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         Media United Kingdom:     more books (100)
  1. Benn's Media: United Kingdom, Europe, World (Benn's Media Directory) by Miller Freeman, 1999-01
  2. Benn's Media Directory: United Kingdom, 1987
  3. Benn's Media Directory, 1993: United Kingdom (Benn's Media Directory United Kingdom)
  4. Benn's Media Directory, 1994: United Kingdom (Benn's Media Directory United Kingdom)
  5. Ethnicity and the media: An analysis of media reporting in the United Kingdom, Canada, and Ireland (Race, ethnicity, and the media)
  6. Benn's Media 2005 Volume 1 United Kingdom by Benn's, 2005
  7. El Príncipe y la prensa.(Principe Carlos, Reino Unido)(TT: The prince and the media.)(TA: Prince Charles, United Kingdom)(Artículo Breve): An article from: Epoca by Stephen Glover, 2002-03-29
  8. Benn's Media 2006 Volume 1 United Kingdom by Benn, 2005
  9. Benn's Media Directory, 1996: United Kingdom (Serial)
  10. Benn's Media Directory 1987: Incorporating Benn's Press Directory : United Kingdom/International (Benn's Media Directory)
  11. Benn's Media Directory, 1995: United Kingdom (Serial)
  12. Benn's Media Directory, 1992: United Kingdom
  13. Benn's Media Directory, 1997: United Kingdom (Serial)
  14. History of Broadcasting in the United Kingdom: Volume I: The Birth of Broadcasting (History of Broadcasting in the United Kingdom) by Asa Briggs, 1995-05-25

161. Media Channel Countries Index
mediaChannel Home, media Channel Countries Index. Subscribe! Get mediaChannel updates delivered to your inbox. united kingdom. united States. Uruguay.

162. Conference And Exhibition Stands For Hire | North West | UK
Bespoke conference, exhibition, and media set construction and installation. united kingdom
Download Macromedia Flash Player
Download Macromedia Flash Player

163. Crosspoint - United Kingdom
The holdings encompass over 50,000 items in various media. We conduct research into the quality of democracy and political freedom in the united kingdom.
Crosspoint Anti Racism
United Kingdom
Anti Racism/Anti fascism
  • Africa Reparations Movement
    ARM(UK) believes that people of African origin have an historic task to perform, that is to ensure that the truth of what happened to people of African origin is exposed and that reparations are made to African people. The achievement of African people has been truly remarkable, and just as we have emancipated ourselves from enslavement, just as we decolonised ourselves from the British Empire, just as we continue to progress in the world despite racism, just as we destroyed apartheid in South Africa - Victory is certain!!
  • Anti Fascist Action, UK
  • Anti Nazi League
    The Anti Nazi League is a broad based, mass organisation. Anyone who wants to stop the Nazis can join, regardless of political belief, religion or creed. We have one single aim, to stop the Nazis reaching a wider audience and growing.
  • Britkid
    joint project between Comic Relief and University College Chichester. It has been online since 1998. It is a website about identity, racism, and growing up in Britain. It is aimed at young people and educators in majority white areas. It explores issues around race, racism, prejudice, stereotypes, freindship and support through the experiences of nine young british characters. Britkid is designed for citizenship, PSHE and RE work, but it can easily be used in other subject areas too.
  • CARF
    the leading independent anti-racist organisation in the UK. The website features a selection of articles from the CARF magazine and news on campaigns.

The applicant, Geoffrey Dennis Peck, is a united kingdom national, who was born in The applicant made a number of media appearances thereafter to speak out

