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41. Learning Media || Classroom Management: Primary teach routines to the students by modeling tasks to the class to work with one ortwo groups and monitor independent activities. Purposeful literacy activities. http://www.learningmedia.com/HTML/ll_classroom-prim.htm | |
42. Engage! Media Literacy Research Project - Chapter 1 - Inventory (Non-Formal Lear in which children interact in the activities guided by To teach the teachers a seriesof debates in works in one specific area of media literacy that related http://medialiteracy.engage.nu/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=47 |
43. Engage! Media Literacy Research Project - Chapter 2 - Formal Education (United K the complexities of media issues are difficult to teach within the provides a goodopportunity for the development of media literacy under this activities. http://medialiteracy.engage.nu/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=45 |
44. Holcomb Hathaway, Publishers: Literacy And Learning In The Content Areas Workshop Setting Literature Circles activities Involving Collaboration Getting Readyto teach Chapter 9 Graphs and Charts Part Two media literacy literacy and http://hh-pub.com/book.php3?book=HH1370 |
45. WritingWiki > Media Literacy of it. 248 How, essentially, do you try to teach a healthy and grammatical structures is the way these activities enable us media literacy includes Video http://wiki.etdguide.org/Wiki.aspx?page=Media Literacy |
46. MediaChannel.org | Get Involved | Teach Kids as onestop shopping for media-literacy tools, the From Communication, Culturaland media Studies Infobase. can participate in group activities and school http://www.mediachannel.org/getinvolved/teachkids.shtml | |
47. MediaChannel.org | Media Literacy Classroom : WHY MEDIA LITERACY MATTERS support their creative expression, teach valuable cooperation the broad themes ofmedia literacy, and teachers teaching units, lesson plans, activities and ideas http://www.mediachannel.org/classroom/front.shtml | |
48. Rocky Mountain PBS: Learn: Teacher Resources TV Planet , a humorous approach to teach media literacy concepts and any of the RockyMountain PBS media literacy programs or activities contact Ron http://www.rmpbs.org/learn/teaml.html | |
49. Mercy Corps - Classroom Here are some activities to introduce your students to of the Enemy (105 KB PDF)teach your students the importance of media literacy through the http://www.mercycorps.org/classroom/ | |
50. FindingWeb Directory - /News/Media/Media_Literacy parents and teachers to teach media evaluation from and their » PBS teacher Source media literacy - Features related activities, classroom resources http://dir.findingweb.com/Top/News/Media/Media_Literacy | |
51. Gender Equity-Media Literacy What do ads teach both males and females about body image? Why? 1999 media LITERACYAND GENDER Women, Men. activities, Clothing, Appearance Body size Skin color. http://www.genderequity.org/medialit/unit3_7.html | |
52. ALAN Volume 28, Number 1 - Gretchen Schwarz the teach Yourself series; London teach Yourself Books as a number of deconstruction(analysis) activities. The New media literacy Handbook by Cornelia Brunner http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/ALAN/v28n1/schwarz.html | |
53. TeacherSource . Media Literacy . Related Sites | PBS search options. Thursday, May 13, 2004. Related PBS Sites and Programs. PBS offers several programs and Web site activities that can help you explore media issues with your students. Arthur's Guide http://www.pbs.org/teachersource/media_lit/related_sites.shtm | |
54. An Introduction To Media Literacy consistently addresses curriculum concerns, and textbooks like Visual Messagesprovide K12 strategies and activities to integrate media literacy into the http://www.ci.appstate.edu/programs/edmedia/medialit/article.html | |
55. Education World ® : Curriculum: Understanding The Hype: Media Literacy (An Educ A discussion about ways to help students crack the codes of media messages! EW In what ways can teachers use media literacy to teach awareness about drug and alcohol abuse Ford's Life with a http://www.educationworld.com/a_curr/curr310.shtml | |
56. Education World ® : Curriculum: Understanding The Hype: Media Literacy (An Educ that s an important thing to teach in school A fascinating and interactive activityfor Frankenstein age level should teachers begin introducing media literacy? http://www.education-world.com/a_curr/curr310.shtml | |
57. Media Literacy This unit is designed to teach students how As a culminating activity, students createtheir own parody and links found under media literacy are applicable http://teachers.henrico.k12.va.us/Specialist/franceslively/media.htm | |
58. Teaching InfoLit & Library Skills Links links for School Library/media Specialists Library Skills activities - ResourceLinks www.geometry School Libraries.org - Information literacy Library http://www.librarysupportstaff.com/teachlib.html | |
59. PBL Curriculum Activities throughout the project and as tools for media literacy. and limitations of variousmedia, and make Summaries The Technical Learning activities are tools for http://pblmm.k12.ca.us/PBLGuide/Activities/Activities.html | |
60. ECB Surf Report: Media Literacy Web site has a guide to media literacy called Getting It provides ideas for activitiesand discussion questions selection of links to help teach visual literacy http://www.ecb.org/surf/medialit.htm | |
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