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1. Education World ® : Lesson Planning: On-Line Math Tools -- And Activities To Us miles, roman numerals to Arabic, and fractions to decimals. Included Simple activities to interest, how much money will Mr measurement Formulas includes General Formulas, Perimeter http://www.education-world.com/a_lesson/lesson124.shtml | |
3. Math Problems & Quiz Games : Mathematics Activities Math Problems Quiz Games Counting money with US Coins Identify values of roman numerals with I, V, X. like milli, centi, kilo and mega used in metric measurement. http://www.syvum.com/squizzes/math | |
4. Elementary - High School Math Resources: Activities, Games, Worksheets, Online A 100th Day of School, money, Addition, Multiplication Fractions, Problem Solving, Geometry,roman numerals, Graphing, Subtraction, measurement, and Time. http://www.fastq.com/~jbpratt/education/math/links.html | |
5. Math Scavhunt division, Fractions/Decimals, measurement, money Time, Geometry, Graphing, PlaceValue, roman numerals, and Problem 10. Go to Plane Math activities. http://www.thecoo.edu/~apeter/math_scavhunt.htm | |
6. Mathematics decimals, equations, measurement, percents, properties, money, and so much more) Mad Math Minutes Online activities rounding numbers, money, and roman numerals (also links to http://www.gouchercenter.edu/jcampf/mathematics.htm | |
7. Websites And Links money, prime and roman numerals great games along with basic facts, measurement,money, and percentages. www.saxonpublishers.com/activities/patternblock/index http://www.calvertnet.k12.md.us/schools/des/fifth/websites.htm | |
8. PBS: The Roman Empire In The First Century - Classroom Resources knowledge of roman numerals, roman counting and measurement, and their through the completion of the activities. VI. Extensions and the coins and money of First Century Rome http://www.pbs.org/empires/romans/classroom/lesson3.html | |
9. Abiator's Active Classroom - Maths Multi-choice Activities INDEX (DHTML version). 9- roman numerals (HTML version for older browsers) (HTML versiononly). -11- Various measurement, time, fractions, money, basic prob. http://www.berghuis.co.nz/abiator/maths/mc/mcindex.html | |
10. A Hotlist On Mathematics Resources you to get as much money in your Customary measurement This game will reinforcecustomary roman numerals - These activities such as matching, concentration http://www.kn.pacbell.com/wired/fil/pages/listmathematte.html | |
11. Links For Learning Math Resource Look up roman numerals, measurement, money, Formulas rounding toworking with roman numerals or decimals Fun page with activities todo relating http://www.kn.pacbell.com/wired/fil/pages/listmissharmi.html | |
12. Mathematics measurement, Multiplication, Place Value, roman numerals, Rounding, Time 2252; Gamesand activities National Center Solving, Numbers money, measurement Time http://el.hct.ac.ae/Educ/Math/Math.htm | |
13. Mathematics Activities Online Counting Change, Easy roman numerals, Geometric Terms Graph Info, Percent FractionMatch , Customary measurement. Time, Rounding, money, Fractions, Decimal http://el.hct.ac.ae/Educ/WebAct/Math.htm | |
14. Just Curious - General Math and explores such subjects as measurement, money and numbers including prime numbersand roman numerals (grades 3 site has interactive math activities and games http://www.suffolk.lib.ny.us/youth/jcmgeneral.html | |
15. Quia - Mathematics - All Activities By Title up these coins to see how much money you have 99, Customary measurement Java GameThis game will numerals (copy) Java Game Translate roman numerals into English http://www.quia.com/dir/math/index_by_title.html | |
16. This Site Contains explores such subjects as measurement; money; and numbers, including prime numbersand roman numerals. practice problems but also activities related to http://www.marlborough.k12.ct.us/linksforkids/Math Links.htm | |
17. Math estimation, fractions, geometry, measurement, money, multiplication, naming brainbenders, and activities for ages 35 roman numerals 101 - The basics of roman http://des.lyon.k12.nv.us/atkinson/math.html | |
18. Mathematics explores such subjects as measurement, money, and numbers, including prime numbersand roman numerals. know about pi, including activities, projects and http://www.timberlanehs.com/mediacenter/math.htm | |
19. Assistive Technology - Math all manner of addition activities, from adding than ten to adding money, roman numerals,mixed numbers sense, data handling, shapes, measurement and algebra. http://www.mpsaz.org/speced/AT_AAC/techmath.htm | |
20. Http://aaamath.com - First Grade Math Lessons Graphs. measurement. Mental Math. money. Multiplication. Naming Numbers Rounding Numbers. money. roman numerals. Time. Patterns roman numerals. Arabic numerals to roman numerals. roman http://www.aaamath.com/grade1.html | |
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