Press release issued by the Registrar CHAMBER JUDGMENT IN THE CASE OF PECK v. THE UNITED KINGDOM
The European Court of Human Rights has today notified in writing a judgment [ fn ] in the case of Peck v. the United Kingdom (application no. 44647/98). The Court held unanimously that there had been:
  • a violation of Article 8 (right to respect for private life) of the European Convention on Human Rights; a violation of Article 13 (right to an effective remedy) taken in conjunction with Article 8.
Under Article 41 (just satisfaction) of the Convention, the Court awarded the applicant 11,800 euros (EUR) for non-pecuniary damage and EUR 18,075 for costs and expenses. (The judgment is available only in English.) 1. Principal facts The applicant, Geoffrey Dennis Peck, is a United Kingdom national, who was born in 1955 and lives in Essex. On the evening of 20 August 1995, at a time when he was suffering from depression, Mr Peck walked alone down Brentwood High Street, with a kitchen knife in his hand, and attempted suicide by cutting his wrists. He was unaware that he had been filmed by a closed-circuit television (CCTV) camera installed by Brentwood Borough Council. The CCTV footage did not show the applicant cutting his wrists; the operator was solely alerted to an individual in possession of a knife. The police were notified and arrived at the scene, where they took the knife, gave the applicant medical assistance and brought him to the police station, where he was detained under the Mental Health Act 1983. He was examined and treated by a doctor, after which he was released without charge and taken home by police officers.

165. IFEX :: United Kingdom
2003 download ARTICLE 19 media Regulation and Codes of Practice in the united kingdom download RELATED SITES MORE SITES. ARTICLE
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In United Kingdom




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Home Regional News ... Europe United Kingdom ALERTS: MORE ALERTS Iraq/United Kingdom/United States - 30 MAR 2004 AP photographer shot and injured during clashes; newspaper shut down more... United Kingdom - 29 JAN 2004 IFJ warns that continued attacks on BBC could undermine public service broadcasting in other countries more... United Kingdom (Northern Ireland) - 29 SEP 2003 Two years after journalist Martin O'Hagan's murder, the investigation is at a standstill; photographer receives death threat more... Iraq/United Kingdom/United States - 19 SEP 2003 Progress in hunt for clues about missing media workers Frédéric Nérac and Hussein Osman more...

166. IFEX :: United Kingdom
2003 cargue ARTICLE 19 media Regulation and Codes of Practice in the united kingdom cargue SITIOS AFINES MÁS SITIOS. ARTICLE
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In United Kingdom




Sign up now for your weekly bulletin of free expression news.

Inicio Regional News ... Europe United Kingdom ALERTAS: MÁS ALERTAS Iraq/United Kingdom/United States - 30 MAR 2004 AP photographer shot and injured during clashes; newspaper shut down más... United Kingdom - 29 ENE 2004 IFJ warns that continued attacks on BBC could undermine public service broadcasting in other countries más... United Kingdom (Northern Ireland) - 29 SEP 2003 Two years after journalist Martin O'Hagan's murder, the investigation is at a standstill; photographer receives death threat más... Iraq/United Kingdom/United States - 19 SEP 2003 Progress in hunt for clues about missing media workers Frédéric Nérac and Hussein Osman más...

167. Media: Disability And The Media In The United Kingdom
media Disability and the media in the united kingdom. By Simon Minty ( Disabled people get involved with
Media: Disability and the Media in the United Kingdom By Simon Minty (
Disabled people get involved with the media for a variety of reasons; because they are of a creative or journalistic nature; to improve the accuracy in portrayal or because they just want to show off in front of an audience. Whatever the reason, disability arts and the media in the UK have a firm base from which to flourish. However, there is a long way to go until disabled people will be seen regularly in the media as whole human beings. Once the illusions of pity, of bravery and the medical elements are reduced to sensible proportions, then the situation will improve. In the UK, there is some debate as to the best approach of harmonising disability arts and the media, to achieve a mutually beneficial collaboration. Differences of opinion are not restricted to media representatives and disabled people but also within disabled groups themselves. The media is a notoriously difficult and agenda driven industry. I have lost count of the times I have read an interview with a non-disabled actor who explains how the work is scarce, the training hard and the rejections painful and plentiful. With a disabled actor, he or she often has the additional perceived disadvantage of difference that, supposedly, the audience will not be able to mentally accommodate. I say 'supposedly', as I think it is often the writer, producer or director who have the problem of accommodating. Inclusion vs. Ghettoisation

