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21. TEACHERS TALK MEDIA LITERACY. papers, I teach a Parenting and Child Development class. This class has a very wellwritten curriculum that includes many media literacy activities, although http://www.ci.appstate.edu/programs/edmedia/medialit/teachers2.html | |
22. Facilitating Media Literacy Learning Kru, Seeing and believing how to teach media literacy in the a practical approachto basic media literacy theory and study guides and readyto-use activities. http://www.londonpubliclibrary.ca/info_by_subj/info_by_subject.php?subject_uid=1 |
23. Media Literacy 101 can experience exciting new ways to learn and teach using the Participate in a varietyof classroom activities for teaching media literacy skills in grades http://www.21stcenturyschools.com/Media_Literacy_101.htm | |
24. Welcome To Western Hills Library Media Center media literacy. Their site Arthur s Guide to media literacy lists showsand activities that can teach media literacy. KQED the public http://webmail.ops.org/~tetenga/medialiteracy | |
25. Masters In Mass Communications teach with and about film and television Integrating media literacy conceptsinto Improving reading comprehension by using media literacy activities. http://www.siue.edu/MASSCOMM/grad/media_lit/read_list.html | |
26. EDUCATIONAL SOFTWARE: New Products Students are introduced to media literacy by creating a reallife applications byusing the media Studio or Fifteen activities teach students how to form words http://www.gamco.com/newproducts.htm | |
27. We Need Media Literacy Classes In School it should start early, with simple activities in preschool Monica, Calif.based Centerfor media literacy, which provides and how teachers should teach and in http://www.med.sc.edu:1081/latimesarticle.htm | |
28. BarbInq TV programming, using humor to teach critical thinking media Alert, 200 activitiesto Create media A media literacy specialist, Summers has created activities http://www.indiana.edu/~w505b/BarbInq.html | |
29. Media Literacy - Communication - Themepark CNN Ask An Expert Why teach media literacy? shtm PBS teacherSource offers a varietyof media literacy lesson plans and activities to integrate into the http://www.uen.org/themepark/html/communication/media.html | |
30. Comprehensive Literacy Components And The Internet Grades K-3 Building media literacy Evaluating Web Sites K3 Students Model strategies inlarge and small group activities; teach children how to form guiding questions http://www.lite.iwarp.com/complit3.html | |
31. ACME Summit 2004: Declarations Of Media Independence plenaries (3 to choose from) 330530 teach-ins, workshops Project full of lessonplans, video clips, and media literacy classroom activities and a http://www.acmecoalition.org/summitinfo.html | |
32. ACME ML Curriculum: E-list, Free Materials, Standards that uses visuals and interactivity to teach science (relativity media literacy MONDAYS free*monthly curricula, lesson plans, and classroom activities will be http://www.acmecoalition.org/mlcurriculum.html | |
33. Media Literacy: Thinking Critically About Visual Culture - CML Product Many activities are also pertinent for Life Skills classes 1548 media literacy ThinkingCritically About the Internet. What Video Games Have to teach Us About http://gpn.unl.edu/cml/cml_redirect.asp?catalog_name=GPN&product_id=1555 |
34. Media Literacy: Thinking Critically About Visual Culture - CML Product Many activities are also pertinent for Life Skills classes, or in 1547 media LiteracyJournal 10Pack. 1527 What Video Games Have to teach Us About Learning http://gpn.unl.edu/cml/cml_product.asp?catalog_name=GPN&product_id=1555 |
35. Education Book Review/Creating Competent Communicators of communication, (2) speaking, (3) listening, and (4) media literacy. as well asteaching activities for grades face in attempting to teach communication and http://www.lib.msu.edu/corby/reviews/posted/cooper.htm | |
36. A Report Of The National Leadership Conference On Media Literacy And there are a variety of sites to teach and practice media using evaluation methodsthat do justice to the processes implicit in media literacy activities;; http://interact.uoregon.edu/MediaLit/mlr/readings/articles/aspen.html | |
37. Media Alert! 200 Activities And Understanding Media Create Media-Savvy Kids products together to teach media literacy. media Alert! is a thin volume that iseasy to access and read. Although it is subtitled 200 activities , I would http://interact.uoregon.edu/MediaLit/mlr/review/nmlp_media_alter.html | |
38. Media Literacy In A Post 9/11 World To teach students to can be used to facilitate any concluding assignment(s) or activity(ies toclass to speak with students about their work and media literacy. http://www.hrusa.org/september/activities/medialiteracya.htm | |
39. Project Look Sharp - Media Literacy Library Newspaper in Education Elementary activities, TRB. Not For Sale Student ActionGuide, AB. Screen Smarts A Family Guide to media literacy, B. teach the Children,V. http://www.ithaca.edu/looksharp/library/allitems.html |
40. ReadWriteThink: Lesson Plan Television literacy affirms the need to teach children how to read and interprettelevision messages 2. Print PBS media literacy activities ideas. http://www.readwritethink.org/lessons/lesson_view.asp?id=97 |
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