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Home - Basic_M - Maryland Education Parent Resources |
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81. Family Literacy Resource Guide - Parent Education to work with parents to provide them with parenting support and and Evaluation Service Department US Department of education 400 maryland Avenue SW http://www-tcall.tamu.edu/Resource_Guide/parent_ed.htm | |
82. Parent Training And Information Centers (PTIs) Program Project PROMPT; Maine; maryland; Massachusetts Federation Sinergia/Metropolitan parent Center United We Stand; Ohio Coalition for the education of Children http://www.dssc.org/frc/TAGuide/pti.htm | |
83. Parent Information And Resource Center (PIRC) - Maryland child care workers, early care and education workers/teachers Topical Areas, Parenting information and supports, school reform Geographic Areas Served, maryland. http://www.dssc.org/frc/TAGuide/pircs/md.htm | |
84. Parents Students Resources - Colleges Universities - Education Higher Learning a guide for students and parents that details States News and World Report education Information and University of maryland, College Park Mary Corbin Sies http://www.buzzle.com/chapters/education-and-higher-learning_colleges-and-univer | |
85. Education - Parents annotated directory of resources for parents and teachers United States Department of education Ready, Set University of maryland, College Park Online School http://www.buzzle.com/chapters/education-and-higher-learning_parents-and-student | |
86. TechLEARNING.com | Technology & Learning - The Resource For Education Technology for students, teachers, and parents and contains one semester graduate credit through maryland University College. State Departments of education; Regional Labs; http://www.techlearning.com/content/profes/articles/resources.html | |
87. Howard County, MD Autism Resources a guide to autism with local resources and other Intervention, Grade School through College education, and currently also has links to the parent White Paper http://www.howard-autism.org/howard/howard.html | |
88. Constituent Services -- For Students And Parents interested in becoming a page and are a resident of the 7th Congressional district in maryland, please contact Helpful education Links and Online resources. http://www.house.gov/cummings/service2.htm | |
89. Department Of Special Education provided by MSDE to assist parents in understanding their right in the Special education process. 09/23/02 maryland School Assessment Announced - while not a http://www.mcps.k12.md.us/departments/specialed/resource.html | |
90. The Partnership ListservÂFeaturing information for parents. address US Department of education educational Partnerships and Family Involvement 400 maryland Avenue, SW http://www.ed.gov/parents/academic/help/partnership.html | |
91. Thinkport Cicada resources on the Web It s that time again When Europeans first arrived in maryland, they did a sample!Thinkport Weekly brings educational highlights and http://www.thinkport.org/ | |
92. Maryland Business Roundtable For Education - Home Page Count webpage was initiated to provide parents with monthly 2003?). MBRT, in collaboration with the maryland State Department of education, created a http://www.mbrt.org/ | |
93. ALERTS education and support. We have been recognized in the community as the most trusted parenting resource in maryland, DC and Northern. Virginia. http://www.freewebs.com/studentsasparents/links.htm | |
94. Distance Education - Guide For Parents compendium of information for parents, educators, and kids Charles Street Baltimore, maryland 21218 Phone Programs. Family Academic Conferences. Distance education. http://cty.jhu.edu/writing/parents.html | |
95. Resource Materials: The Child Care Partnership Project to work together to improve early education opportunities. Expanding Child Care Across maryland maryland Child Care care capacity and connect parents to child http://www.nccic.org/ccpartnerships/resource.htm | |
96. MPT's Ready To Learn! maryland Committee for Children Works with parents and child and enhance the early childhood education and child care available to maryland s children. http://www.mpt.org/learningworks/childcare/readytolearn/rtl.cfm?ID=45 |
97. Parenting the National Association for the education of Young Children, information for parents on child Teen Series From University of maryland Extension, full http://www.msue.msu.edu/msue/iac/humapare.html | |
98. ParentSmart Awards maryland Department education. The maryland Department of education has included ParentSmart among its Links for Parents . http://www.parentsmart.com/psawards.asp | |
99. Acceptable Internet Use Policies - A Handbook, Virginia Department Of Education New Mexico Council of Technology education Internet Use Policies. Caroline County, maryland. A signature form for teachers, parents, and students indicates http://www.pen.k12.va.us/go/VDOE/Technology/AUP/home.shtml | |
100. TA FAQs (frequently Asked Questions) Parenting Skills And technical assistance related to PARENTING SKILLS AND PARENTING education. of the Colorado Rethink Parenting and Anger at the University of maryland at Baltimore http://smhp.psych.ucla.edu/qf/p2103_02.htm |
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