168. ICommons | Creative Commons
Commons is working with Programme in Comparative media Law and Policy at Oxford University on porting the Creative Commons licenses to the united kingdom.
@import url(/includes/default.css); Creative Commons
powered by Google
International Commons: United Kingdom Creative Commons is working with Programme in Comparative Media Law and Policy at Oxford University on porting the Creative Commons licenses to the United Kingdom.
iCommons United Kingdom List
Project Leads: Damian Tambini Prodromos Tsiavos (Legal Project Lead), Annabelle Littoz-Monet (Public Project Lead), and David Tannenbaum
About the Programme in Comparative Media Law and Policy at Oxford University
The Programme in Comparative Media Law and Policy at Oxford University was established in 1996 to provide a comparative approach to the regulatory upheavals that have been occurring in the field of media law and policy throughout the world in the last several years. Towards this end the Programme focuses on research into current and proposed regulation, technical assistance, and the development of academic programs that will provide a new generation of scholars and policymakers with a sharpened comparative insight into the problems of adjustment of technology to society More information:

169. Herbicide Resistant Weeds
GROUP O/4 RESISTANT COMMON CHICKWEED (Stellaria media) united kingdom. Wednesday, May 12, 2004. What s on this page, Common Chickweed.

170. UK Indymedia - UK Indymedia
united Kollektives is a network of individuals, independent and alternative media activists and organisations, offering grassroots, noncorporate, non-commercial coverage of important social and
@import url(/style/uk.css); Indymedia UK is a network of individuals, independent and alternative media activists and organisations, offering grassroots, non-corporate, non-commercial coverage of important social and political issues.
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HOME Editorial Guidelines Mission Statement ...
G8 Resistance at Sea Island (US)
With the 2004 G8 meeting underway in Sea Island (Jun 8-10), a private luxury resort, 80 miles south of Savannah in the United States, so too are the counter mobilisations . Amidst an already tense atmosphere of repression a State of Emergency was recently declared. While a few permits were recently issued for G-8 demonstrations, they could be revoked under the state of emergency. In addition, the state of emergency could allow for: Martial rule to be declared, curfews to be imposed, military units to "guard" the streets, and the detention and arrest of demonstrators until the "emergency" is over.
For ongoing coverage see Atlanta Indymedia
Also San Francisco IMC IndyBay IMC
Streaming Radio: Enemy Combatant Radio-In San Francisco IMC-Atlanta Webradio
Also see Dissent! UK Solidarity Actions

171. United Business Media PLC - Information Fact Sheet - Hoover's
united Business media (UBM) is a house divided between publishing and business services. Formerly united News media, the company's holdings include hightech publisher CMP media united Business

172. UKOOA - United Kingdom Offshore Operators Association - Site Overview And Main S
2004 united kingdom Offshore Operators Association London Tel 020 7802 2400 Fax 020 7802 2401 Aberdeen Tel 01224 626 652 Fax 01224 626 503 Email info@ukooa
Britain's Offshore Oil and Gas Brochure
A new edition of this popular book has just been launched by UKOOA. Find out how oil and gas was formed and the discovery and extraction techniques used by the UK Oil and Gas Industry. You can purchase this publication, via our online publication section. (REF11)
Click here for the publications section

New UKOOA Extranet
The UKOOA Extranet is for members of its Membership Representative Teams (MRTs) and the oil and gas networks. Click here to go to the Extranet home page.
Extranet home page

Offshore Maintenance Management Workshop
Presentations from the workshop
Click here for the presentations

Fisheries Liaison Seminar
Click here for further details and booking form
Cogent Conference - A Vanishing Workforce Date: 21 September 2004 Click here for further details Code of Practice on Access to Upstream Oil and Gas Infrastructure on the UK Continental Shelf Consultation Click here DEAL Data Registry DEAL is a UKOOA-owned website that facilitates access to geoscience data on the UKCS. Visit the Deal web site for more information.

173. The Commonwealth Treasurer – Press Release - Australia-United Kingdom Doub
NO.073. AUSTRALIAunited kingdom DOUBLE TAXATION TREATY. This reflects the close economic relations between Australia and the united kingdom (UK).

