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81. From Media Literacy To Multimedia Essay reforms associated with the rise of literacy and the University of Art and Design(media Lab) it much more straight forward to teach technological competence http://www.mlab.uiah.fi/~jukkay/texts/mystory.htm | |
82. FORWARD : Forward Forum It s what I teach, what I write about and pretty much the way I see the world. WhatI ve found in Judaism is a religion dedicated to media literacy. http://www.forward.com/issues/2003/03.07.11/oped1.html | |
83. KIDSNET Media News: Media Literacy program provides expert advice and concrete suggestions to help teach parents to Thisvideo resources introduces the key concepts of media literacy to educators http://www.kidsnet.org/medianews/literacy/literacy.html | |
84. BarbInq A significant finding was that media literacy is required curriculum in Canada, Englandand Australia, where teachers can be certified to teach media literacy. http://www.indiana.edu/~w505b/BarbInq.html | |
85. SIMILE Studies In Media And Information Literacy Education ABSTRACT This article suggests that The Simpsons is a sophisticated media textabout media that forces educators who teach media literacy into an encounter http://www.utpjournals.com/simile/issue1/issue1toc.html | |
86. Media Literacy Is Alliance Priority, BULLETIN Jan/Feb 2000 images (television and movies), musicadvertising, etc. Why teach MediaLiteracy to Children? Educating students to be aware of the http://www.sbcms.org/southcalphysician/2000/jan-feb/aux1.htm | |
87. Welcome To The Consumer Education Web Site media literacy education seeks to teach consumers to analyse, access, evaluateand produce media. media literate individuals are active consumers of media. http://www.consumereducation.org.uk/shopping/english/advertising/11.htm | |
88. The Free Expression Policy Project teach them how to make their own media  be it an online Youth arts, journalism,and media literacy organizations that participated included the Just Think http://www.fepproject.org/commentaries/53colloquium.html | |
89. For Teachers | Index You have, items. in your content cart. Review your selections. MediaLiteracy What is it? Why teach it? In this section, you can find http://www.media-awareness.ca/english/teachers/index.cfm | |
90. Center For Media Literacy Center for media literacy This nonprofit educational organization focuses on media literacy education as a quot;framework for accessing, analyzing, evaluating, and creating media content. quot; http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.medialit.org/&y=0254D2EB6A875F95 |
91. An Introduction To Media Literacy An Introduction to. media literacy The What, Why and How To's. For many years now, The National Telemedia Council has been asked if any clear, succinct yet comprehensive overview of media literacy http://www.ci.appstate.edu/programs/edmedia/medialit/article.html | |
92. MediaStudies war. Christian media literacy Institute Equips educators to teachmedia evaluation in light of Christian values. media literacy http://www.mediastudies.com/ | |
93. Project Look Sharp - Media Literacy Library Teaching Television How to Use TV to Your Child s Advantage, B. Teachthe Children, V. Telemedium The Journal of media literacy, PER. http://www.ithaca.edu/looksharp/library/allitems.html |
94. Don Apos;t Buy It, Get Media Smart! Don apos;t Buy It, Get media Smart! Produced by KCTS Television (Seattle) and funded by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, this Web site teaches kids how be more media savvy, especially when http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://pbskids.org/dontbuyit/&y=02217521F0D |
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