgroup/sci/sci.geo.meteorology.html | |
90. METER 10-Elements Of Meteorology 1b. Course Number 10. 2. Course Title Elements of meteorology. 3. Units3. 4. This Course is assoc Degree Applic. Transfer to UC/CSU/Private. http://www.solano.edu/webcms/display.asp?course_id=9719 |
91. WAAY 2003 EEOC Report 17, University of Oklahoma, Dr. Forrest Carr, 1000 Asp Ave. Dept of MeteorologyNorman OK 73109, 405325-2252, 35, National assoc of Broadcasters, www.nab.org/bcc, http://www.waaytv.com/global/story.asp?s=1546405&ClientType=Printable |
92. Literature References On Mesoscale Meteorology Aagaard, K. and E. C. Carmack, 1989 The role of sea ice and other fresh water in the Arctic circulation. J. Geophys. Res., 94, 1448514498. Aagaard, K., E. Fahrbach, J. Meincke, and J. H. http://twister.ou.edu/References.all.html | |
93. Freese-Notis Weather.Net Home Page Source of weather information for agriculture, aviation, commodities, construction, energy, forensics, and transportation. NEXRAD radar imagery via InterRAD. http://www.weather.net/fn/newhoo.weather.html | |
94. Allexperts Meteorology (Weather) Q&A Experts ranked by knowledge or prestige offer answers to questions in their areas of specialization. http://www.allexperts.com/getExpert.asp?Category=668 |
95. Climate Change Fact sheets and information on climate change, with an Australian perspective. Also provides annual statements on Australia's climate. http://www.bom.gov.au/climate/change/ | |
96. The International Commission On Polar Meteorology Focus for research into the meteorology and climatology of the Arctic and Antarctic. http://www.nerc-bas.ac.uk/public/icd/icpm/ | |
97. Bureau Of Meteorology - Home Page Weather, climate and hydrology services; also details educational projects, publications, and contacts. http://www.bom.gov.au/ | |
98. Bad Meteorology Informs about misconceptions and errors in many textbooks and schools about weather. http://www.ems.psu.edu/~fraser/BadMeteorology.html |
99. Northwest Airlines Meteorology Providing weather forecasting products for the aviation industry, including specialized turbulence and thunderstorm forecasts. http://www.nwa.com/weather | |
100. CLIVAR2004 This page maintained by the US CLIVAR Project Office This page last updatedApril 20, 2004 Please Email questions or comments to usco@usclivar.org. http://www.clivar2004.org/ | |
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