Parliamentary Secretary's Website

Minister for Revenue and Assistant Treasurer's Website
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NO.073 AUSTRALIA-UNITED KINGDOM DOUBLE TAXATION TREATY The Treasurer and the British High Commissioner today signed a new double tax treaty (the new Treaty) between Australia and the United Kingdom replacing the existing Agreement and amending Protocol signed in 1967 and 1980 respectively. The new Treaty will substantially reduce the withholding tax on certain dividend, interest and royalty payments in line with outcomes achieved in the recent amending Protocol to the United States treaty. This will provide long term benefits for business, making it cheaper for Australian based business to obtain intellectual property, equity and finance for expansion. It will also remove obstacles currently inhibiting Australian corporate expansion offshore. This reflects the close economic relations between Australia and the United Kingdom (UK). Australia's investment and trade relationship with the UK is the largest Australia has with any European country. Overall, the UK is Australia's second largest source of foreign investment, second largest destination for Australian investment abroad, third largest trading partner, and sixth largest merchandise trading partner. This is a significant step in facilitating a competitive and modern tax treaty network for Australian companies. A modernised Australia-UK treaty is important for future economic relations given the international economic significance of the UK and the magnitude of Australia-UK investment and trade relationships.

174. The Commonwealth Treasurer – Australia-United Kingdom And Australia-Russia
NO.001. AUSTRALIAunited kingdom AND AUSTRALIA-RUSSIA TAX TREATIES. Opportunities for increased trade and investment flows between

Parliamentary Secretary's Website

Minister for Revenue and Assistant Treasurer's Website
Printer Friendly
NO.001 AUSTRALIA-UNITED KINGDOM AND AUSTRALIA-RUSSIA TAX TREATIES Opportunities for increased trade and investment flows between Australia and the United Kingdom (UK) and between Australia and the Russian Federation will be improved as a result of the entry into force of the Australia-United Kingdom and the Australia-Russia tax treaties. Both the Australia-UK and the Australia-Russia tax treaties entered into force on 17 December 2003. This followed an exchange of notes through diplomatic channels indicating that the necessary procedures to give each treaty the force of law had been completed in each country. The Australia-UK tax treaty This is a significant step in facilitating a competitive and modern tax treaty network for Australia. A modernised Australia-UK treaty is important for future economic relations between Australia and the UK reflecting the international economic significance of the UK and the magnitude of our investment and trade relationships. The UK treaty was signed in Canberra on 21 August 2003. Details of the treaty were made public at the time and legislation providing for the treaty to be given the force of law in Australia - the

175. UK Indymedia - UK Indymedia
Dublin saw the biggest ever Critical Mass in the city when over 500 people defied over two months of media hysteria and took to the streets in a festive
@import url(/style/uk.css); Indymedia UK is a network of individuals, independent and alternative media activists and organisations, offering grassroots, non-corporate, non-commercial coverage of important social and political issues.
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HOME Editorial Guidelines Mission Statement ...
G8 Resistance at Sea Island (US)
With the 2004 G8 meeting underway in Sea Island (Jun 8-10), a private luxury resort, 80 miles south of Savannah in the United States, so too are the counter mobilisations . Amidst an already tense atmosphere of repression a State of Emergency was recently declared. While a few permits were recently issued for G-8 demonstrations, they could be revoked under the state of emergency. In addition, the state of emergency could allow for: Martial rule to be declared, curfews to be imposed, military units to "guard" the streets, and the detention and arrest of demonstrators until the "emergency" is over.
For ongoing coverage see Atlanta Indymedia
Also San Francisco IMC IndyBay IMC
Streaming Radio: Enemy Combatant Radio-In San Francisco IMC-Atlanta Webradio
Also see Dissent! UK Solidarity Actions

176. London Freelance Branch NUJ
The site formerly known as media Unions. Welcome to Featuring * Free Junis Kuthair! The site formerly known as media Unions.
The site formerly known as Media Unions . Welcome to:
Junis Kuthair is free! after London protest
Photographers' meeting
New members' meeting
Defend the BBC! Send your Charter Review responses
NUJ members in Belfast strike
Site map or
Branch meetings
Freelances link up for alerts on clients, etc
NUJ Freelance Directory
the first, biggest and best (external site opens in new window) The Freelance newsletter updated 03/06/04
Including lots of the next issue... Attention! - contact the NUJ before working for these Full indexes for current year previous years Selected advice articles by subject The Rate for the Job database
How do you know what to charge for your words or pictures or hours? Start by looking to see what's actually been paid for similar work... Plus: tools to help you collect the money The Freelance Fees Guide To help freelances negotiate the best rates and conditions possible for various kinds of work that NUJ members undertake. Start with the very necessary advice section The Owners database Who are the media owners? What do they control? We're finding out, and here are two indexes to what we have discovered so far:

