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61. ASU - Noble Science And Engineering Library - The History Of Astronomy The history of astronomy goes far back to the time of the ancient Mesopotamians, ancient Indian, ancient Egypt, and ancient mesoamerica (ie, southern North http://www.asu.edu/lib/noble/space/history.htm | |
62. Classics Links -- Virgil.org NS Gill, About.com ancient/Classical history Original introductions GrecoRoman literature; Greece (including bibliography); mesoamerica; the Near East http://virgil.org/links/classics.htm | |
63. Indians Of Mexico Subject Guide - Print Version Encyclopedia of ancient mesoamerica Call number Ref F1219.B932 1996. Encyclopedia of Mexico history, society culture Call number Ref F1204.E539 1997x. http://library.riohondo.edu/Subject_Guides/Indians_of_Mexico-text.htm | |
64. Rio Hondo Community College Library Indians Of Mexico Subject Guide of mesoamerican Cultures, this site is devoted to ancient mesoamerica and its roundtable a conference on art, iconography, and dynastic history of Palenque. http://library.riohondo.edu/Subject_Guides/indians_of_mexico.htm | |
65. Archaeology/Antiquities GENERAL ARCHAEOLOGY, EGYPTOLOGY, BIBLICAL ARCHAEOLOGY, CLASSICS, ancient NEAR EAST, mesoamerica, JOURNALS, INSTITUTIONS. Internet ancient history Sourcebook. http://www.worldagesarchive.com/Individual Web Pages/Archaeology.html | |
66. HistoryWiz Books: The Aztec, Inca And Maya historyWiz Books mesoamerica. featured in Macworld, one of the best history sites on the web. Featured. coverLost Discoveries The ancient Roots of Modern Science http://books.historywiz.org/ancientamerica.htm | |
67. EJOL - UDK Podruèje : 93 Stara Povijest / Ancient History info, » ancient mesoamerica, info, upute za autore. » Arachnion a journal of ancient literature and history on the info, » Bryn Mawr classical review, info, http://ejol.irb.hr/udk.php?idpd=93&raz=2 |
68. Esther Pasztory | Faculty Directory | Faculty | Department Of Art History And Ar Esther Pasztory Lisa and Bernard Selz Professor in PreColumbian Art history Art of mesoamerica, ancient Andes, art theory Ph.D., Columbia University, 1971 http://www.columbia.edu/cu/arthistory/html/dept_faculty_pasz.html | |
69. Faculty | Department Of Art History And Archaeology | Columbia University media to Art history Ph.D., London, 1973 Esther Pasztory Lisa and Bernard Selz Professor in PreColumbian Art history Art of mesoamerica, ancient Andes, art http://www.columbia.edu/cu/arthistory/html/dept_faculty_direct.html | |
70. THE RESTORATION OF ANCIENT HISTORY brings China, the Ganges Valley as well as mesoamerica (Olmecs) etc Pensee, Kronos, The Velikovskian, AEON, SIS Review and Catastrophe ancient history. http://www.specialtyinterests.net/heinsohn.html | |
71. Matthew Looper, CSU Chico Art History Faculty New Perspectives on the Late Classic Political history of Quiriguá, Guatemala, ancient mesoamerica, 10, no. 2, (1999) 263 2 80. http://www.csuchico.edu/art/people/looper.html | |
72. Ancient Mesoamerica ANT 492 Some of the greatest civilizations in the ancient world developed in mesoamerica. This course will provide you with an overview of the cultural history of this http://people.uncw.edu/simmonss/spring 2003_ancient_mesoamerica_ant_492.htm | |
73. Ancient And Medieval History - ELi Research Guides - UWF Libraries sections on ancient India, China, and mesoamerica. 54 L48 1965) Civilization of The ancient Mediterranean Greece Political and military history is enriched by http://library.uwf.edu/eli/Arts/Ancient.shtml | |
74. Mayan Art And Books On PreHispanic Archaeology And Ancient Artifacts Of Precolum role of advanced digital imaging in art history and archaeology recording of the facts and artifacts of ancient civilizations of preColumbian mesoamerica. http://www.maya-art-books.org/ | |
75. Ancient Mexico And Central America: Archaeology And Culture History : Books : Th ancient Mexico Central America. Archaeology and Culture history Susan Toby best singlevolume treatment of pre-Columbian mesoamerica in existence http://www.thamesandhudson.com/books/Ancient_Mexico_and_Central_America/05002844 | |
76. Kokomo-Howard County Public Library :: Young Adult Services Recommended Websites Aztec. ancient Mexico Visit This Site. The art, culture and history of ancient mesoamerica. ancient World Web Visit This Site. Search http://www.kokomo.lib.in.us/ayasd/yas/ancientCultureSites.asp | |
77. AnnCorinne Freter-Abrams, Professor, Sociology And Anthropology, Ohio University AnnCorinne Freter Aztec Period Settlement history and Absolute Chronology Obsidian Hydration Evidence From the Teotihuacan Valley . ancient mesoamerica Vol. http://www.cas.ohiou.edu/SocAnth/freter.htm | |
78. H-Net Multimedia Reviews: Jonathan Rotondo-McCord On Ancient Lands and themes (China, Persian Empire, Mesopotamia, mesoamerica, and ancient Artists, for example). There is even one page on What is history?, though it is http://www.h-net.org/mmreviews/showrev.cgi?path=499 |
79. The Revision Of Ancient History: Revised Chronologies gives a broad sweep across ancient history, relating mistakes surprisingly, knew nothing of these ancient peoples Age started in China and mesoamerica some 1500 http://www.knowledge.co.uk/sis/ancient.htm | |
80. Powell's Books - Used, New, And Out Of Print An introduction to the study of ancient history and the career Price $32.95 add to wish list, ancient Civilizations the Near East and mesoamerica (2ND 95 http://www.powells.com/subsection/WorldHistoryAncientHistory.21.html | |
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