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21. Wanadoo engineering oriented on production of ethyl alcohol (ethanol) from sugar or starch rich raw materials by fermentation, distillation or dehydratation by molecular sieves, and process of byproducts. http://perso.wanadoo.fr/interis/eframeset.html | |
22. Promex Industries Microelectronics technologies, specialty chip packaging, design, layout, materials expertise, process engineering for outsourced optoelectronics, microelectronics, chip packaging and manufacturing. From China. http://www.promex-ind.com |
23. ENGnetBASE: Engineering Handbooks Online Hinges. Composites Manufacturing materials, Product, and process engineering. Computational Intelligence for Decision Support. Computational http://www.engnetbase.com/search.asp | |
24. ATTM - Centre De Transfert De Technologie Du Mans / Le Mans Centre For Technolog CTTM offers a wide range of scientific and technological services to its industrial clients mainly in acoustics and vibrations, materials, process engineering. http://www.cttm-lemans.com/ | |
25. SAMPE. Society For The Advancement Of Materials And Process Engineering Society for the Advancement of materials and process engineering, SAMPE. Society for the Advancement of materials and process engineering. USA. http://www.volta.net/Detailed/116351.html | |
26. Wolfensberger - Unicast, Sand Casting, Processing Broad experience with over 60 materials. Services include engineering assistance and advice on materials, casting process, machining and quality control. http://www.wolfensberger.ch/english/index.html | |
27. PM Software Development - Product Information Management And Bill Of Materials S Product Information Management and Bill of materials software, developed for the engineering sector to ease the process of creating BOMs and documentation manuals. http://www.pmsoftware.nl | |
28. INPG - Research : Materials And Process Engineering The materials and process engineering research sector represents a significant part of research activity, involving eight INP Grenoble laboratories within four http://www.inpg.fr/INPG/US/REC/rec_mgp.html | |
29. Vacuum Process Engineering, Inc. Precision vacuum furnace brazing, heat treating, thin film deposition, diffusion bonding, materials testing and analysis, leak testing, Retrolite brand retroreflectors, cold plates, manufacturing, assembly, and fabrication services. http://www.vpei.com |
30. INPG - Schools : Electrochemistry And Materials Science (ENSEEG) de Grenoble (ENSEEG), founded in 1921 trains engineers in the fields of physical chemistry, materials science, process engineering and electrochemistry. http://www.inpg.fr/INPG/US/FOR/sch_eeg.html | |
31. CAPE Part of the School of engineering at the University and concerned with the transformation of materials by chemical, physical and biological change. Information on chemical and process engineering, history of the department, facilities and contacts. http://www.cape.canterbury.ac.nz/ | |
32. The ENDAT Group - External Works, Building Products & Materials, Building Servic Endat process engineering Compendium, External Works Compendium, Building Products materials Compendium, Building Services engineering Compendium, PEC, EWC http://www.endat.com/ | |
33. Orange County Chapter Of Sampe Home Page The Society for the Advancement of Material and process engineering is a global, membergoverned volunteer, not-for-profit organization supplying information for the advancement of materials and processes, opportunities for career development within the materials and processes community, and education in the fundamentals of materials and process technologies. http://www.ocsampe.com | |
34. Innovative Sintered Products, Center For Extends a national investment in applied materials research at Penn State through an engineering focus on product and process development for new materials and applications of sintering. http://www.cisp.psu.edu/ |
35. Tony CONLONs Curriculum Vitae CV for an Irish technology graduate (2000) with SMT process engineering experience; currently employed in a materials purchasing role. http://homepage.eircom.net/~roeire/conlont/cv/tcv.htm | |
36. 148-1 - Dictionary Of Materials And Process Engineering (Hanser) 1481 Dictionary of materials and process engineering (English/German) 1995, 753 pages, by Claus G. Goetzel and Lilo Goetzel $159.95. http://www.normas.com/PLASTICS/pages/148-1.html | |
37. 221-6 - Dictionary Of Materials And Process Engineering (Hanser) 2216 Dictionary of materials and process engineering (German/English) 1995, 755 pages, by Claus G. Goetzel and Lilo Goetzel $159.95. http://www.normas.com/PLASTICS/pages/221-6.html | |
38. SwRI Corrosion Science And Process Engineering Section The CNWRA Corrosion Science and process engineering Section evaluates the performance of materials in complex industrial and subsurface applications, including http://www.swri.edu/4org/d20/ebs/home.htm | |
39. Fine Materials & Engineering Staff Staff. TAKASU, Yoshio. Professor, materials and process engineering, Link to Lab HP. SUZUKI, Eiji. Professor, materials and process engineering, Link to Lab HP. http://seimitsu.shinshu-u.ac.jp/FME_eng/Staff_e.html | |
40. Springer-Verlag - Production & Process Engineering engineering materials and Processes Series Ed. Derby, B. About this series Titles in this series. About this series The engineering http://www.springeronline.com/sgw/cda/frontpage/0,10735,5-190-69-1236363-0,00.ht | |
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