177. Roche UK - Latest Media Releases
This section of the site is intended for members of the media and contains media releases issued by Roche in the UK. Date, Article.
This section of the site is intended for members of the media and contains media releases issued by Roche in the UK. Date Article
Moving one step closer to diffusing the hepatitis C ‘timebomb’

Welwyn Garden City, UK, 28 January 2004 – The National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) today recommended that pegylated interferons, including the latest pegylated interferon, Pegasys® (peginterferon alfa-2a (40kDa)), be made available to all suitable patients. NICE has said that they are clinically superior and highly cost-effective and this positive recommendation will bring the UK one step closer to diffusing the hepatitis C ‘timebomb’.
Roche cuts the turf at its new Welwyn Garden City site

Leading healthcare company Roche has started work on its new offices at Shire Park in Welwyn Garden City. Company directors and employees joined Roche’s architects and construction team for a turf cutting ceremony at the new site on January 6.
Roche Welcomes Approval for its Vision for the Future

Leading healthcare company Roche is delighted that Welwyn Hatfield District Council has welcomed its plans for a new office building at Shire Park in Welwyn Garden City.
Cancer Drug Given Go-Ahead to ‘Seek and Destroy’

Patients living with the most aggressive and life-threatening form of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL) will have an increased chance of cure in this form of cancer after the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) has today recommended MabThera (rituximab) be available to all suitable patients in England and Wales.

178. Journalism For Journalists
To download a media information pack including full site statistics etc, please click here (in PDF format). Your colleague s email. © Mousetrap media Ltd.
advertisement Jobs for journalists Free email updates or... 50+ jobs a week by email Recruiting? Read our advertisers' testimonials Advertise a job vacancy Advertise on our site Advertising rates Media pack Freelancers Search for a freelancer Advertise your services Freelance links Freelancers forum Training Diary of training events More training information Awards/events Awards diary Events diary Other useful sites Add a link to our directory UK media directory Glossary Journalistic jargon buster Search our database for jobs in journalism Media type Broadcast New (online) Print Job category Art and design Broadcast journalists Copywriters Editorial assistants and trainees Editors and management Features Freelance Media sales News Photographers Picture researchers Production and sub-editors Proofreaders Public relations Section editors Specialist writers Job title Location London, England South-west England South-east England Midlands England North-west England North-east England Wales Scotland Southern Ireland (Eire) Northern Ireland Europe USA Rest of the world Select your job search criteria from the drop-down menus above and click the "Search" button below.

179. British Media Landscape
The British media landscape. 3. Digital Services Arguably, the UK has embraced media digitisation more completely than any other country except Japan.

Sitemap Home Training ... Ukraine United Kingdom
The British media landscape
1. The written press
Perhaps the major characteristic of the written press in the UK is the existence of a large national newspaper sector divided into 14 daily and 15 Sunday titles. The numbers have increased recently through the inclusion of papers published and mainly distributed in Scotland, the London Evening Standard and sports papers, and the establishment of new titles. About 60 per cent of people in the UK read a national daily paper, and about 70 per cent a national Sunday.
The total sales of national daily newspapers are nearly 14 million, and of national Sundays nearly 15 million. These figures are well below peaks reached in the late 1950s, and despite the expansion of both sectors, national newspaper reading continues to be in decline. This underlying is trend is masked to some extent by price discounting and even free distribution. All but for four titles are also sold outside the UK in the Republic of Ireland.
The aggregate figures encompass enormous disparities of circulation. The five best-selling titles have circulations of between 2 million and 4 million. The lowest-selling titles

180. Jobsite UK - Recruitment & Job Search For UK Jobs
Thursday 10 Jun 2004
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France Germany Republic of Ireland Italy Spain United Kingdom The original, award-winning UK job search and jobs by email service.
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